Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence Board Meeting

Published on August 18, 2024 at 4:35 PM EDT

Date and Time

Monday August 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM EDT

Meetings of the Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence will take place on line at the following link:


As necessary participants can meet in person at 20346 Ennis Street Georgetown, DE 19947 to join the online meeting.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Teresa Berry 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Teresa Berry 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes from Vote Teresa Berry 1 m
II. Board Chair Report 6:03 PM
  A. DE Charter Schools Network FYI Teresa Berry 1 m
  B. Potential New Board Members Vote Teresa Berry 15 m

We will hear from  individuals interested in serving on the Board as follows:

Lizzie Golob, Parent representative

Stephen Hailey, Potential Board Member



Additionally, there are individuals interested in serving as Ad Hoc members of the Board as follows:

Kimeu Boynton

Thea Stewart

Terrance Suite

Cheryl Vauls

For discussion only


  C. Renewed Staff Contracts 2024-2025 Vote Teresa Berry 3 m

There have been some minor adjustments--salary increases--to the the contracts for 2024-2025 school year for our staff, as reviewed.


  D. BASSE Attorney Vote Teresa Berry 5 m

Jim Taylor is being put forward as the attorney for the Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence.  Mr. Taylor has extensive experience working with public charter schools in Delaware.

  E. Board Referene Guide FYI 5 m

We have created the Board Reference Guide, previously reviewed, to more clearly articulate Board responsibilities and how we will operate moving forward.  Are there any questions about the Board Reference Guide?

III. Public Comment 6:32 PM
  A. Guidelines for Public Comment FYI Katherine Cauley 2 m

The following guidelines will be in place moving forward related to Public Comment in a Board meeting.

A person wishing to make a public comment must complete an online request at least five business days prior to a meeting in which the subject matter and a 100 word summary of the public comment are provided.  During any one Board meeting no more than five public comments will be heard, and each individual public comment will last no longer than three minutes.

IV. Head of School Report 6:34 PM
  A. Enrollment FYI Chantalle Ashford 5 m
V. Operations Report 6:39 PM
  A. Updates FYI Crystal Timmons-Bryant 5 m
VI. Committee Reports 6:44 PM
  A. Community Outreach FYI Amy Shepherd

No report at this time.

  B. Development Committee Report FYI Katherine Cauley

No report at this time.

  C. Education Committee Report FYI Denise Snyder

No report at this time.

  D. Land and Construction Committee Report FYI Teresa Berry

Please see Operations Report above.

  E. Finance Committee Report FYI Jeffrey Fried 5 m
  F. Governance Committee Report Vote Karen Higgins 15 m
VII. Old Business
VIII. Closing Items 7:04 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote 3 m