Rooted School - Washington
Rooted School Vancouver Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday May 24, 2023 at 4:00 PM
Workforce SW
805 Broadway St # 412, Vancouver, WA 98660
Directors Present
A. Mason, D. Grant (remote), N. Webster, S. Davis (remote), T. Knox (remote), T. Martin, Y. Martinez (remote)
Directors Absent
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
T. Knox
Guests Present
F. Ingargiola (remote), J. Johnson (remote), S. Carney, S. Yokley (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Land Acknowledgement
II. Approval of Minutes
A. Approve Minutes from 04-26-2023 Rooted School Vancouver Regular Board Meeting
Roll Call | |
A. Mason |
T. Martin |
D. Grant |
N. Webster |
Y. Martinez |
T. Knox |
S. Davis |
III. Communications
Welcome Community Members
Initial Public Comment
Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each
member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting and will be allotted three
- five minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments.
Please do not use specific student, teacher or administrator names in your comments
as our meetings are open to the public and public record, and we must adhere to
FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. As such, if your comment is
about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair
IV. Executive Session (if needed)
Personnel Matters Item
Executive Session was closed at 4:15 PM PST.
There was no board action taken on this item.
Formation of Contracts
Executive Session was closed at 4:15 PM PST.
The board took action and voted unanimously prohibiting any non-board member or authorized employee from entering into any contract(s) or acting as a signatory on behalf of Rooted School Vancouver. The changes implemented by this resolution shall be reflected in all relevant account permissions and signatures, ensuring any previously authorized individuals who no longer fit the above categories are removed effectively.
V. Consent Agenda
Subject to objections by the board members, the following items will be passed by a single
motion to approve all listed actions and resolutions. There will be no discussion on these
items unless requested by the board. If discussion is requested, the items will be moved
from the Consent agenda and considered separately after the motion has been made and
passed to approve the remaining items.
Items A - G will be voted on in a single consent agenda vote.
Roll Call | |
T. Martin |
D. Grant |
T. Knox |
N. Webster |
Y. Martinez |
S. Davis |
A. Mason |
Second Read Policy and Procedure 4220: COMPLAINTS CONCERNING STAFF or PROGRAMS
Second Read Policy 5251: CONFLICT OF INTEREST (STAFF)
Second Read Policy and Procedure 5270: RESOLUTION of STAFF COMPLAINTS
Recommend to Approve the Hire of Rooted School Vancouver's Founding Math Teacher
Recommend to Approve the Hire of Rooted School Vancouver's Founding Science Teacher
Pre-Opening Report
The Pre-Opening Board Report contains detailed updates regarding our school's
development and plans.
Key highlights include:
1. Hiring progress with 100% of founding teachers employed, and continued recruitment for the Office Manager and paraprofessional positions.
2. Preparations for school facilities are on schedule, with a mid to late June completion date.
3. Curriculum is prepared and ready for ordering.
4. Professional development plans are in place with exciting opportunities offered by WA Charters.
5. Outreach efforts continue to increase prospective enrollment, targeting local communities through various events.
6. Our engagement strategy includes participation in community events such as the Hazel Dell Parade and local fairs and celebrations.
7. Various school policies related to board operation, instruction, student management, community relations, personnel, and management support have been completed or are nearing completion.
8. On behalf of RSV, RSF submitted an ARPA Community Grants Program II application for $250,000.
*NOTE: Rooted School Vancouver opening day is August 28, 2023. August 28th and 29th will be the student orientation days.
Staff and Student Recruitment Update
Steven Carney and Sandra Yokley will provide a staff and student recruitment update. Additionally, a SchoolMint Engage and Connect Dashboard will be presented to view live engagement data.
Fund Development Committee Report
In addition to the attached general update, we seek to add a discussion item for the board to recommend potential donors for outreach in regards to our ribbon-cutting in August.
Grant Award Thank You:
See attached Thank You letter to Firstenburg Foundation from Rooted School Vancouver Board of Directors.
Rooted School Foundation Report
Report: Rooted School Foundation - Jonathan Johnson, CEO
- Jonathan Johnson elected not to present at this meeting.
RSF RSV Intent to Renew / Extend Contract
Rooted School Vancouver intends to renew the services agreement with Rooted School Foundation.
Attached is the signed letter of intent to renew and a working draft proposal from RSF. Steven Carney and Jonathan will finalize a final draft/proposal for the Rooted School Vancouver Board to consider and adopt in June or July.
The board agreed to extend the contract with RSF for $24,000 into school year 2023 - 2024.
First Read Policy and Procedure 2020 Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials
First Read Policy and Procedure 2020 Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials
The provided policy and procedure for the Local Education Agency (LEA) ensure an evidence-based, systematic approach towards course design and the selection and adoption of instructional materials. They stress alignment with state standards, student needs, and best practices. Topics range from adopting new courses, modifying existing ones, the role of Open Educational Resources (OER), technology-based resources, and the formation of an Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) for assessing core instructional materials. The policy and procedure also emphasize addressing diverse learning needs and ensuring equitable access to quality education for all students. They establish guidelines for continuous review, improvement, and field testing of materials, and include mechanisms for public input and objections.
First Read Policy and Procedure 2022 Electronic Resources and Internet Safety
First Read Policy and Procedure 2022 Electronic Resources and Internet Safety
The combined "Electronic Resources and Internet Safety" policy and procedure establish the school's approach to safe and effective use of digital resources. The policy sets the overall direction and objectives for safe, productive online behavior. It empowers the Executive Director to develop procedures and guidelines, emphasizing the need for digital literacy, privacy rights, and responsible use of electronic resources.
The procedure then provides the specific implementation measures for the policy, outlining the rules for network usage, the role of personal electronic devices, guidelines for online safety, copyright compliance, and provisions for network security. In combination, these documents aim to foster a digital environment in the school that aligns with its educational mission, community norms, and legal obligations.
First Read Policy and Procedure 3122 EXCUSED and UNEXCUSED ABSENCES
First Read Policy and Procedure 3122 EXCUSED and UNEXCUSED ABSENCES
Rooted School Vancouver’s Excused and Unexcused Absences policy and procedures have been developed in the context of prevailing educational standards, state laws, and the school’s commitment to support the holistic development of all students. The policy aims to encourage regular school attendance, identify the factors causing absenteeism, and create solutions that promote positive student engagement.
The procedure regarding excused absences acknowledges the occasional valid reasons that prevent a student from attending school and outlines a clear process for making such absences known to the school. It addresses the ways in which the school will support the student in catching up with missed work, thereby ensuring that excused absences don't negatively impact a student's academic progression.
The aspect of the policy dealing with unexcused absences is driven by an understanding that persistent absenteeism can hinder a student's academic performance and socio-emotional development. It sets forth a proactive, data-informed approach to reduce student absences, including conferences, assessments, personalized interventions, and, if needed, collaboration with a community engagement board and the juvenile court system.
This policy and procedure underlines Rooted School Vancouver's dedication to fostering an educational environment where every student is present, engaged, and equipped with the resources they need to succeed. It sets out the framework for effective communication between the school, students, and parents, ensuring that all parties are aware of their responsibilities and the steps that will be taken in the event of both excused and unexcused absences.
First Read Policy and Procedure 3208 Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
First Read Policy and Procedure 3208 Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
The Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Policy and Procedure is a comprehensive framework designed to create a safe and inclusive educational environment for all students. The policy is driven by the school's commitment to fostering a respectful and supportive community that values the well-being of every individual.
This policy defines "harassment, intimidation, or bullying" as intentional acts, including electronic communication, that physically harm a student or damage their property, substantially interfere with their education, create an intimidating or threatening environment, or disrupt the orderly operation of the school. It emphasizes that these acts can be motivated by factors such as race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other distinguishing characteristics.
The procedure outlines a clear and structured process for addressing incidents of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. It emphasizes the importance of reporting through an Incident Reporting Form, which can be submitted anonymously, confidentially, or non-confidentially to protect the targeted student from retaliation.
Upon receipt of a report, school staff are required to promptly investigate the incident, ensuring the safety and well-being of the complainant. The investigation involves interviews with the complainant, alleged aggressor, and any witnesses, as well as a review of previous complaints. Corrective measures, ranging from counseling and education to discipline and involvement of law enforcement, are implemented based on the severity of the behavior and the individual's history.
Prevention and education are integral components of this policy and procedure. Staff members receive annual training to understand their roles and responsibilities, while students are provided with age-appropriate information to recognize and prevent harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
The policy acknowledges that it does not limit the school's ability to address other inappropriate behaviors through additional policies or rules. It also emphasizes the school's commitment to compliance with state laws related to harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
Overall, this comprehensive policy and procedure reflect the school's dedication to maintaining a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment. By promoting awareness, intervention, and support, the school aims to ensure the well-being and academic success of all students while fostering a positive and thriving educational community.
First Read Policy and Procedure 3231 Student Records
First Read Policy and Procedure 3231 Student Records
The combined Policy and Procedure on Student Records establishes the guidelines for the school's management and protection of student information in compliance with state and federal laws. The Policy emphasizes the importance of maintaining student records for educational guidance, operational efficiency, and legal requirements. It highlights that student records are the property of the school while ensuring access to students and parents in an orderly and timely manner.
The Procedure defines education records and provides examples of the information contained within them, such as cumulative folders, supplementary records, and other relevant records. It outlines the general rights of parents and eligible students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), including the rights to access, seek amendment, and consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information from education records. The Procedure also explains the exceptions to consent for disclosure, such as disclosure to school officials, other schools, and for directory information.
Additionally, the Procedure addresses the process for amendment of education records, the retention of student records according to state records retention schedules, and the release of records to other school agencies or organizations. It clarifies the circumstances under which grades, transcripts, or diplomas may be withheld, such as outstanding fees or fines. The
Procedure also acknowledges the need for parental or adult student consent for the release of records, with exceptions as provided by law.
Overall, the combined Policy and Procedure on Student Records underscores the school's commitment to safeguarding student information while facilitating appropriate access for educational purposes and legal compliance. It establishes clear guidelines for the management, disclosure, and retention of student records, ensuring transparency and protection of privacy rights.
First Read Policy and Procedure 4130 Title I Parent and Family Engagement
First Read Policy and Procedure 4130 Title I Parent and Family Engagement
The combined Policy and Procedure on Title I Parent and Family Engagement underscores the school's commitment to involving and supporting parents and families in their children's education. The Policy recognizes the diversity of family structures, circumstances, and cultural backgrounds, valuing families as important decision-makers in their children's educational journey.
The Policy highlights the school's adherence to federal laws governing Title I programs and emphasizes the involvement of parents and guardians in the development and evaluation of these programs. It acknowledges the critical role of coordination, technical assistance, and other support in effectively engaging parents to enhance student school performance and academic achievement.
The school's commitment to building the capacity for strong parental involvement is outlined, with an emphasis on conducting an annual evaluation of the policy's effectiveness and identifying barriers to greater parent participation, particularly for parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children. The establishment of the Family Advisory Council (FAC) is detailed, with its integration into Title I program planning and evaluation processes.
The accompanying Procedure provides specific actions to ensure meaningful parent engagement. It outlines the annual meeting that informs parents of the school's participation under Title I, explains Title I requirements, and clarifies parental rights.
The Procedure highlights the importance of flexibility in meeting times and ongoing involvement of parents in planning, reviewing, and improving Title I programs. The Procedure further emphasizes timely information dissemination, including descriptions of the curriculum, academic assessments, and state academic standards.
It emphasizes the need for regular communication between teachers and parents, frequent progress reports, reasonable access to staff, and opportunities for parent input and suggestions.
The school-parent compact is addressed in the Procedure, emphasizing shared responsibilities for improved student academic achievement. It outlines the school's commitment to providing high-quality curriculum and instruction while expecting parents to support their children's learning, volunteer in the classroom, and participate in education-related decisions. The importance of ongoing, meaningful communication between family members and school staff is emphasized.
The procedure also addresses compliance with federal law, distribution of information in an understandable format and multiple languages, and the joint development of school-wide and individual school parent and family engagement plans. It underscores the involvement of parents in school review and improvement processes and the provision of resources and training to support parents in working with their children.
Overall, the combined Policy and Procedure on Title I Parent and Family Engagement demonstrates the school's dedication to fostering a collaborative partnership between school staff and parents. It promotes effective communication, shared responsibilities, and meaningful engagement to enhance student achievement and educational outcomes.
Termination of PowerSchool Contract Granted / Powerschool Proposal Requested
A. Termination of PowerSchool Contract Granted / Powerschool Proposal Requested
We have been actively pursuing the termination of our contract with PowerSchool due to their lack of responsiveness and failure to meet our needs. The timeline is as follows:
• April 7, 2023: Submitted contract termination request to PowerSchool.
• April 23, 2023: Conducted a meeting with PowerSchool regarding the
termination request.
• No satisfactory resolution or clear communication has been received from PowerSchool.
• May 9, 2023: Demanded immediate action on termination request without penalties.
• May 9, 2023: Set a 24-hour deadline for PowerSchool to respond.
• May 9, 2023: A senior manager from PowerSchool acknowledged the urgency of the situation.
• May 9, 2023: Senior manager requested until early next week to provide a concrete update.
• May 18, 2023: Confirmation received that our cancellation request is being processed.
• May 18, 2023: A customer success manager will contact us about the next steps and required documentation.
• May 18, 2023: Expressed appreciation for the resolution and belief in the approved cancellation request without penalties.
Based on the progress made with the termination process, it is recommended that the Board take the following actions:
1. Direct the Executive Director to complete the termination request and sign the
required documents with PowerSchool.
2. Approve the forthcoming proposal and adoption of Skyward as the new student
information system for the 2023/2024 school year.
Next Steps:
Once the termination process is finalized and the required documentation is completed, the Executive Director will provide an update to the Board. Simultaneously, necessary steps will be taken to proceed with the contract with Skyward through ESD 112.
Financial Implications:
The termination of the PowerSchool contract and adoption of Skyward have minimum financial implications. We anticipate the proposal for purchasing Skyward to be similar or equal to the remaining costs associated with the Powerschool contract. The details and impact on the budget will be presented at the next board meeting.
Roll Call | |
T. Knox |
T. Martin |
A. Mason |
N. Webster |
D. Grant |
S. Davis |
Y. Martinez |
Ribbon Cutting / Grand Opening Committee
Ribbon Cutting / Grand Opening Committee:
As the anticipated date for the grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony of Rooted School Vancouver draws near, we propose forming a dedicated committee to assist in the planning and execution of this momentous event.
The purpose of this committee will be to provide valuable input, support, and guidance throughout the planning process, ensuring the grand opening of Rooted School Vancouver is a resounding success. The committee will convene once every two weeks leading up to the event, enabling us to efficiently collaborate and address any challenges or opportunities that arise.
A committee composed of diverse stakeholders, including board members, school administrators, educators, community representatives, and relevant professionals, would bring a wealth of perspectives and expertise to the table. The committee's collective efforts will help create an inclusive and impactful grand opening experience that reflects Rooted School's mission, values, and commitment to excellence in education. The proposed committee's primary responsibilities will include, but not be limited to:
• Strategic Planning: Developing a comprehensive event plan, defining goals,
objectives, and key messages for the grand opening, and overseeing its
• Program Development: Collaboratively designing the event program, including
guest speakers, performances, and interactive activities that align with Rooted
School's vision and ethos.
• Logistics and Operations: Coordinating logistical aspects such as venue
selection, event setup, audio-visual requirements, transportation, and managing
timelines to ensure a smooth and seamless experience.
• Outreach and Promotion: Implementing strategies to raise awareness about the
grand opening, engage the local community, attract media coverage, and
secure the attendance of influential stakeholders.
• Budget and Fundraising: Collaborating with the board to establish a budget,
identify potential sources of funding, and explore sponsorship opportunities to
support the grand opening event.
• Post-Event Evaluation: Conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the grand
opening, gathering feedback from attendees, and identifying areas for
improvement to inform future events and initiatives.
A dedicated committee will ensure the grand opening of Rooted School Vancouver receives the attention, collaboration, and expertise it deserves. By engaging a diverse group of stakeholders, we can create an unforgettable event that showcases the transformative impact Rooted School will have on our students and community.
Recommendation: Approve the formation of a Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting Committee
Roll Call | |
T. Martin |
S. Davis |
N. Webster |
D. Grant |
T. Knox |
A. Mason |
Y. Martinez |
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- 3205 Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited.docx
- 3205P Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited.docx
- 3241 Student Behavior, Corrective Actions and_or Interventions.docx
- 3241P Student Behavior, Corrective Actions and_or Interventions.docx
- 4220 Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs.docx
- 4220P Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs.docx
- 5251 Conflict of Interest (Staff).docx
- 5270 Resolution of Staff Complaints.docx
- 5270P Resolution of Staff Complaints.docx
- Jamie Henneman Resume.pdf
- Jenessa Ocon Resume.pdf
- Pre Opening Board Report 5.24.2023.docx.pdf
- Fund Development Committee Board Update 5_24_23.docx
- Firstenburg Grant Acknowledgement Letter.pdf
- Rooted School Foundation Report (May 2023).pdf
- Intent to Renew RSF - RSV Agreement - signed.pdf
- DRAFT – RSF_RSW Services Agreement (2023 – 2026) - Google Docs.pdf
- 2020 Policy Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials.docx
- 2020 Procedure Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials.docx
- 2022 Procedure Electronic Resources and Internet Safety.docx
- 2022 Policy Electronic Resources and Internet Safety.docx
- 3122 Policy Excused and Unexcused Absences.docx
- 3122 Procedure Excused and Unexcused Absences.docx
- 3208 Policy Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying.docx
- 3208 Procedure Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying.docx
- 3231 Policy Student Records.docx
- 3231 Procedure Student Records.docx
We humbly acknowledge that Rooted School Vancouver stands on the ancestral
lands of the Indigenous peoples of this region. We recognize and honor the historic
and continued presence of the Cowlitz, Chinook, Klickitat, Yakama, Grand Ronde,
Wasco, and Wishram peoples.
We acknowledge the trauma and injustice inflicted upon Indigenous communities
through centuries of colonization, displacement, and assimilation efforts. As we seek
to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students, we commit to
learning from and partnering with Indigenous communities to promote healing and
We also recognize the invaluable contributions and knowledge of Indigenous peoples
to our shared history, culture, and identity. We are committed to integrating
Indigenous perspectives and knowledge into our curriculum and ensuring that the
voices and experiences of Indigenous students are heard and valued in our school