Rooted School - Washington


Rooted School Vancouver Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday April 26, 2023 at 4:00 PM


Fourth Plain Forward

5107 E 4th Plain Blvd #111, Vancouver, WA 98661

Directors Present

A. Mason, D. Grant (remote), N. Webster (remote), S. Davis (remote), T. Martin (remote)

Directors Absent

T. Knox, Y. Martinez

Guests Present

Anna Johnson (remote), Annegret Nautsch (remote), C. Baron (remote), F. Ingargiola (remote), J. Johnson (remote), S. Carney (remote), S. Yokley (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Martin called a meeting of the board of directors of Rooted School - Washington to order on Wednesday Apr 26, 2023 at 4:05 PM.


Record Attendance


Land Acknowledgement

The Land Acknowledgement statement  was read by the Board Secretary, Adrienne Mason.



We humbly acknowledge that Rooted School Vancouver stands on the ancestral lands

of the Indigenous peoples of this region. We recognize and honor the historic and

continued presence of the Cowlitz, Chinook, Klickitat, Yakama, Grand Ronde, Wasco,

and Wishram peoples.


We acknowledge the trauma and injustice inflicted upon Indigenous communities

through centuries of colonization, displacement, and assimilation efforts. As we seek

to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students, we commit to

learning from and partnering with Indigenous communities to promote healing and



We also recognize the invaluable contributions and knowledge of Indigenous peoples

to our shared history, culture, and identity. We are committed to integrating Indigenous

perspectives and knowledge into our curriculum and ensuring that the voices and

experiences of Indigenous students are heard and valued in our school community.

II. Approval of Minutes


A. Approve Minutes from 03-22-2023 Rooted School Vancouver Regular Board Meeting

T. Martin made a motion to approve the minutes fro 03-22-2023.
A. Mason seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
T. Martin made a motion to approve the minutes from Rooted School Vancouver Board Meeting on 03-22-23.
A. Mason seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


B. Approve Minutes from 04-07-2023 Rooted School Vancouver Special Board Meeting

T. Martin made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 04-07-23.
A. Mason seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Communications


Welcome Community Members

Community members Annegret Nautsch and Anna Johnson from WCSD introduced by Toby Martin, Board President.


Initial Public Comment

  • There was no public comment during this meeting.

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting and will be allotted three - five minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. 


Please do not use specific student, teacher or administrator names in your comments as our meetings are open to the public and public record, and we must adhere to FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

IV. Consent Agenda



T. Martin made a motion to approve all consent agenda items.
D. Grant seconded the motion.

Subject to objections by the board members, the following items will be passed by a single motion to approve all listed actions and resolutions. There will be no discussion on these items unless requested by the board. If discussion is requested, the items will be moved from the Consent agenda and considered separately after the motion has been made and passed to approve the remaining items.


The above will apply to all 6 of the consent agenda items.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Second Read Policy and Procedure 2110: Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program

T. Martin made a motion to approve all consent agenda items.
D. Grant seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Second Read Policy and Procedure 2161: SPECIAL EDUCATION AND RELATED SERVICES

T. Martin made a motion to approve all consent agenda items.
D. Grant seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



T. Martin made a motion to approve all consent agenda items.
D. Grant seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



T. Martin made a motion to approve all consent agenda items.
D. Grant seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Second Read Policy and Procedure 2190: HIGHLY CAPABLE PROGRAMS

T. Martin made a motion to approve all consent agenda items.
D. Grant seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Facility Renovation Update from WCSD

  • Annegret Nautsch and Anna Johnson from WCSD provided an overview that included construction and planning.


Financial Update from JGP

  • Corey Baron provided a thorough update on the budget and financials.
  • There was discussion about equipment and supplies.
  • We are currently awaiting a final state revenue number.


Pre-Opening Report

  • A thorough pre-opening report was delivered by Steven Carney and Sandra Yokley.


Staff and Student Recruitment Update

Steven Carney and Sandra Yokley provided a staff and student recruitment update.

Additionally, a SchoolMint Engage and Connect Dashboard was presented to view

live student engagement data.


Fund Development Committee Report

Jonathan Johnson drafted and submitted grant applications to the Community Foundation and Cowlitz Foundation


Grant Award:   We are pleased to announce that Rooted School Vancouver has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Firstenburg Foundation last week. These awards will undoubtedly help us further our mission.


Rooted School Foundation Report

The Rooted School Foundation report was presented by Jonathan Johnson.


  • Jonathan covered a number of fund requests that are in progress.
  • The full report can be found attached to this document.





This policy is designed to establish an educational environment free from discrimination,

including sexual harassment and extends to all students and activities. It defines

sexual harassment, the creation of a hostile environment, and the legal scope. The policy outlines procedures for reporting, investigating, and resolving sexual harassment complaints, as well as disciplinary measures for engaging in sexual harassment, retaliation, and false allegations.


This procedure aims to prevent and address sexual harassment within the school

environment. It outlines the definition of sexual harassment and explains the processes for reporting, investigating, and resolving complaints. 


The procedure emphasizes appropriate discipline and sanctions for offenders, protection against retaliation, and consequences for false allegations. It also includes the dissemination and review of the policy, as well as age-appropriate education and training for staff, students,

parents, and volunteers. 


Relevant cross-references and legal references are provided.





This policy is designed to establish an educational environment free from discrimination,

including sexual harassment and extends to all students and activities. It defines

sexual harassment, the creation of a hostile environment, and the legal scope. The policy outlines procedures for reporting, investigating, and resolving sexual harassment complaints, as well as disciplinary measures for engaging in sexual harassment, retaliation, and false allegations. 


This policy emphasizes the dissemination and review of the policy and annual reporting to the board. Relevant cross-references and legal references are provided.


This procedure aims to prevent and address sexual harassment within the school environment. It outlines the definition of sexual harassment and explains the process for reporting, investigating, and resolving complaints. The procedure emphasizes appropriate discipline and sanctions for offenders, protection against retaliation, and consequences for false allegations. It also includes the dissemination and review of the policy, as well as age-appropriate education and training for staff, students, parents, and volunteers. Relevant cross-references and legal references are provided.


Key Points:


  • Aim to keep students in class and maximize engagement with restorative interventions when possible.
  • Engage with families and community and strive to understand and be responsive to cultural context.
  • Administer corrective action fairly, equitably, and with due process.
  • Provide educational services to students during suspension or expulsion and facilitate their successful reentry into the classroom.
  • Ensure a safe environment for all students and school employees.
  • Involve school personnel, students, parents, and community in data review and policy development.
  • Distribute policies and procedures to families, community, and school personnel.


First Read Policy and Procedure 4220: COMPLAINTS CONCERNING STAFF or PROGRAMS



This policy is designed to manage complaints related to staff or programs in a constructive manner, while maintaining the board's trust in its staff and programs. Complaints received will be directed to the Executive Director for investigation, who will develop procedures to handle such matters. Issues related to instructional materials should follow Policy 2020. This policy adheres to legal references, including RCW 28A.405.300 and Chapter 42.30 RCW Open Public Meetings Act.


This procedure emphasizes resolving complaints through informal discussions and conferences, using restorative justice principles. If unresolved, the community member files a written complaint with the Executive Director, who involves the DOO and other relevant parties. The Executive Director then attempts to resolve the matter through conferences. 


If still unresolved, the issue is presented to the board. Formal board actions must take place in an open meeting, and if a staff member's contract status may be adversely affected, they will receive written notice of their rights to a hearing.


First Read Policy 5251: CONFLICT OF INTEREST (STAFF)



This policy is designed to ensure that Rooted School Vancouver's board, staff, and community maintain a high-trust environment and legal compliance by preventing conflicts of interest. No employee may engage in activities conflicting with their duties or have a direct financial interest in such activities. The policy outlines specific situations where conflicts may arise and requires written permission from the Executive Director/designee or school leader in certain cases. Exceptions are allowed for the use of public resources of very little financial value with supervisor consent. 


This policy adheres to legal references, including RCW 28A.400.332 and WAC 181-87-090.


First Read Policy and Procedure 5270: RESOLUTION of STAFF COMPLAINTS

This policy emphasizes the importance of resolving conflicts within the school community by empowering the leadership team to define a fair and equitable process for addressing issues. All community members must use the approved process, and if the complaint remains unresolved or involves the Executive Director, the aggrieved person may file a written complaint with the board chair.


This procedure outlines a three-step process for resolving written complaints filed by staff members:


  1. Step One: The staff member presents a written complaint to their immediate supervisor within 15 calendar days of the incident, detailing the facts, policy/procedure violations, and desired solution. If unresolved, the complaint may be appealed to the Executive Director/designee within 10 calendar days.
  2. Step Two: The Executive Director/designee meets with the staff member(s) within 10 calendar days of receiving the appeal, and renders a decision within another 10 calendar days. If unresolved, the complaint may be appealed to the board within 10 calendar days.
  3. Step Three: The board holds a hearing and presents its decision within 15 calendar days of the hearing. The board's decision is considered final.


Request to Terminate PowerSchool Contract

A request was made by Steven Carney to terminate the PowerSchool contract. This will require additional discussion prior to a vote to terminate the contract.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Martin
Documents used during the meeting
  • 2023_03_22_board_meeting_minutes.pdf
  • 2023_04_07_special_board_meeting_minutes.pdf
  • 2162 Policy Education with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.pdf
  • 2162P Procedure Education with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.pdf
  • 2110 Policy Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program.pdf
  • 2110P Procedure Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program.pdf
  • 2161 Policy Special Education and Related Services.pdf
  • 2161P Procedure Special Education and Related Services.pdf
  • 2108 Policy Learning Assistance Program.pdf
  • 3115 Policy Homeless Students_ Enrollment Rights and Services.pdf
  • 3115P Procedure Homeless Students_ Enrollment Rights and Services.pdf
  • 2190 Policy Highly Capable Programs.pdf
  • 2190P Procedure Highly Capable Programs.pdf
  • 4.11.23 dashboard (1).pdf
  • Rooted WA Balance Sheet March 2023.pdf
  • Rooted WA P&L March 2023.pdf
  • Rooted WA_Cash Flow Update_230420.pdf
  • Rooted WA BvA March 2023.pdf
  • Pre Opening Board Report 4.26.2023.docx.pdf
  • Development Plan Template.docx
  • Rooted School Foundation Report (April 2023) (1).pdf
  • 3205 Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited.pdf
  • 3205P Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited.pdf
  • 3241 Student Behavior, Corrective Actions and_or Interventions.pdf
  • 3241P Student Behavior, Corrective Actions and_or Interventions.pdf
  • 4220 Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs.pdf
  • 4220P Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs.pdf
  • 5251 Conflict of Interest (Staff).pdf