Opening Items
6:00 PM
Call the Meeting to Order
Adrienne Mason
1 m
Record Attendance
Adrienne Mason
1 m
Roll Call: Board Members: Adrienne Mason: Board Chairperson
Sheila Davis: Board Secretary Tyrone Foster - Board Member Nikki Chen - Board Member Rhianna Johnson - Board Member Lisa White - Board Member Ashley Duncan - Board Member Student Representative: Samantha Sanchez Crystal Rauda School Officials: Steven Carney: Executive Director & School Leader - RSV Angie Lundgren: Director of Operations Fellow - RSV Adrienne Lee-Kernell - RSV Assistant School Leader Guests: Mitchell Hansen - Clark Nuber PS Lauren Hausner - Clark Nuber PS
Approval of Minutes
6:02 PM
A. Approve Minutes from December 17, 2024 Rooted School Vancouver Regular Board Meeting
Approve Minutes
Adrienne Mason
2 m
Recommendation: The board approves the minutes of the December 17, 2024 regular board meeting.
6:04 PM
Welcome Community Members
Adrienne Mason
Initial Public Comment
Sheila Davis
1 m
BOARD SECRETARY TO READ PRIOR TO ALL PUBLIC COMMENT: Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting and will be allotted three - five minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Please do not use specific student, teacher or administrator names in your comments as our meetings are open to the public and public record, and we must adhere to FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.
6:05 PM
Reports, Requests, and Comments by Board Members
Adrienne Mason
5 m
The "Reports, Requests, and Comments by Board Members" section of the board agenda is a platform for members to share updates, solicit requests, or make comments on relevant topics.
Consent Agenda
6:10 PM
(Subject to objections by the board members, the following items will be passed by a single motion to approve all listed actions and resolutions. There will be no discussion on these items unless requested by the board. If discussion is requested, the items will be moved from the Consent agenda and considered separately after the motion has been made and passed to approve the remaining items.)
Approval of Financial Disbursements and Payroll as Audited and Certified per RCW Regulations
Steven Carney
1 m
Purpose: To approve the following financial documents for November 2024: - Payroll and Accounts Payable Certification (Document 1)
- Payroll Summary (Document 2)
- Accounts Payable Register (Document 3)
Recommended Action: Approval of these documents as part of the Board consent agenda. The Board minutes should reflect the language provided on page 3 of the Payroll and Accounts Payable Certification document. Attachments: - Payroll and Accounts Payable Certification
- Payroll Summary
- Accounts Payable Register
Rationale: These documents provide comprehensive financial oversight for November 2024, ensuring accountability and adherence to fiscal policies.
Payroll Check Summary Payroll Runs: 12/31
Payments have been audited and certified by the Auditing Officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090. Those payments have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board. As of January 28, 2024, the Board approves payments totaling $59,575.22. The payments are further identified in this document.
Total Payment by Type: Payroll Direct Deposit ($59,575.22) Checks #N/A ($0.00)
Accounts Payable Register December 2024
BOARD CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Payments have been audited and certified by the Auditing Officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090. Those payments have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board. As of January 28, 2024, the Board approves payments totaling $128,970.94. The payments are further identified in this document.
Total Payment by Type: Electronic Funds Transfer – Public Checking ($128,970.94) Electronic Funds Transfer – Private Savings ($0.00) Checks #N/A – ($0.00)
Non-Accounts-Payable Cash Disbursement Register December 2024
BOARD CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Payments have been audited and certified by the Auditing Officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090. Those payments have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board.
As of January 28, 2024, the Board approves payments totaling $3,982.19. The payments are further identified in this document.
Total Payment by Type: Electronic Funds Transfer – Public Checking ($3,982.19) Electronic Funds Transfer – Private Savings ($0.00) Checks #N/A – Private MMA ($0.00)
UPDATE : Approval of Plans of Support for Out-of-Endorsement Teachers
In accordance with WAC 181-82-110(1)(a), Rooted School Vancouver has developed and implemented written plans of support for teachers assigned to teach subjects outside of their current endorsements. The plans are designed to provide the necessary support and resources to ensure that these teachers can effectively fulfill their teaching assignments. Teacher: Jenessa Ocon - Endorsement(s) Held: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, and English Language Learner
- Out-of-Endorsement Assignment: Health / CPREP / Physics (New)
- Support Plan Includes:
- Taking appropriate tests to obtain additional endorsement(s)
- Participation in Professional Learning Community (PLC) sessions
- Attendance at Professional Development courses
- Mentor support
- Affinity groups
- Co-planning time
Approval of Resignation – Director of Operations
5 m
Purpose: To formally approve the resignation of Sandra Yokley, Founding Director of Operations, effective April 18, 2025, as submitted in her letter dated December 20, 2024. Proposed Action: Motion to approve Sandra Yokley’s resignation and acknowledge her contributions to Rooted School Vancouver. Outcome: Board approval of resignation.
6:16 PM
Financial Statement Audit Overview
Clark Nuber Associates
25 m
Objective To present and discuss the findings of the Financial Statement Audit for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2024, conducted by Clark Nuber. 1. Overview of Audit Scope and Objectives - Purpose: To provide assurance that Rooted School Vancouver’s financial statements are materially accurate and comply with GAAP.
- Key Areas of Focus:
- Revenue recognition and receivables.
- Valuation of capital assets and pension accruals.
- Internal controls in financial reporting, revenue, disbursements, and payroll.
2. Audit Findings Summary - Opinion: Unmodified, indicating the financial statements are materially correct.
- Internal Control Evaluation: No material weaknesses or deficiencies identified.
- Audit Adjustments: None; no uncorrected misstatements.
- Key Financial Results:
- Revenues: $2.14 million.
- Expenditures: $1.77 million.
- Net Position (end of year): $1.34 million, an increase of $367,000 from the prior year.
3. Recommendations from Auditors - Strengthen IT security controls (e.g., monitoring processes and password protocols).
- Enhance GASB compliance with improved processes for tracking compensated absences, depreciation, and liabilities.
4. Discussion - Open to Board Members for questions and clarifications regarding the audit report and recommendations.
Financial Update
Steven Carney
20 m
Objective To review Rooted School Vancouver’s current financial status, discuss key financial metrics, and assess implications for operational and strategic planning. 1. Financial Position Overview - Highlights:
- Total Assets as of December 31, 2024: $2,500,517.16 (an increase of $3,485.15 from November 30, 2024).
- Total Liabilities decreased by $78,597.97, signaling improved short-term stability.
- Total Equity increased by $82,083.12, reflecting stronger net revenue and financial positioning.
- Discussion Points:
- Examination of trends in cash flow and net revenue.
- Opportunities to address decreases in certain current liabilities.
2. Finance Dashboard Summary - Key Metrics:
- Public Revenue Received: 29% (below the goal of 31%).
- Private Revenue Received: 51% (slightly under the goal of 55%).
- Total Expenditures: 27% (on track with the goal of 33%).
- Days Cash on Hand: 108 (well above the target of 60).
- Enrollment remains a concern, with lower-than-budgeted numbers (51 students vs. goal of 70).
- Discussion Points:
- Impact of enrollment on revenue (state loss of $81k).
- Long-term sustainability strategies for enrollment and staffing.
3. Budget Status Report - Key Financial Outcomes:
- Year-to-date revenue is 31.4% of the total budget ($790,936 out of $2,519,495), falling short by $1,728,559.
- Expenditures (28.3%) are aligned with the adjusted forecast, indicating effective cost management despite challenges.
- Notable variances: Loss from enrollment shortfall ($46k) and TBIP funding gap ($12k).
- Discussion Points:
- Evaluation of fundraising efforts and opportunities to close the revenue gap.
- Budget adjustments required to ensure alignment with the current trajectory.
Reports to the Board
Steven Carney
15 m
The "Reports to the Board" section provides straightforward updates from key areas within Rooted School Vancouver. The board will receive regular reports from (reports this month will be verbal reports): - Student Representatives: Detailed report outlined student life at RS-V
- Operations: Overviews of the daily operations, infrastructure, and any logistical matters.
- Executive Director: Comprehensive updates on school-wide initiatives, policies, and overall performance.
First Read: Policies and Procedures Updates
Steven Carney
30 m
1. Policy and Procedure 4040: Public Access to District Records - Purpose:
- Establish guidelines for public access to district records under RCW 42.56, ensuring transparency while safeguarding sensitive information.
- Key Provisions:
- Protection of student and family privacy, particularly regarding immigration status, in compliance with RCW 43.17.425 and FERPA.
- Appointment and training requirements for a Public Records Officer to oversee compliance.
- Accessibility of public records and multilingual resources to support diverse families.
- Procedures for handling sensitive information, including judicial warrant requirements for disclosure.
- Alignment: Developed based on KWW Act Guidelines and model policies provided by the Attorney General's office.
Draft Amendments to Existing Policies 2. Policy 3231: Student Records - Amendments:
- Strengthened privacy protections for student and family immigration status, prohibiting collection or disclosure unless legally required.
- Expanded documentation of external records requests for improved transparency.
- Mandatory staff training on FERPA, RCW compliance, and handling sensitive student information.
3. Policy 3226: Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises - Amendments:
- Prohibited unauthorized access by immigration agents and law enforcement without judicial warrants.
- New protocols requiring Executive Director or legal counsel review before granting access.
- Annual training for staff on managing interviews and safeguarding student rights under Plyler v. Doe.
4. Policy and Procedure 3432: Emergencies - Amendments:
- Enhanced emergency plans to include culturally responsive family reunification strategies and support for students with disabilities and non-English speakers.
- Expanded drills and training requirements, including trauma-informed practices.
- Clear documentation of all emergency drills for accountability.
5. Policy 4310: LEA Relationship with Law Enforcement and Other Government Agencies - Amendments:
- Strengthened limitations on law enforcement involvement in school disciplinary matters to reduce the school-to-prison pipeline.
- Prohibition of sharing immigration-related information with law enforcement without proper legal documentation.
- Annual training requirements for staff to ensure compliance with student protections and legal obligations.
Discussion Points - Review of the newly proposed Policy and Procedure 4040 and its potential impact on transparency and community trust.
- Feedback on the amendments to existing policies to address evolving legal and social concerns.
- Timeline for staff training and communication strategies to ensure effective implementation.
Protecting Student Rights in Response to Federal Changes
Steven Carney
15 m
To review updated guidelines, including the Keep Washington Working (KWW) Act Model Policies and Protections for Immigrant Students in Washington’s K-12 Public Schools, in light of recent federal Executive Action limiting sanctuary protections for schools and churches. Discuss how these guidelines have informed policy updates and Rooted School Vancouver's ICE Process: Step-by-Step Guide to safeguard student rights and ensure safety. 1. Background and Context
- Recent Changes:
- The recent Executive Action rescinding sanctuary protections for schools and churches creates an urgent need to reinforce policies that protect vulnerable students.
- Guiding Documents:
- The KWW Act Model Policies outline best practices for limiting immigration enforcement activities on school campuses.
- The OSPI Protections for Immigrant Students emphasize schools’ responsibility to ensure safe, non-discriminatory access to education regardless of citizenship or immigration status.
2. Policy Updates and ICE Process A. Policies and Procedures Updates: Informed by KWW and OSPI Guidance: - Prohibits unauthorized access by immigration enforcement without a judicial warrant.
- Mandates staff training on protecting student privacy and handling interactions with federal immigration authorities.
- Limits collection of sensitive data to prevent discrimination or “chilling” effects on student enrollment.
Alignment with Federal and State Law: - Ensures compliance with Plyler v. Doe, FERPA, and RCW 43.17.310 provisions regarding student and family privacy.
B. Rooted School Vancouver ICE Process: Core Features: - Clearly defined steps to respond to ICE visits, from greeting agents to denying unauthorized access without proper legal documentation.
- A designated Unity Space ensures interactions occur away from student areas.
- Privacy Lockdown protocols secure student records and areas during an incident.
Supporting Families: - Immediate family notification for affected students and provision of legal resources.
- Post-event counseling and advocacy for impacted families.
Communication and Transparency: - Internal staff communication through Slack and intercom alerts ensures coordinated responses.
- Post-incident summaries shared with families to maintain trust and transparency.
3. Discussion Points - Reviewing staff training needs and timelines to ensure policy adoption and protocol implementation.
- Assessing communication strategies to build trust with families and reassure them about the school’s commitment to safety.
- Identifying additional resources or support needed for effective implementation of the ICE Process and related policies.
Committee Reports to the Board
8:01 PM
The "Committee Reports to the Board" section provides straightforward updates from the following Board Appointed Committees: - Fund Development: Updates on fundraising efforts, grants, and financial support initiatives.
- Finance Committee: Summaries of the school's financial status, budgets, and expenditures.
- Academic Excellence Committee:
Finance / Fund Development Committee Report
Adrienne Mason
2 m
Due to scheduling conflicts, the Finance / Fund Development Committee did not meet.
8:03 PM
Approval of RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2024-2025_November
Steven Carney
5 m
Approval of RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2024-2025 December Background: The RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2024-2025 for October, as required by the Washington State Charter Commission, provides a comprehensive overview of various performance and compliance indicators. This includes academic measures, financial management, governance, and organizational obligations. The dashboard aligns with the requirements of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), particularly concerning charter school operations and accountability. Proposed Action: The School Board is requested to approve the RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2024-2025 December. This approval will ensure continued adherence to state regulations and support effective monitoring of the school's performance and compliance with the Charter School Act as outlined in the RCW.
Adoption of Financial Statement Audit
Steven Carney
10 m
Objective To take formal action on the Financial Statement Audit for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2024. 1. Background - The audit findings and recommendations were presented and discussed during the earlier Information Agenda Item.
2. Action Required Motion: To adopt the Financial Statement Audit for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2024, as presented. Vote: Requires a majority for approval.
Executive Session
8:18 PM
The Board will convene into Executive Session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 to discuss matters exempt from public disclosure. The purpose of this session is to address issues that require confidentiality as permitted by law. These matters may include, but are not limited to, discussions about the performance of a public employee, legal counsel on potential litigation, or consideration of the acquisition or sale of real estate. The Executive Session is expected to last approximately 30 min, and no final actions will be taken during the session. The Board will reconvene into the public session at the conclusion of the Executive Session.
Evaluation of a Public Employee
Adrienne Mason
20 m
To evaluate the performance of a public employee, as permitted under RCW 42.30.110(1)(g).
Closing Items
8:38 PM
Reminder and Important Dates
Adrienne Mason
2 m
Board Study Session: February 8, 2025 Next Board Meeting: February 28, 2025
Adjourn Meeting
Adrienne Mason
1 m
Motion: The motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at X:XX PM PST