Rooted School - Washington

Rooted School Vancouver Board Meeting

Published on April 26, 2024 at 6:30 PM PDT

Date and Time

Tuesday April 30, 2024 at 6:00 PM PDT


Rooted School Vancouver

10401 NE Fourth Plain Blvd

Vancouver, WA 98662


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order Vote Adrienne Mason 1 m
  B. Record Attendance Vote Adrienne Mason 1 m

Roll Call


Board Members:

Adrienne Mason: Board Chairperson

Toby Martin: Board Vice Chairperson 

Taina Knox: Board Treasurer

Sheila Davis: Board Secretary

Denise Grant: Board Member

Jennifer Hernandez - Board Member 

Tyrone Foster - Board Member 


Student Representative:

Crystal Rauda


School Officials:

Steven Carney: Executive Director & School Leader - RSV

Angie Lundgren: Office Manager - RSV

Sandra Yokley: Director of Operations - RSV




Bill Kiolbasa - Joule Growth Partners

Gina Fafard - BoardOnTrack




II. Approval of Minutes 6:02 PM
  A. A. Approve Minutes from March 26, 2024 Rooted School Vancouver Regular Board Meeting Approve Minutes Adrienne Mason 2 m

Recommendation: The board approves the minutes of the March 26, 2024 regular board meeting.

  B. Approve Amended Minutes from February 26, 2024 Rooted School Vancouver Regular Board Meeting Vote Adrienne Mason 2 m

Recommendation: The Board is recommended to approve the amendments to the minutes of the regular board meeting held on February 27, 2024. The amendments should accurately include the reason for convening in executive session by specifying the applicable RCW, RCW 42.30.110(g), which pertains to the evaluation of the performance of a public employee. Additionally, the amended minutes should clearly document the exact times the executive session began and ended to ensure compliance with state law and maintain transparency in board proceedings.


Justification: These amendments are necessary to ensure that the minutes reflect full compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, enhance the transparency of board operations, and provide clear records for public reference.

III. Communications 6:06 PM
  A. Welcome Community Members Adrienne Mason
  B. Initial Public Comment FYI Adrienne Mason 1 m


Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting and will be allotted three - five minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Please do not use specific student, teacher or administrator names in your comments as our meetings are open to the public and public record, and we must adhere to FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

  A. Reports, Requests, and Comments by Board Members FYI Adrienne Mason 5 m

The "Reports, Requests, and Comments by Board Members" section of the board agenda is a platform for members to share updates, solicit requests, or make comments on relevant topics.

  B. Student Representative Report FYI Crystal Rauda 5 m

The Student Representative will provide a verbal update to the board.

V. Consent Agenda 6:17 PM

(Subject to objections by the board members, the following items will be passed by a single motion to approve all listed actions and resolutions. There will be no discussion on these items unless requested by the board. If discussion is requested, the items will be moved from the Consent agenda and considered separately after the motion has been made and passed to approve the remaining items.)

  A. Approval of Financial Disbursements and Payroll as Audited and Certified per RCW Regulations Vote Adrienne Mason 5 m

The following payments as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080,
and those expense reimbursements claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for
payment. In addition, payroll payments in the amount of $43,303.20 are also approved.


General Fund
Accounts Payable

Total electronic payments totaling $70,591.10 and
Check numbers N/A totaling $0


Non-AP Cash Disbursements
Total electronic payments totaling $177.22 and
Manual checks N/A totaling $0



Total electronic payments totaling $43,303.20 and
Payroll check numbers N/A totaling $0



  • 1 - Payroll & AP Certification March 2024
  • 2 - Payroll Summary March 2024
  • 3a - AP Register March 2024
  • 3b - NonAP Cash Disbursement Register March 2024
  B. Approval of Washington Charter School Commission Contract Amendment No. 1 FYI Steven Carney

Purpose: To review and approve Amendment Number 1 to the Charter Contract for Rooted School Vancouver.

Details of the Amendment:


  • Amendment Date: April 19, 2024
  • Parties: Washington Charter School Commission and Rooted School Vancouver
  • Key Modifications:
    • Enrollment Changes: Initial budgeted enrollment adjusted from 35 to 25 students, with maximum enrollment increased from 125 to 133 students.
    • Instructional Hours: Annual instructional hours revised from 1,263.5 to 1,126.272, maintaining compliance with state requirements.
    • Annual Budgets: Submission deadlines aligned with OSPI's deadlines, ensuring timely financial reporting and budget approval processes.

Supporting Documents: Refer to the full text of Amendment No. 1 as provided in the board packet.

Action Required: The board is requested to approve the contract amendment to ensure continued compliance and support for Rooted School Vancouver's operational and educational goals.


Discussion Points:

  • Impact of enrollment changes on school operations and funding.
  • Assessment of the revised instructional hours in meeting educational objectives.
  • Review of the amended annual budget submission process for improved financial management.



  C. Approval of Long Term Substitute Teacher for Technology Adrienne Mason 2 m

Purpose: To approve Jeannie Ruiz as the Long Term Substitute Teacher for the Technology position until the end of the current school year.



  • Substitute Teacher: Jeannie Ruiz
  • Position: Technology Teacher
  • Start Date for Shadowing: April 16, 2024, to shadow Eduardo, the current Technology Teacher.
  • Full Time Start Date: May 1, 2024, as the Long Term Substitute Teacher.
  • End Date: June 25, 2024, the conclusion of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Background: Jeannie Ruiz brings extensive experience in STEM education and has served as the Executive Director at the International STEM League, focusing on diversity and inclusion in STEM education. Her qualifications and prior work experience make her well-suited to fulfill the duties required by the Technology Teacher role at Rooted School Vancouver.


Compensation: Jeannie will be compensated at a daily rate of $293.27, pro-rated to $146.63 for 50 days, totaling $7,331.75, subject to standard withholdings and deductions.


Action Required: The board is requested to approve Jeannie Ruiz as the Long Term Substitute Teacher for the Technology Teacher position for the remainder of the 2023-2024 academic year.

VI. Committee Reports to the Board 6:24 PM

The "Committee Reports to the Board" section provides straightforward updates from the following Board Appointed Committees:

  • Fund Development: Updates on fundraising efforts, grants, and financial support initiatives.
  • Finance Committee: Summaries of the school's financial status, budgets, and expenditures.
  • Academic Excellence Committee: 
  A. Finance / Fund Development Committee Report Discuss Adrienne Mason 15 m

Purpose: To provide the board with an overview of the recent discussions and progress made by the Fund Development / Finance Committee.


Meeting Date: April 23, 2024


Summary of Discussion:

  • Outreach and Engagement: The committee, consisting of Taína, Steven, Sandra,  Tyrone and Jonathan, reviewed strategies to enhance outreach efforts, including building a library of resources and securing sponsorship and internship opportunities.
  • Outsourcing Considerations: Discussions were held about potentially outsourcing certain communication and fundraising tasks to the Pacific Northwest Fundraiser to better manage school's responsibilities in these areas.
  • Local Grants and Donor Engagement: The committee strategized on securing local grants and expanding the donor base, particularly focusing on engaging higher net worth donors through premier events and industry-based certifications.

Next Steps:

  • Community Newsletter: The school will create a newsletter to keep the RSF community updated on events and fundraising efforts.
  • Donor Management: Sandra will manage the RSF donor list and follow up with potential donors who express interest in supporting the school.
  • Targeted Outreach: Jonathan will explore the use of Co. Coca Cola's 360 donor list to identify high net worth individuals in specific geographic areas who may be interested in supporting RSF.

Key Takeaways:

  • The committee emphasized the importance of tailored communication strategies to enhance donor engagement and fundraising efforts.
  • The potential for partnership with local businesses and organizations such as the Rotary Club of Vancouver and the Chamber of Commerce was discussed to foster community support and collaboration.
  • The need for clear designation of responsibilities and the use of automated systems for managing communications and fundraising tasks was highlighted.
  A. Reports to the Board FYI Steven Carney 15 m

The "Reports to the Board" section provides straightforward updates from key areas within Rooted School Vancouver. The board will receive regular reports from (reports this month will be verbal reports):

  • Operations: Overviews of the daily operations, infrastructure, and any logistical matters.
  • Executive Director: Comprehensive updates on school-wide initiatives, policies, and overall performance.
  B. Enhancing Support for Administration to Meet Compliance Timelines and Deadlines FYI Steven Carney 15 m

Purpose: To discuss and implement measures to assist the school administration in adhering to the compliance obligations outlined in the charter contract, ensuring timely submissions and fulfillment of all training and operational requirements.


Background: The charter contract stipulates rigorous compliance requirements, including the submission of annual budgets, maintenance of educational and operational records, and adherence to training and ethical standards. Supporting the administration in meeting these obligations is crucial for maintaining our charter status and ensuring effective school governance.


Contract References:

  1. Annual Budgets (Section 9.14.2 of the Charter Contract): Requires timely submission of the board-approved annual budget, underscoring the need for close collaboration between the board and school administration to meet deadlines.
  2. Governance and Training Requirements (Article IV of the Charter Contract): Emphasizes the board's role in governance and the necessity for ongoing training, which should be facilitated with the support of the administration.
  3. Record Keeping and Reporting (Article V, Sections 5.7 and 5.10 of the Charter Contract): Outlines the need for meticulous record keeping and timely reporting, tasks that require robust support systems and administrative oversight.

Consequences of Non-Compliance: Non-compliance can lead to breaches of the contract, potentially resulting in financial and operational sanctions, or in severe cases, revocation of the charter. It is imperative that the board and administration work closely to avoid such outcomes.


Discussion Points:

  • Review current systems in place for supporting the administration in meeting compliance deadlines.
  • Explore the establishment of a compliance committee or the appointment of a compliance officer to provide focused oversight.
  • Consider the benefits of implementing a comprehensive compliance calendar and regular compliance audits.

Action Items:

  • Propose the development of a structured compliance support system, including clear roles and responsibilities for board members and administrators.
  • Approve the adoption of a compliance calendar to track and manage all critical deadlines and requirements.
  • Schedule a series of workshops or training sessions aimed at enhancing the board's understanding of compliance issues and supporting the administration in these efforts.


  C. Review of BoardOnTrack Meeting Observation Feedback FYI Adrienne Mason 5 m

Purpose: To discuss the feedback provided by BoardOnTrack on the board's meeting facilitation and organization, and to identify areas for improvement in our meeting processes.


Summary of Feedback: BoardOnTrack's observation of our recent board meeting highlighted several strengths, including well-organized meetings, excellent facilitation, and efficient use of a consent agenda. However, the observer, Gina Fafard, suggested that the board should allocate more time to provide a comprehensive overview of the finances, even though these are included in the consent agenda, to ensure all board members fully understand the financial reports.


Key Points from Observation:

  • Strengths Noted: The meeting was well-organized, and time management was excellent.
  • Area for Improvement: Greater emphasis on financial oversight during meetings, suggesting a brief review of financials for clarity and understanding among all members.
  • Support Offered: Gina offered support for planning board retreats and other board development activities.


  1. Integrate a brief, focused discussion on the financial reports within the consent agenda during meetings to enhance transparency and understanding.


  D. Planning for Teacher Appreciation Week Discuss Dr. Jennifer Hernandez 15 m

Purpose: To finalize plans and activities for Teacher Appreciation Week, ensuring our gratitude towards the teaching staff is effectively communicated and celebrated.


Overview: Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6th - May 10th) provides an opportunity to recognize and honor the contributions of our teaching staff. This week is crucial in demonstrating our community's gratitude for the dedication and hard work of our educators.


Discussion Points:

  1. Activities and Events: Review proposed activities and events for the week. Consider options such as special breakfasts, recognition ceremonies, and personalized thank-you notes.
  2. Community Involvement: Discuss ways to involve students, parents, and the broader community in the appreciation events.
  3. Communication Plan: Plan for effective communication to ensure all staff are aware of the events and feel genuinely appreciated.

Proposed Activities:

  • Kick-off Breakfast: Start the week with a breakfast event for teachers, providing a variety of foods and a relaxed environment for them to enjoy.
  • Thank You Notes: Encourage students to write personal notes of thanks, which could be presented throughout the week.
  • Recognition Ceremony: Host a small ceremony or gathering to formally recognize teachers with certificates or small tokens of appreciation.  To be done on Friday between 1pm and 4pm.
  • Relaxation and Well-being Workshops: Organize workshops or activities focused on relaxation and well-being, such a mindfulness session or chair massage during lunch.
  • Other ideas
    • Everyday was a “theme”
    • Lunch for staff on the last day.
    • Coffee Cart
    • Dutch Bro’s cart
    • Teacher totes filled with goodies and gift cards
  E. Comprehensive Schoolwide Student Survey Results – Spring 2024 Discuss Steven Carney 15 m

Purpose: To review and discuss the strengths and areas of growth identified in the Spring 2024 Schoolwide Student Survey, with the aim to enhance school policies, programs, and student experiences.


Overview of Survey Results:
Glows (Strengths)


  • High Engagement Levels in Learning: Students are highly engaged in their learning, with many losing track of time during activities and showing excitement about going to their classes.
  • Positive School Climate: The physical space and the overall energy at the school are perceived positively, creating a pleasant and conducive learning environment.
  • Supportive Teacher-Student Relationships: A majority of students feel that their teachers are respectful and genuinely interested in their well-being, indicating strong teacher-student relationships.
  • Academic Rigor and Expectations: The survey shows that teachers frequently challenge students to explain their answers and have high expectations, which contributes to a rigorous academic environment.
  • Respectful Environment: Most students report that teachers are very respectful towards them, fostering a respectful and inclusive school culture.

Grows (Areas for Improvement)


  • Clarity of Rules: While the school rules are generally found to be fair, some students expressed a need for more clarity and transparency regarding these rules to ensure better understanding and compliance.
  • Peer Influence on Learning: Responses indicated that the behavior of other students sometimes negatively affects learning, highlighting the need for better conflict resolution and peer influence management.
  • Support for Struggling Students: There is room for improvement in how teachers assist students who feel like giving up on difficult tasks. More consistent encouragement and strategies are needed.
  • Inclusivity in School Policies: Students indicated mixed feelings about the effectiveness of school policies in promoting anti-racism and inclusivity. Strengthening these areas could enhance the school's commitment to diversity.
  • Mental Health and Well-being Support: While not directly highlighted in the survey, the need for greater mental health support could be inferred from students' comments on peer interactions and the stress of academic challenges.



  F. Comprehensive Review of Teacher and Staff Survey Spring 2024 – Highlights and Strategic Responses Discuss Steven Carney 15 m

Purpose: To assess the top ten strengths and areas for improvement as identified in the Spring 2024 Teacher Survey and to formulate strategic actions to sustain strengths and address areas for growth.


Summary of Survey Results:


Summary of Survey Results:

Top Ten Glows (Strengths):

  1. Collegial Understanding: Most teachers and staff feel understood by their colleagues, fostering a strong collegial network.
  2. Sense of Belonging and Engagement: High levels of felt belonging and connection among staff enhance their engagement and satisfaction.
  3. Positive School Climate: The physical and social environment of the school is seen as positive by the staff.
  4. Comfort with and Engagement in Race Discussions: Teachers and staff are comfortable discussing race, both among themselves and with students.
  5. Support for Race Conversations with Students: Teachers and staff feel equipped to handle sensitive discussions about race with students.
  6. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity: There is a high level of cultural awareness, with frequent contemplation of the experiences of colleagues from different races and cultures.
  7. Quality and Relevance of Professional Development: Professional development is viewed as highly relevant and effective, particularly regarding cultural responsiveness and equity.
  8. Positive Attitudes and Professional Environment: The general professional environment is positive, marked by supportive attitudes among colleagues.
  9. Confidence in Handling Sensitive Discussions: Staff feel confident in their ability to manage and facilitate sensitive discussions effectively.
  10. General Satisfaction with School Leadership: There is a general satisfaction with how the school is led, with many feeling that leaders are effective and have the best interests of the community at heart.

Top Ten Grows (Areas for Improvement):

  1. Clarity and Fairness of School Rules: Need for clearer communication and enforcement of school rules.
  2. Support Systems for Struggling Students and Staff: More robust support systems are necessary for those who struggle, both academically and emotionally.
  3. Inclusivity in School Policies: There's room to improve the inclusivity and anti-racism efforts within school policies.
  4. Mental Health and Well-Being Support: A greater focus is needed on mental health support for both students and staff.
  5. Peer Influence and Conflict Resolution: Strategies to manage peer influence more effectively in learning situations are needed.
  6. Diversity and Inclusion in Curriculum: Teachers and staff see a need for a more culturally diverse curriculum.
  7. Communication of Financial Information: Desire for more transparent communication regarding financial decisions.
  8. Transparency and Effectiveness of Leadership Communication: Some staff feel that school leaders could improve how they communicate important information.
  9. Facilities Upgrades and Resource Allocation: Upgrading facilities and providing more resources could significantly improve the school environment.
  10. Enhancing Conflict Management Skills: Improved conflict management skills among staff could enhance interactions and reduce stress.
  G. Review of Family Relationship Survey Results and Strategies for Increased Engagement Discuss Steven Carney 15 m

Purpose: To discuss the outcomes of the recent Family Relationship Survey, acknowledge the limitations of the data due to a low response rate, and explore strategies to enhance family participation in future surveys.


Confidentiality Note: Due to the low number of responses (5 total), detailed data from the survey is not included in the board packet to prevent identification of individual respondents based on demographics.


Summary of Survey Results: The Family Relationship Survey received only 5 responses, which does not provide a statistically representative sample of the school community's opinions and experiences. Despite this, the feedback received offers valuable insights into the families' perceptions of school engagement, communication, and support.



  1. Communication Tools: Families appreciate the existing communication tools and suggest enhancements like integrating school calendars with personal calendar apps.
  2. Community Involvement: Positive feedback on school efforts to involve families through community events and parent advisory committees.
  3. Supportive Environment: Responses indicate that the school creates a supportive and inclusive environment, helping students feel valued and safe.


  1. Communication Frequency and Clarity: Families desire more frequent and detailed communications from teachers and the administration, especially concerning students' academic progress and school events.
  2. Engagement Opportunities: There is a need for more flexible engagement opportunities that accommodate diverse schedules, possibly through virtual meetings or varied event timings.
  3. Feedback and Inclusion: Suggestions for a more systematic approach to gathering and addressing feedback from families, ensuring that all voices are heard and considered.

Challenges Noted:

  • Low Survey Participation: With only 5 participants, the survey results are not reflective of the broader school community, limiting the applicability and accuracy of the findings.

Strategies for Improved Response Rate:

  • Increased Awareness: Launch a communication campaign highlighting the importance of survey participation and how it influences school policies and programs.
  • Accessibility Enhancements: Provide the survey in multiple formats (online, paper) and languages to ensure all families can participate easily.
  • Incentives: Consider offering incentives for survey completion, such as a raffle entry for a small prize.

Discussion Points:

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of current family engagement strategies and identify barriers to participation.
  • Consider recommendations for adjusting the frequency and methods of communication with families.
  • Discuss and approve the proposed strategies for increasing survey participation and ensuring more representative feedback in the future.


  A. Approval of RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2023-2024_March Vote Steven Carney 10 m

 Background: The RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2023-2024 for March, as required by the Washington State Charter Commission, provides a comprehensive overview of various performance and compliance indicators. This includes academic measures, financial management, governance, and organizational obligations. The dashboard aligns with the requirements of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), particularly concerning charter school operations and accountability.


Proposed Action: The School Board is requested to approve the RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2023-2024_April. This approval will ensure continued adherence to state regulations and support effective monitoring of the school's performance and compliance with the Charter School Act as outlined in the RCW.

  B. Adoption of New Science Curriculum for the 2024-2025 School Year Vote Steven Carney 10 m

Purpose: To review and approve the transition from the current Biozone curriculum to OpenSciEd for the science courses at Rooted School Vancouver.


Background: Rooted School Vancouver is proposing a shift from the current Biozone curriculum to the OpenSciEd curriculum starting Fall 2024. The decision is influenced by several factors including technical challenges with Biozone, its unsatisfactory rating on EdReports, and the alignment of OpenSciEd with NGSS frameworks which offers a more interactive and student-driven learning model.


Proposed Curriculum:

  • Curriculum Provider: OpenSciEd
  • Format: Digital and printed materials available, open-source access
  • Structure: Integrated Earth & Space Science standards across Biology, Chemistry, and Physics courses
  • Rationale: Enhanced accessibility, cost-efficiency, alignment with NGSS, and improved student engagement and success rates on state assessments
  • Implementation: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics to be taught from 9th to 11th grade, preparing students for the WA Comprehensive Assessment of Science and AP® Environmental Science in 12th grade.

Compliance and Procedure: The proposed curriculum adoption follows Policy and Procedure 2020, ensuring the selection process aligns with state laws, educational standards, and best practices. The curriculum has been reviewed by the Instructional Materials Committee and meets all criteria for core instructional materials, including flexibility, inclusivity, and bias sensitivity.



  • Cost Savings: Utilization of open-source materials reduces curriculum costs.
  • Accessibility: Digital access through Google Suite tools enhances accessibility for all students, including those with disabilities.
  • Customization: Allows educators to tailor content to local phenomena and student needs, promoting equity and inclusion.

Action Required: The board is requested to approve the adoption of the OpenSciEd curriculum for the science courses for the 2024-2025 school year.


Discussion Points:

  • Review of the OpenSciEd curriculum's advantages and alignment with Rooted School Vancouver’s educational goals.
  • Consideration of the transition plan for curriculum implementation including teacher training and resource allocation.
  • Impact analysis on student learning outcomes and preparation for state assessments.
IX. Closing Items 8:34 PM
  A. Reminder and Important Dates FYI Adrienne Mason 2 m

Board Retreat Dates - May 11, 2024 - Vancouver Umpqua Community Bank 8:00 am - 5:00pm

Next Board Meeting - May 28, 2024

  • Commission will be joining us for a 45-60 minute training

Next Finance/Fund Development Committee - May 20, 2024

Student Exhibition - June 11, 2024



  B. Adjourn Meeting FYI Adrienne Mason 1 m

Motion: The motion was made to adjourn the meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at X:XX PM PST