Rooted School - Washington
Rooted School Vancouver Board Meeting
Date and Time
In Person Location:
10401 NE Fourth Plain Blvd, Suite 201,
Vancouver, WA 98662
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Meeting ID: 882 9526 4427
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Purpose | Presenter | Time | |||
I. | Opening Items | 6:00 PM | |||
A. | Call the Meeting to Order | Vote | Adrienne Mason | 1 m | |
B. | Record Attendance | Vote | Adrienne Mason | 1 m | |
Roll Call:
Board Members:
Toby Martin: Board Vice Chairperson Taina Knox: Board Treasurer Sheila Davis: Board Secretary Denise Grant: Board Member Jennifer Hernandez - Board Member Tyrone Foster - Board Member
Student Representative: Crystal Rauda
School Officials: Steven Carney: Executive Director & School Leader - RSV Angie Lundgren: Office Manager - RSV Sandra Yokley: Director of Operations - RSV Eduardo Herrera: Director of CTE - RSV
Guests: Bill Kiolbasa - Joule Growth Partners Gina Fafard - BoardOnTrack
II. | Approval of Minutes | 6:02 PM | |||
A. | A. Approve Minutes from January 23, 2024 Rooted School Vancouver Regular Board Meeting | Approve Minutes | Adrienne Mason | 2 m | |
Recommendation: The board approves the minutes of the Januar 23, 2024 regular board meeting. |
III. | Communications | 6:04 PM | |||
A. | Welcome Community Members | Adrienne Mason | |||
B. | Initial Public Comment | FYI | Adrienne Mason | 1 m | |
A. | Reports, Requests, and Comments by Board Members | FYI | Adrienne Mason | 5 m | |
The "Reports, Requests, and Comments by Board Members" section of the board agenda is a platform for members to share updates, solicit requests, or make comments on relevant topics. |
B. | Student Representative Report | FYI | Crystal Rauda | 5 m | |
The Student Representative will provide a verbal update to the board. |
V. | Consent Agenda | 6:15 PM | |||
(Subject to objections by the board members, the following items will be passed by a single motion to approve all listed actions and resolutions. There will be no discussion on these items unless requested by the board. If discussion is requested, the items will be moved from the Consent agenda and considered separately after the motion has been made and passed to approve the remaining items.) |
A. | Approval of Financial Disbursements and Payroll as Audited and Certified per RCW Regulations | Vote | Adrienne Mason | 1 m | |
The following payments as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursements claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090,
B. | Approval of RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2023-2024_January | Vote | Steven Carney | ||
Background: The RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2023-2024 for Decmeber, as required by the Washington State Charter Commission, provides a comprehensive overview of various performance and compliance indicators. This includes academic measures, financial management, governance, and organizational obligations. The dashboard aligns with the requirements of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), particularly concerning charter school operations and accountability.
Proposed Action: The School Board is requested to approve the RSV Board Compliance Dashboard for 2023-2024_January. This approval will ensure continued adherence to state regulations and support effective monitoring of the school's performance and compliance with the Charter School Act as outlined in the RCW. |
C. | Review and Acknowledgment of MOU for AI-Powered Grant Support and Services | FYI | Steven Carney | ||
Background: In an innovative approach to enhance our school's financial resources without diverting leadership from their core responsibilities, Rooted School Vancouver has entered into a partnership with Joule Growth Partners and Flicker Consulting. This collaboration is supported by a contract with the Gates Foundation to implement a ChatGPT-assisted grant application process. The initiative aims to streamline grant applications, leveraging artificial intelligence to minimize the time investment required from our team, while maximizing potential funding opportunities.
Project Overview:
Implementation: The project launched this month and is expected to run for 12 months, targeting a sustainable development function for securing supplemental funding.
Next Steps: The Board is requested to review the signed MOU for a comprehensive understanding of the partnership, roles, and expected outcomes. |
D. | Amendment to Enrollment Policy 3110 | Vote | Steven Carney | ||
Background: The Rooted School Vancouver (RSV) Enrollment Policy outlines the process and timelines for application, lottery, and enrollment. To maintain flexibility and adaptability in future academic years, it is proposed that specific dates mentioned in the policy be amended to "Set Annually" rather than specifying exact dates.
Proposal: Amend the Enrollment Policy document to replace all specific dates and years with "Set Annually" for the application period, lottery/enrollment offer date, acceptance deadline, waitlist notification, re-enrollment packets distribution, enrollment packets due date, and re-enrollment deadline. This change aims to ensure the policy remains applicable and accurate each year without the need for annual amendments.
Board Approval Date: Previously approved on January 28, 2023.
Requested Action: The board is requested to approve the amendment to the Enrollment Policy to specify timelines as "Set Annually," ensuring the policy's longevity and reducing the need for future revisions.
Discussion: Review the proposed amendments and determine their impact on the enrollment process's clarity, efficiency, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Decision: Vote on the proposed amendment to the Enrollment Policy. |
E. | Review and Approval of 2022 Exempt Organization Return for Rooted School Washington | Vote | Adrienne Mason | ||
Background: The enclosed documents provide a detailed overview of Rooted School Washington’s financial health, governance, management practices, and program service accomplishments for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2023. Key highlights include total revenue of $1,134,778, with significant program services aimed at reducing America's wealth gap by connecting underserved teenagers with career and financial pathways.
Action Required: The board is requested to review the provided documents for accuracy and completeness and approve the 2022 Exempt Organization Return. This approval will authorize the submission of the return to the IRS, ensuring compliance with federal tax obligations and transparency with stakeholders. |
F. | Policy 2409: Competency-Based Grading First Read | FYI | Steven Carney | ||
The term “competency-based learning” (a/k/a “mastery-based learning”) to mean when the strategies below are used:
a) Students advance upon demonstrated mastery of content; b) Competencies include explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives that empower students; c) Assessments are meaningful and a positive learning experience or students; d) Students receive rapid, differentiated support based on their individual learning needs; and e) Learning outcomes emphasize competencies that include application and creation of knowledge along with the development of important skills and dispositions.
State guidance will generally use the term mastery, to align with the state’s definition in legislation (E2SHB 1599, Sec. 301), unless referring to places where another term is used (e.g. in WAC, where the term “competency” is used instead).
Competency-Based Crediting Competency-based learning at Rooted School Vancouver includes the specific opportunity for "competency-based crediting," where students can earn high school credit through LEA-specified performance assessments aligned with learning standards. This policy supports personalized learning and recognizes competency-based learning occurring outside traditional classroom settings, contributing to students staying on track for career and college readiness.
Implementation This policy supports de-linking credit acquisition from classroom seat time, enabling personalized learning at each student's pace. It emphasizes the development of skills and dispositions crucial for success in college, careers, and citizenship through authentic, deeper learning experiences.
In compliance with state law, the board will grant credit based on competency demonstration in any subject, course, or learning experience, following proficiency criteria approval and procedures developed by the ED or their designee.
VI. | Committee Reports to the Board | 6:16 PM | |||
The "Committee Reports to the Board" section provides straightforward updates from the following Board Appointed Committees:
A. | Finance / Fund Development Committee Report | Discuss | Adrienne Mason | 2 m | |
Financial Update: The Finance Dashboard for Rooted School Vancouver as of January 2024 reflects a stable financial position. The school's average annual student FTE aligns with expectations, supporting the primary revenue stream. Public revenue receipt stands at 36%, demonstrating steady progress in acquiring government funds. Private revenue, at 40%, indicates promising fundraising efforts. Total expenditures are managed well at 33% of the budget. Notably, the school maintains a healthy cash flow with 95 days of cash on hand. Upcoming funding from the WSCSA grant in summer 2024 is anticipated to further bolster the financial outlook.
1. Strong student retention - great to see the 25 holding steady. 2. At this point, expenditures are trending materially below budget. It's obviously great to be in that position, but we should make sure to review the assumptions when we're preparing next year's budget to be as accurate as possible.
The committee made the following recommendations to bring before the Board for approval:
A. | Reports to the Board | FYI | Steven Carney | ||
The "Reports to the Board" section provides straightforward updates from key areas within Rooted School Vancouver. The board will receive regular reports from:
B. | Update on Academic Achievement and Progress Towards Goals | Discuss | Steven Carney | 30 m | |
Objective: To present a comprehensive update on Rooted School Vancouver's progress towards the academic goals set for the 2023-2024 school year, focusing on mathematics and reading achievements. The report utilizes data from IXL Math Diagnostic, Achieve 3000 Literacy, and NWEA MAP Growth assessments to inform the School Board of our successes, challenges, and strategic recommendations for continued improvement.
Rooted School Vancouver has set ambitious academic goals aimed at significant improvements in Algebra 1 proficiency and reading growth. This report outlines our progress, highlighting key findings from our assessment tools and proposing strategic actions to address areas of need.
Analysis The assessment data indicates a notable achievement in reading, while identifying Algebra 1 as an area requiring targeted interventions. The variance in performance between subjects underscores the importance of differentiated instruction and the need for strategic focus on math proficiency.
Conclusion The commitment to academic excellence at Rooted School Vancouver is unwavering. With strategic interventions and the support of the School Board, we are poised to meet and exceed our academic goals, ensuring all students achieve their highest potential.
Discussion The School Board is invited to discuss the findings, recommendations, and proposed actions, with the aim of endorsing a collaborative approach to achieving academic success at Rooted School Vancouver. |
C. | Acknowledgment of Signed Independent Contractor Agreement with [Akin] for Behavioral Health Education Services | FYI | Steven Carney | 5 m | |
Background: The signed agreement stipulates that [Akin] will provide behavioral health education and support services to RSV students, enhancing their well-being and educational experience. The terms include service deliverables, compensation, and the duration of the agreement.
Discussion Points:
Recommendation: The board to acknowledge the signed agreement and support the administrative and operational steps necessary for the smooth implementation and monitoring of the services.
IX. | Executive Session | 6:53 PM | |||
A. | Executive Session – Performance Review of Executive Director | Discuss | Adrienne Mason | 15 m | |
Purpose: To conduct a performance review of the Executive Director. RCW Reference: RCW 42.30.110(g) |
X. | Closing Items | 7:08 PM | |||
A. | Reminder and Important Dates | FYI | Adrienne Mason | 2 m | |
Board Retreat Dates - April 26 - April 27, 2023 Next Board Meeting - February 27, 2023 Next Finance/Fund Development Committee - March 18, 2023 Required Training - Please sign atestation that training on School Finance is complete.
B. | Adjourn Meeting | FYI | Adrienne Mason | 1 m | |
Motion: The motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at X:XX PM PST
Date of next Rooted School Vancouver, WA Board Meeting is Tuesday, January 23, 2023 @ 6:00 PM PT |