Rooted School - Washington
Rooted School Vancouver Board Meeting
Date and Time
In Person Location:
10401 NE Fourth Plain Blvd, Suite 201,
Vancouver, WA 98662
Remote Option:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 9526 4427
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Purpose | Presenter | Time | |||
I. | Opening Items | 6:00 PM | |||
A. | Call the Meeting to Order | Vote | Toby Martin | 1 m | |
B. | Record Attendance | Vote | Toby Martin | 1 m | |
Roll Call:
Board Members:
Adrienne Mason: Board Secretary Taina Knox: Board Treasurer Yesenia Martinez: Board Member Sheila Davis: Board Member Denise Grant: Board Member Jennifer Hernandez - Board Member
Rooted School Foundation/School Officials:
Steven Carney: Executive Director & School Leader - RSV Sandra Yokley: Director of Operations - RSV Angie Lundgren: Office Manager - RSV Talia Livneh: Rooted School Foundation
Guests: Tyrone Foster - Precision Landscape Services |
C. | Land Acknowledgement | Adrienne Mason | 1 m | ||
We humbly acknowledge that Rooted School Vancouver stands on the ancestral lands of the Indigenous peoples of this region. We recognize and honor the historic and continued presence of the Cowlitz, Chinook, Klickitat, Yakama, Grand Ronde, Wasco, and Wishram peoples.
We acknowledge the trauma and injustice inflicted upon Indigenous communities through centuries of colonization, displacement, and assimilation efforts. As we seek to create a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students, we commit to learning from and partnering with Indigenous communities to promote healing and equity.
We also recognize the invaluable contributions and knowledge of Indigenous peoples to our shared history, culture, and identity. We are committed to integrating Indigenous perspectives and knowledge into our curriculum and ensuring that the voices and experiences of Indigenous students are heard and valued in our school community. |
II. | Approval of Minutes | 6:03 PM | |||
A. | A. Approve Minutes from 07-26-2023 Rooted School Vancouver Regular Board Meeting | Approve Minutes | Toby Martin | 1 m | |
Recommendation: The board approves the minutes of the July 26, 2023 regular board meeting. |
III. | Communications | 6:04 PM | |||
A. | Welcome Community Members | ||||
B. | Initial Public Comment | FYI | Adrienne Mason | 1 m | |
IV. | Consent Agenda | 6:05 PM | |||
(Subject to objections by the board members, the following items will be passed by a single motion to approve all listed actions and resolutions. There will be no discussion on these items unless requested by the board. If discussion is requested, the items will be moved from the Consent agenda and considered separately after the motion has been made and passed to approve the remaining items.) |
A. | Memorandum of Understanding with Latino Leadership Northwest (LLNW) and LULAC National Educational Service Centers (LULAC NESC) | Vote | Steven Carney | 1 m | |
Introduction Rooted School Vancouver has entered into agreements with Latino Leadership Northwest (LLNW) and LULAC National Educational Service Centers (NESC) for shared space usage at RSV's premises located at 10401 NE Fourth Plain Blvd Ste 201, Vancouver, WA 98662.
Background RSV continues to strengthen its vision of being community-rooted by fostering relationships and partnerships that align with our mission and values. As part of this ongoing commitment, RSV has established MOUs with LLNW and NESC to facilitate collaboration, support mutual objectives, and further community engagement.
Details The MOUs outline the shared use of space at RSV's location, including access to designated classrooms, shared restrooms, maintenance provisions, responsibilities, liability, funding, indemnification, and termination clauses. Latino Leadership Northwest: LLNW's mission and objectives align with RSV's community-focused approach. The MOU with LLNW enables them to access specific spaces within RSV to carry out activities that support their cause. LULAC National Educational Service Centers: Similarly, the identical MOU with NESC promotes educational opportunities and community development. This partnership emphasizes shared values and goals that resonate with RSV's ethos.
Rationale These MOUs are rooted in RSV's commitment to engaging with community organizations that share common goals and values. By providing space and support to LLNW and NESC, RSV is:
Recommendation The Board is requested to review and acknowledge the MOUs with Latino Leadership Northwest and LULAC National Educational Service Centers and support Rooted School Vancouver's ongoing efforts to remain community-rooted through these partnerships.
B. | Updates to RSV Financial Policies for Board Approval – August 2023 | Vote | Steven Carney | ||
Introduction Rooted School Vancouver has made several essential updates to its Financial Policies, encompassing additions, updates, and removal of certain clauses. These revisions are aimed at enhancing compliance, clarity, efficiency, and adaptability in financial management.
Details The following summarizes the significant changes made to RSV's Financial Policies:
Added: Page 18 – Donor Acknowledgment:
Page 28 – Contract Signatories:
Page 43 – Payroll Approval Authority:
Updated: Page 28 – Purchase Authorization Increase:
Page 32 – Bank Affiliation:
Rationale These updates reflect RSV's commitment to maintaining clear, efficient, and responsive financial policies. The revisions provide a framework that supports compliance, operational flexibility, and prudent financial management in line with RSV's mission and values.
Recommendation The Board is requested to review and approve the updates to the RSV Financial Policies as detailed above.
C. | Signed WA Charters Implementation Grant Agreement – New School – 2023-2024 | Vote | Steven Carney | ||
Background: This Grant Agreement was entered into on August 1, 2023, by and between Rooted School Vancouver (“RSV” or “Grantee”) and the Washington State Charter Schools Association (“WA Charters”) (together, “the Parties”). The purpose of the Grant is to provide funding for startup costs associated with the first school year of a newly formed charter school (the “Implementation Grant") as described in the Assurances and Budget Detail (the "Budget"), collectively referred to as “the Project.”
Key Details:
Recommendation: The Board is requested to review and acknowledge the signed contract and the associated terms and conditions.
D. | Approval of Out-of-Endorsement Assignments for 2023-2024 School Year as Per WAC 181-82-110(1)(a) | Vote | Steven Carney | ||
Background: Pursuant to Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 181-82-110(1)(a), teachers with specific certifications employed within our district can be assigned to classes outside of their endorsed areas. A critical condition of this provision is the development of a mutual written plan between the district representative and the assigned teacher. This plan ensures necessary assistance to the teacher and allows for reasonable planning and study time specifically associated with the out-of-endorsement assignment.
We propose the following out-of-endorsement assignments for the 2023-2024 school year:
Jenessa Ocon Endorsement(s) Held: Science OTF Teaching Assignment(s): Health/Fitness
Attachments: RSV Plan of Support for Out-of-Endorsment: Jenessa Ocon |
E. | Policy and Procedure 2029: Animals as Part of the School Environment | Vote | Steven Carney | ||
Policy and Procedure 2029: Animals as Part of the School Environment
Background Policy 2029 and Procedure 2029 outline the guidelines for including animals in the instructional program of the classroom or school. The policy emphasizes the safety, health, educational value, and compliance with local regulations, with the Executive Director / School Leader responsible for approving or denying requests.
Key considerations include assessing the educational benefit, ensuring proper care and responsibility, evaluating the animal's training and behavior, notifying parents, complying with regulations, and addressing specific provisions for different types of animals.
The procedure further details the evaluation process that the Executive Director / School Leader must follow prior to granting or denying requests, focusing on educational benefit, control plans, health concerns, animal well-being, and sanitary issues.
Recommendation to Approval of Policy and Procedure 2029
F. | Policy and Procedure 3120: Enrollment and Attendance | Vote | Steven Carney | ||
Background Policy 3120 and Procedure 3120 pertain to the enrollment and attendance of students within the school district. The policy outlines the responsibilities of the Executive Director / School Leader or designee in developing procedures for enrolling students, recording attendance, behavior, and counseling, and correcting students with attendance problems. Key aspects of the policy include:
The procedure further details the maintenance of enrollment and attendance records, retention and destruction of attendance registers, actions to reduce absenteeism, and annual reporting to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Definitions for “full-time equivalent student” are also provided.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the School Board approve Policy 3120 and Procedure 3120, as they provide a clear framework for managing enrollment and attendance, ensuring transparency, and maintaining the safety and well-being of students and staff.
A. | Recognition and Acceptance of Resignation - Board Member Nathan Webster | Vote | Toby Marttin | 5 m | |
Details Mr. Nathan Webster has submitted his resignation as a Board Member of RSV, effective August 23rd. During his tenure, he has displayed commitment, dedication, and leadership that significantly contributed to the growth and success of our institution.
Acknowledgment The Board would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Webster for his invaluable service. His insights, expertise, and unwavering support have been instrumental in shaping the direction and future of RSV. We wish to recognize his many contributions, which have had a lasting impact on our community.
B. | Executive Director Report | FYI | Steven Carney | 15 m | |
The Executive Director will provide a pre-opening update. |
C. | Fund Development Committee Report | Discuss | Taina Knox | 10 m | |
The committee chair will provide a verbal report.
VI. | BOARD ACTION ITEMS | 6:36 PM | |||
A. | Fixing and Adopting the SY2023-24 Fiscal Budget for Rooted School Vancouver #06901 | Vote | Corey Baron & Steven Carney | 15 m | |
In accordance with WAC 392-123-054, the Board of Directors of Rooted School Vancouver (RSV) is mandated to convene for the purpose of fixing and adopting the budget of the district for the ensuing fiscal year.
WHEREAS, WAC 392-123-054 necessitates that the Board of Directors of every district assemble to fix and adopt the budget for the upcoming fiscal year,
AND WHEREAS, a public notice was circulated announcing that the Rooted School Vancouver #06901 Board of Directors would gather in a public meeting to finalize and adopt the SY2023-24 fiscal budget of the district, the four-year budget plan that encompasses a four-year enrollment projection, financial forecasts, and appropriations,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Directors of Rooted School Vancouver has concluded that the final appropriation level of expenditures for the fiscal year 2023-24 will be apportioned as follows:
DATED this 23rd day of August 2023
Rationale This resolution ensures that RSV complies with state regulations regarding school budgeting and appropriation. It provides a clear, transparent, and strategic allocation of funds in alignment with the district's needs and priorities. Recommendation
The Board of Directors is requested to adopt the SY2023-24 fiscal budget for Rooted School Vancouver #06901 as outlined above, affirming the appropriation level for the General Fund.
B. | Proposed RSF_RSW Services Agreement (2023 – 2026) | Vote | Steven Carney | 15 m | |
Background: A proposed Services Agreement has been drafted between Rooted School Foundation (RSF), and Rooted School Washington (RSW). The Agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which RSF will provide specific services to RSW.
Key Details:
Recommendation: The Board is requested to review the proposed contract and discuss its terms and conditions. A motion to approve the contract between Rooted School Foundation and Rooted School Washington is sought.
C. | Approval of Amending Board Meeting Calendar SY23/24 | Vote | Steven Carney | 5 m | |
Background: As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that our board meetings align with the schedules and availability of board members and key stakeholders, we are proposing a change in the regular board meeting schedule. Starting in September 2023, we propose to shift the meeting dates from every fourth Wednesday to every fourth Tuesday of the month, with meetings to be held from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
Proposed Schedule: The proposed schedule for board meetings from September 2023 to July 2024 is as follows:
Rationale: This amendment to the board meeting calendar aims to create a more consistent and feasible schedule for all board members, thereby enhancing participation and collaboration. The specific timing ensures alignment with typical work schedules and promotes attendance.
Motion: The Board is requested to review and approve the proposed amendment to the board meeting calendar as detailed above, starting in September 2023 and continuing through July 2024, with meetings scheduled from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
D. | Election of New Board Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer | 5 m | |||
Background Summary The positions of Board Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer are due for election.
The election process for the new Board Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer will be conducted in accordance with the school board's bylaws and applicable laws and regulations. The process for each includes:
Nomination for:
Board Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer
VII. | Closing Items | 7:16 PM | |||
A. | Reminder and Important Dates | FYI | Toby Martin | 2 m | |
1) Starting in August, all board meetings will start at 6pm - 7:30pm. 2) Update Photos and Why's on Board On Track 3) RSV 9th Grade Orientation is August 28 & 29 2023 4) First Day of School is August 30th 5) Open House is September 7th. |
B. | Adjourn Meeting | FYI | Toby Martin | 1 m | |
Motion: The motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at X:XX PM PST
Date of next Rooted School Vancouver, WA Board Meeting is Tuesday, September 26, 2023 @ 6:00 PM PT |