Rooted School - Washington

Rooted School Vancouver Board of Education Meeting

Committee of the Whole
Published on August 24, 2021 at 3:22 PM PDT
Amended on August 25, 2021 at 9:20 AM PDT

Date and Time

Wednesday August 25, 2021 at 4:00 PM PDT


Rooted School Vancouver Board Meeting
August 25, 2021 at 4PM (Pacific Time)
Per the gubernatorial amendments in response to COVID-19, our meetings will be virtual until further notice.
Zoom Link for Meeting

The link for the meeting of August 25,th 2021 appears below:


I. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
Motion:  The motion was made to call the meeting to order.


This meeting was called to order at  4:02 PM PST by Mr. Toby Martin, Board Chairman (or Board designee)
  B. Record Attendance
Roll Call


Board Members:


Steven Carney      -     Board Member
Karthy Chandra     -     Board Member 
Jonathan Johnson -     Board Member
Taina Knox             -     Board Member
Toby Martin            -     Board Chairman 
Nathan Webster     -     Board Member 


Rooted School Foundation/School Officials:


Carol Egan            -  School Leader - Rooted School Vancouver
Jonathan Johnson - School Founder & CEO
Kaitlin Karpinski     - School Leader - Rooted New Orleans 
Frank Ingargiola     - Director of Strategic Initiatives 




Rachel Ksenyak - Board on Track
  C. Approve Minutes
Approval of minutes of meeting from July 28, 2021


MotionThe motion was made to approve the minutes of the July 28, 2021 meeting.


    Approve minutes for Rooted School Vancouver Board of Education Meeting on July 28, 2021
  D. Mission Moment
  • There is no mission moment presentation for this meeting.
  E. Initial Public Comment

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting and will be allotted three - five minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Please do not use specific student, teacher or administrator names in your comments as our meetings are open to the public and public record, and we must adhere to FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.
  F. School Facility Update
  • Toby Martin to provide a brief update on the YMCA school facility progress.
  • Board will be asked to vote on a motion to approve the lease as written pending no additional issues arise that would require further board/public discussion
  A. Board Training & Compliance
Board on Track Presentation:     Rachel Ksenyak

Topic:    Board Governance vs. Management

BASECAMP (Destin FL Readings; <1 min debrief)
  • Thanks for the Feedback (LINK to summary 1, LINK to summary 2)
  • The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle (LINK to summary 1, LINK to summary 2)
  • An Everyone Culture by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey (LINK to summary 1, LINK to summary 2 w/video, LINK to 17-pg summary)
  • Articles: "I Won't Learn From You" (1991, LINK)
ONBOARDING RSF Readings I've selected (1 min debrief)
  • Launch by John Spencer & A.J. Juliani (LINK to summary 1, LINK to summary 2, LINK to Ch 1 & Ch 2)
  • Presence by Amy Cuddy (LINK to summary, video)
  • The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle (LINK to summary, video)
THE CLIMB (5 min report out) - synopsis of my 3 days in NoLA: my experience and takeaways
  • Staff collaboration & collegiality
    • Strategies include: "Talking Partners" LINK 1
    • Shared Decision Making (department and across the system) LINK 1, LINK 2
    • Graduated Discipline Plan LINK - pg 12
FUTURE NOLA VISITS (2 min request/discussion) - purpose & tentative calendar
CAREER CONNECT RFP (1 min report) - purpose, tasks, due date
IV. Committee Updates
There are no committee updates for this meeting.
V. Finance & Operations Update
There is no finance and operations update from JGP for this meeting.
VI. Consent Agenda Items
There is no consent agenda for this meeting.
VII. Executive Session (if needed)
There is no Executive Session for this meeting.
  A. Follow-Up Public Comment (if needed)
  • Follow-Up Public Comment
VIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
Motion: The motion was made to adjourn the meeting.


The meeting was adjourned.
Date of next Rooted School Vancouver, WA Board Meeting is August XX @ 4:00 PM PT