Medical Lake School District #326, WA
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Administration Office
Directors Present
Alexis Alexander, Gerri Johnson, Laura Parsons, Ron Cooper, Wendy Williams-Gilbert
Directors Absent
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Approve Agenda
What's Right
II. Consent Agenda
Minutes from Regular Board Meeting 11-26-2024 and Special Meeting 12-3-2024
Approve the Consent Agenda
Resignations - Mike Phillips ~ CTE Shop Teacher, High School (retirement effective end for the 24/25 school year); Lori Wilbanks ~ Counselor, High School (effective end of the 24/25 school year);
Leaves - None at this time
Staff Contracts:
Administrative Staff - None at this time
Certificated Staff - None at this time
Certificated Substitutes - None at this time
Long-term Substitutes - None at this time
Classified Staff - None at this time
Classified Substitutes - None at this time
Extra Curricular Activities - None at this time
Other - None at this time
Teachers Teaching Out of Content Areas: None at this time
Staff Travel: Ron Cooper and Gerri Johnson to NSBA in Atlanta, GA (April 4-6, 2025);
Board Member Compensation: None at this time
Financials The following vouchers/warrants as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, were approved for payment.
General Fund (Payroll) for November 29, 2024, warrants 136302 - 136308 in the amount of $9,026.88;
General Fund (Payroll/Accounts Payable) for November 29, 2024, warrants 136309 - 136325 in the amount of $710,730.29;
General Fund (Accounts Payable) for November 27, 2024, warrants 136326 - 136371 in the amount of $58,648.56;
ASB Fund (Accounts Payable) for November 27, 2024, warrants 136372 - 136376 in the amount of $4,871.37;
General Fund (Payroll) for December 9, 2024, warrants 136377 - 136382 in the amount of $2,117.08;
General Fund (Accounts Payable) for December 16, 2024, warrants 136383 - 136456 in the amount of $417,848.96;
ASB Fund (Accounts Payable) for December 16, 2024, warrants 136457 - 136468 in the amount of $25,985.87;
III. Individual Actions Items
Board Policy 3205 ~ Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited; First Reading
Board Policy 3206 ~ Pregnant and Parenting Students; First Reading
Board Policy 5011 ~ Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of District Staff Prohibited; First Reading
Board Policy 5012 ~ Parental, Family, or Marital Status, and Pregnancy or Related Conditions of Staff; First Reading
Board Policy ~ 6220 ~ Bid or Proposal Requirements; Second Reading
Approve the Technology Theft Sensitive List
Reorganization of the School Board
IV. Student Representatives Report
Gabby ~ Middle School Visit; Trinity ~ Hallett Visit; Chuks ~ Michael Anderson Visit; Ashley ~ High School Visit
Topics for December were, what are highlights, biggest challenges, and what are you looking forward to the most for this school year.
Chuks went to Michael Anderson Elementary, students talked about academic subject, especially math, they really like math. They like the B Store, they earn B Bucks during the week and can spend them at the store as a reward. Extracurricular activities are both fun and challenging which makes them rewarding.
Trinity was at Hallett where students also talked about math being a highlight. They love having 10 minute "brain breaks" which gives them a chance to get up and move around. They are looking forward to Math is Cool and would like to have more afterschool clubs. Middle School, High School and getting to have lockers are exciting, but no one was looking forward to having homework.
Gabby visited with students at the Middle School, Leadership class is going well as are extracurricular activities like choir and sports. Concerts and assemblies have been great, they really enjoy them. ELA and PE are the subjects everyone seems to like. Students would really like to see more increased rewards for good behavior.
Ashley's visit to the High School was good. Students said the bathrooms were way better than they had been last year. They've happy that students with less than good behavior have consequences if they're caught. Some said having an anonymous way to report behaviors or vandalism would be good. They're loving winter sports, especially basketball, the atmosphere is amazing. Students are exited for the new year and all it holds.
Motion by Laura Parsons, seconded by Ron Cooper for Wendy Williams-Gilbert to continue as Board Chair. Unanimously Approved.
Motion by Wendy Williams-Gilbert, seconded by Alexis Alexander for Laura Parsons to continue as Board Vice-Chair. Unanimously Approved.
Motion by Wendy Williams-Gilbert, seconded by Alexis Alexander for Wendy Williams-Gilbert to continue as Legislative Representative. Unanimously Approved.
Ron Cooper will continue to be the WIAA representative. Unanimously Approved.