Administrators, Board and Guests Comment on Something Positive They’ve Seen in the District and Community ~ Anyone attending the meeting will be given the opportunity to share something positive following the Board’s comments
Hallett Elementary Trout Release Project
4th grade students will present about their trout release project.
Anyone wishing to speak to a specific individual action item, board policy or other, listed below will be given the opportunity here, prior to action being taken by the Board.
Individual Actions Items
6:19 PM
Board Policies ~ None at this time
Approve the 2025/2026 School Year Calendar
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We postponed the approving the 2025/2026 school year calendar to allow for more feedback from the board and parents.
We shared out the winning calendar, calendar C and created a D Draft that begins before Labor Day but instead of a full week in February, adds a day off before Veteran's Day, an additional 3 day weekend at High School second semester, and a 5 day weekend in February.
Calendar C begins before Labor Day, includes a mid-winter break in February, and gets out June 16.
Calendar D begins before Labor Day adds a day off before Veteran's Day, adds a day off at High School second semester, adds 2 additional days off around President's Day in February
Our first vote had a record amount of staff participate, 129 voters, with 65.9% voting for calendar C.
Second vote had 137 staff participate with 44.5% percent voting for Calendar D.
I asked for parent/community input and received the following responses:
Re: Option C ~ As the parent of two dyslexic students who are always worn out from working twice as hard, I support draft C of the calendar. These kids NEED a break between January and April. The February break would help the school year not feel so miserable for them.
Option C looks great! Less school in the winter and being able to take a vacation sounds nice!
My concern with Draft C is that the more concentrated blocks of time off make it more difficult to find childcare. When the days are dispersed more widely, it is easier to coordinate work schedules with childcare.
Good morning and thank you for allowing us the opportunity to add our inputs to the 2025-26 school year calendar. As a family that choices in from nine mile falls due to military obligations, I feel that option C would be harder to obtain after school care. Thank you
We recommend the School Board approve Calendar D as the 2025/2026 school year calendar.
Approval for 8th Grade Girls to Play on the High School Softball Team
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Our softball program retired long time coaches, John Higgins, and Cam Preston at the end of last season.
Ivanna Lomas is stepping up from varsity assistant to head coach.
Nick Puzycki is joining as varsity assistant coach, and Halle Barsness from the MS is the new JV coach.
We currently have 18 registered in FinalForms. Last year we had 23, and 22 the year before that.
We have 4 eighth grade girls interested in joining. This would allow us to field a JV team to play after varsity games. Without them, we'll potentially have to cancel games due to lack of players with eligible innings.
Approve the Surplus of Old Cheer and Wrestling Outfits ~ High School
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13 uniform tops with yellow cardinals. 2 were last used for the 2024 lilac parade.
The yellow cardinals will be given to the 7 seniors at the March 20 banquet.
27 wrestling warm up tops and 7 warm up bottoms. Surplus will be given to the wrestlers.
MS has offered cheerleading all year long with Amy Chicoine as the advisor. There are 12- 15 participants who cheer at home games and last week they did a half time performance. Cheer is classified as a club activity.
Esports is officially up and running for the spring season and it is also classified as a club activity. Glen Yamane and Chad Powers are the advisors and there are 15 students who compete in this activity.
Both activities require students to sign a contract regarding behavior and academic requirements.
Communications with Staff, Guests, and District Residents
Anyone wishing to speak to something other than a “What’s Right” or an “Individual Action Item” will be given the opportunity to speak. Public comment period is not a time for dialogue between the board and the public. The board will not respond to the public. The board will not respond to statements, questions, or challenges made during public comment period and there will be no back-and-forth dialogue. Please know that the board’s silence is neutral. It is neither a signal of agreement nor disagreement with the speaker’s remarks.