Administrators, Board and Guests Comment on Something Positive They’ve Seen in the District and Community ~ Anyone attending the meeting will be given the opportunity to share something positive following the Board’s comments
School Board Appreciation
10 m
We will take a brief 10 minute break to celebrate our Medical Lake School District Board of Directors.
Anyone wishing to speak to a specific individual action item, board policy or other, listed below will be given the opportunity here, prior to action being taken by the Board.
Individual Actions Items
6:19 PM
Board Policy 3205 ~ Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited; Second Reading
1 m
Given the current Federal ruling declaring the 2024 revisions to Title IX as unconstitutional, we are recommending tabling the revisions of Policies 3205, 3206, 5011, and 5012.
Board Policy 3206 ~ Pregnant and Parenting Students; Second Reading
1 m
Given the current Federal ruling declaring the 2024 revisions to Title IX as unconstitutional, we are recommending tabling the revisions of Policies 3205, 3206, 5011, and 5012.
Board Policy 4280 ~ Research Activity; First Reading
1 m
While the Medical Lake School District recognizes the value of supporting research of outside educational entities, (i.e. ~ student teachers not placed with us) it does not guarantee the right to access Medical Lake School District's students, staff, or data for research purposes. This policy states that if research activity access is granted, the researcher must have submitted a research proposal and can only access schools, students, staff, and data relevant to the research as approved by the district. In addition, the search will not disrupt the daily structure of the school day.
Board Policy 5011 ~ Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of District Staff Prohibited; Second Reading
1 m
Given the current Federal ruling declaring the 2024 revisions to Title IX as unconstitutional, we are recommending tabling the revisions of Policies 3205, 3206, 5011, and 5012.
Board Policy 5012 ~ Parental, Family, or Marital Status, and Pregnancy or Related Conditions of Staff; Second Reading
1 m
Given the current Federal ruling declaring the 2024 revisions to Title IX as unconstitutional, we are recommending tabling the revisions of Policies 3205, 3206, 5011, and 5012.
This is an annual grant approval. With the submission of the grant paperwork, the submitter is required to prove it was presented before the Board by the recorded minutes.
Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, Chad Moss will give an update on the status of the High School wrestling room.
Board Reports and Discussion
7:05 PM
WASA/WSSDA Legislative Conference Report
Wendy Williams-Gilbert
5 m
Dr. Kimberly Headrick and Dr. Wendy Williams-Gilbert attended the WASA/WSSDA Legislative Conference in Seattle January 11 & 12. Dr. Williams-Gilbert will provide an overview of the conference.
Superintendent's Report
7:10 PM
Early Learning Center Update
Kimberly Headrick
5 m
Dr. Kimberly Headrick will share updates on the possible Medical Lake School District Early Learning Center.
Walk & Talks, Meet & Greets
5 m
I'd love to have everyone attend my standing weekly Walk & Talks for each school building and our monthly coffee shop Meet & Greets. Our student reps are scheduled for Walk & Talks randomly as 1 per building per month as well. Please let Sarra know what date/dates you are attending so times can be modified as needed.
8:45 - 9:45 am at Roam Coffee Roasters for those who live in the City of Medical Lake.
Tuesday, March 18; Tuesday, April 15; Tuesday May, 20; and Tuesday, June 17
9:30 - 10:30 am at Thomas Hammer Coffee Roasters for families who live on base
Tuesday, March 11; Tuesday, April 22; Tuesday, May 13; and Tuesday, June 10
MISA Conference in June
2 m
MISA (Military Impacted Schools Association) Conference is June 22-25. We have rooms held, checking in June 21 and out June 26. Please let Sarra know if you are planning to attend so we can add your name to the reservation or cancel rooms not being used.
Communications with Staff, Guests, and District Residents
Anyone wishing to speak to something other than a “What’s Right” or an “Individual Action Item” will be given the opportunity to speak. Public comment period is not a time for dialogue between the board and the public. The board will not respond to the public. The board will not respond to statements, questions, or challenges made during public comment period and there will be no back-and-forth dialogue. Please know that the board’s silence is neutral. It is neither a signal of agreement nor disagreement with the speaker’s remarks.