Medical Lake School District #326, WA

Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 25, 2024 at 5:00 PM PDT


Medical Lake School District Administration Office


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order  
  C. Pledge of Allegiance   1 m
  D. Approve Agenda Vote 1 m
  E. What's Right Discuss 10 m

Administrators, Board and Guests Comment on Something Positive They’ve Seen in the District and Community ~ Anyone attending the meeting will be given the opportunity to share something positive following the Board’s comments


Best Wishes Medical Lake School District retirees:

  • Nancy Warnecke
  • Nancy Cote'
  • Judy Dunbar
  • Cami Ortega
  • Heidi Archer
II. Consent Agenda 5:13 PM
  A. Minutes from Regular Board Meeting 5-28-2024 Approve Minutes 1 m
    Minutes for Regular Board Meeting on May 28, 2024  
  B. Minutes from Special Meeting 6-18-2024 Approve Minutes 1 m
    Minutes for Special Board Meeting on June 18, 2024  
  C. Approve the Consent Agenda Vote
  • Personnel (Certificated and Classified)
    • Resignations
    • Leaves
    • Staff Contracts
  • Staff Travel 
  • Board Member Compensation 
  • Fiscal Vouchers
    • General Fund (Payroll and Accounts Payable)
    • A.S.B. Fund
    • Capital Projects
  • Financial Report
  • Enrollment
III. Public Comments on Individual Action Items

Anyone wishing to speak to a specific individual action item, board policy or other, listed below will be given the opportunity here, prior to action being taken by the Board. 

IV. Individual Actions Items 5:15 PM
  A. Board Policy 6700 ~ Nutrition; Second Reading Vote 1 m
  B. Board Policy 6701 ~ Recess and Physical Activity; Second Reading Vote 1 m
  C. Board Policy 6702 ~ Wellness; Second Reading Vote 1 m
  D. Approve Board Resolution 23-24.07 ~ Interfund Loan Vote 1 m
  E. Approve the Summer School and Extended School Year Programs Vote 1 m
  • High School ~ Credit Recovery
  • Middle School ~ ESY Special Education



  F. Approve the Continued Membership with Puget Sound Joint Cooperative Purchasing for Nutrition Services Vote 1 m
  G. Approve the $0.10 Lunch Price Increase Vote 1 m
  H. Approve the 2024-2025 Free and Reduced Meals Application Vote 1 m

These will be mailed to every family in our district August 1 as required by OSPI. 

  I. Approve the Surplus of Old Office Furniture from Michael Anderson Elementary Vote 1 m
  • Qty 3: Bookcase black metal 4 shelves
  • Qty 5: Desks 30"x60"
  • Qty 16: Long tables 30" x 72" (they are only open on one side)
  • Qty 3:  Office Chairs (2 seaters)


  J. Approve the Surplus of 9 Tennis Shirts from the High School Vote 1 m
  • Purchased in 2017, last time they were used was 2020
V. Student Representatives Report
VI. Reports and Discussions 5:25 PM
  A. Final Audit Report ~ Stefan Swenson Discuss 2 m
  B. General and Capital Projects Budget Extension Discussion ~ Stefan Swenson Discuss 5 m

This discussion pertains to the budget meeting in July. 

VII. Board Reports and Discussion
VIII. Superintendent's Report
IX. Communications with Staff, Guests, and District Residents

Anyone wishing to speak to something other than a “What’s Right” or an “Individual Action Item” will be given the opportunity to speak. Public comment period is not a time for dialogue between the board and the public. The board will not respond to the public. The board will not respond to statements, questions, or challenges made during public comment period and there will be no back-and-forth dialogue. Please know that the board’s silence is neutral. It is neither a signal of agreement nor disagreement with the speaker’s remarks.

X. Executive Session

None at this time

XI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting FYI