Ogden Preparatory Academy
OPA Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday February 19, 2025 at 4:30 PM
1487 Lincoln Avenue
Ogden UT 84404
Early Childhood Center Board Room
The Mission of the Ogden Preparatory Academy Charter School is to provide a challenging curriculum where academic excellence, character development, and individual growth are nurtured in a safe and happy environment that involves the active participation of students, teachers, parents and community members.
Directors Present
B. Lucas, P. Valiente, S. Mejeur (remote)
Directors Absent
B. Gerena, S. Zwygart
Ex Officio Members Present
D. Deem (remote), K. Kennington, S. Lopez
Non Voting Members Present
D. Deem (remote), K. Kennington, S. Lopez
Guests Present
A. McPhee, J. Westbroek, S. Adams (remote), S. Wright, T. Young
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Opportunity for Public Input
II. Finance
Financial Review
Presented by Spencer Adams.
- 56% of the way through the fiscal year!
- Discussed our forecasts for the rest of year
- Revenues and Expenses
- Federal funds still haven't been received. First we have to spend it.
- Ratios - Our Goals vs. Covenants
- Will continue to monitor the budget, specifically each line item.
- School Safety shouldn't impact the MADS because they can be Capitalized
There was further discussion of the Goals. We asked for Spencer's opinion and recommendation.
Financial Items 1. State Auditor Training update discussion 2. HVAC project for Junior High and Elementary 3. New ELA Curriculum adoption for grades 6-9
Discussed State Auditor and Internal Audit Finance Training for new members.
Brenda was absent, and Pablo had trouble logging in. Debbie will resend the login information to Pablo.
HVAC Upgrade
- Debbie gave some history on our HVAC experience.
- There are a couple of options we can do:
- Option 1: to upgrade enough to fix the problem for now. This is temporary for 3-5 years.
- Option 2: To replace all the units now. Based on the age and condition of our units we would need to upgrade about 6 every year for the next years
- The RFP for option 1 was posted, and we have the bid response.
- If we want to do option 2, we would need to a new RFP.
- Either option - the company is ready to move now.
Discussion Points
- Replacing them all at the same time would mean they have the same timeline in the future.
- Replacing them now means that we have years to make a plan. They would have 10-year warranties.
- Discussed how many days cash on hand. What we can actually afford with our funds.
- This company - Jenson. It was asked if they are the same who installed previously.
Decided that the preference would be for going with option 2 - to get them all replaced at once. So we will have a new RFP for this and come back later with a vote.
Discussion of the Secondary ELA Curriculum.
- Really it came down to how long we wanted to purchase it for.
III. Administrative Business
Administrative Board Report
Presented the Administrative Board Report.
- Elementary
- Junior High
- Teaching & Learning
- Operations
Question was brought up about the trend on our teacher retention lowering.
Question of how does the retention correlate with number of students withdrawing.
IV. Policy Updates
Policy Updates
1. Administrative Structure Evaluation- updates to this policy. It now currently reflects what we have in place now.
2. Safety and Security - decided to separate our policy and then have our Crisis plan with more specifics and details that wouldn't be public.
V. Other Business
There was no other items of discussion.
No Public present.
Note: The vote for the new fee schedule will be next month.