Ogden Preparatory Academy


OPA Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday August 15, 2024 at 4:30 PM


1487 Lincoln Avenue

Ogden UT 84404


Early Childhood Center Board Room

The Mission of the Ogden Preparatory Academy Charter School is to provide a challenging curriculum where academic excellence, character development, and individual growth are nurtured in a safe and happy environment that involves the active participation of students, teachers, parents and community members.

Directors Present

B. Lucas (remote), S. Mejeur (remote), S. Zwygart (remote)

Directors Absent

B. Gerena, J. Howell

Ex Officio Members Present

D. Deem, K. Kennington, S. Lopez

Non Voting Members Present

D. Deem, K. Kennington, S. Lopez

Guests Present

A. McPhee, S. Wright, T. Young, Tasha Gonce

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Mejeur called a meeting of the board of directors of Ogden Preparatory Academy to order on Thursday Aug 15, 2024 at 4:35 PM.


Approve Minutes

S. Zwygart made a motion to approve the minutes from the June Meeting OPA Board of Directors Meeting on 06-13-24.
B. Lucas seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Opportunity for Public Input

No public. 


Ratify May and June Votes

Tabled until next meeting.

II. Finance


Financial Review

Spencer briefly caught us up on the fianances.

  • Only 1 month to report on, and look at - July
    • Of note - Because Class Wallet loaded with all the teacher budgets for the year, it looks a little high.


State Auditor and Internal Audit Finance Training for New Board Members

Discussed that Brittany has completed training.


Ratification of purchases

S. Zwygart made a motion to Ratify the purposes for the sod in the ECC, The Play Pad, and Curb Painting.
B. Lucas seconded the motion.
  • Addition of grass to the ECC playground
  • ECC colored Play Pad to the cement
  • Curb Painting & Sanding
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Board Officers and FY25 Plan


Board President

S. Zwygart made a motion to Elect Sara as the Chair for the upcoming year.
B. Lucas seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Board Officers

S. Zwygart made a motion to Elect Brittany as the Vice Chair and the Treasurer for the upcoming year.
B. Lucas seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Signers on Checking Account

Discussed the updates on the account - those who need to be taken off, and those who will be added.

IV. Administrative Business


Administrative Board Report

Briefly discussed how great the first week is going.


  • Enrollment is looking great! We looked at the numbers.
  • Teachers and TAs- only hiring one more TA position. 

Spencer Adams arrived.


School Plan

B. Lucas made a motion to approve the 2025 School Plan.
S. Zwygart seconded the motion.
  • Discussed how this plan encompasses all the plans that are required by the State. 
    • SLT - school leadership team created this year's plan. 
  • Debbie went through and discussed the goals, and then the plan of how the goals will be supported this year to explain the plan document.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Early Learning Plan

B. Lucas made a motion to approve the Early Learning Plan.
S. Zwygart seconded the motion.

Angela discussed the different components of the Early Learning Plan for this year. 

  • Curriculums are in compliance with the State.
  • Goals - We only have 2 this year
    • School Leadership Team - SLT used our longitudinal data to pick our new goals for the year. The focus will be on the 2nd and 1st grade teams.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Surveys to Students

S. Zwygart made a motion to approve the surveys for this school year.
B. Lucas seconded the motion.

We have to get our Surveys approved with the Board. And then later, will have opt-in information for the parents.


  • School Climate
  • Social/Emotional SEL 
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:57 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Mejeur