Ogden Preparatory Academy

OPA Board of Directors Meeting

Published on October 10, 2023 at 5:00 PM MDT

Date and Time

Thursday October 12, 2023 at 4:30 PM MDT


1487 Lincoln Avenue

Ogden UT 84404


Board Room (upstairs)

The Mission of the Ogden Preparatory Academy Charter School is to provide a challenging curriculum where academic excellence, character development, and individual growth are nurtured in a safe and happy environment that involves the active participation of students, teachers, parents and community members.


Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Sara Mejeur
  B. Record Attendance   Sara Mejeur 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Sara Mejeur 1 m
    Approve minutes for OPA Board of Directors Meeting on September 14, 2023  
  D. Opportunity for Public Input   5 m
  E. Ratify Votes from September Board Meeting Vote Sara Mejeur 5 m

Due to the lack of an in-person quorum, all September votes need to be ratified. 


  1. Approved 8/17/2023 Board Meeting minutes
  2. Approved the purchase and installation of locking door knobs for the ECC classrooms.
  3. Approved the FY24 School Days and Hours.
  4. Approved the change in Yearbook fees after October 18.
  5. Approved the revision to the video recording policy.
  6. Meeting Adjourned.
II. Finance 4:42 PM
  A. Financial Review FYI Spencer Adams 5 m
  B. CACFP - Early Childhood Meals Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

Daycare and Preschool meals are governed by the CACFP rather than the NSLP.



Request the Board approve the serving of meals in the OPA Early Childhood Center for the daycare and preschool students. Breakfast and Lunch are provided, breakfast is optional.



  C. TSSA Budget approval Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

The Teacher and Student Success Act is tied to our school improvement plan which has been previously approved by the Board.


The TSSA allows for 40% of its budget to be allocated to salaries. The remaining 60% will be allocated to the salaries of supportive personnel such as the librarians.

  D. Speech Services increase costs potential Vote Debbie Deem 5 m
  • Our Speech caseload has increased beyond our expectations. This is requiring the services of a Speech Language Technician 1-2 days per week in addition to what we currently contract for.
  • Something to Talk About, our Speech contractor, is going to have an SLT start 1 day/week now, and possibly increase in January depending on the final caseload after kindergarten screening is complete. They don’t want to change the contract until January.
  • Each day of an SLT from January to May adds about $6,000 total for the year to the budget.
  • For these services, our contract will increase between $8,500 and $18,000.
  • Request Board approval to move forward with the increase in services. The actual contract cost will be brought to the Board once the SLT requirements are solidified.
  E. Lawn Mesh Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

We have finished installing the lawn mesh in front of the Elementary, and we are excited about it's potential.

We would like to install lawn mesh on the Elementary play area (behind the JH), and on the ECC play area. 


Elementary Field requires 47 standard rolls for $11,487.74

ECC Field requires 20 standard rolls for $5,020.20


We looked at options for an upgraded mesh that is more rubberized; however, the cost is 3 times the standard. We are confident the standard will be sufficient. There will also be enough mesh to put around the pavilion and the small libraries on the east of the Elementary.

III. Administrative Business 5:07 PM
  A. Administrative Board Report FYI Debbie Deem 5 m
  B. LEA Specific Licenses Vote Debbie Deem 5 m

The following teachers require a provisional license while they complete the programs they are in for obtaining the certification.


Request an LEA Specific License for up to 3 years for:

  1. Amanda Sanchez requires an LEA specific endorsement for Special Education Mathematics
    1. Amanda has a Professional Educator License in Special Education. She is in a program to obtain her Mathematics endorsement.
  2. James Rhodes requires LEA Specific endorsements in Science Core and  Social Studies Composite.
    1. James has an Associate Educator License with an Anthropology endorsement. He is completing the work for the other endorsements. 
  3. Ramsay Andersen requires an LEA Specific endorsement for English as a Second Language.
    1. Ramsay has a Professional Educator License with a Spanish endorsement. He is in a program Masters Degree and then will pursue his ESL endorsement. 
  4. Jessica Lambertsen requires an LEA Specific endorsement for Career and Technical Education.
    1. Jessica has a Professional Educator License with a Health and PE endorsement. She is pursuing a CTE endorsement.
  5. Millie Price requires an LEA Specific endorsement for Photography.
    1. Millie is in the process of renewing her Professional License, and getting her photography endorsement.
  6. Celeste Bradford has applied for her Associate Educator License, but it has not posted.
  7. Jesse Wayment has applied for his Associate Educator License, but it has not posted.
  C. Local Health Trends FYI Debbie Deem 5 m


  D. Open and Public Meetings Act Training 5 m
  E. School Trust Land Training Discuss Debbie Deem 5 m
  F. FY24 Trust Land Plan Review FYI Debbie Deem 5 m
  G. RCD Training FYI Kasey Kennington 10 m
  H. Gifted and Talented Plan FYI Debbie Deem 5 m
IV. Policy Updates 5:52 PM
  A. Policy Updates Vote Stephanie Mathers 5 m
  1. Succession of Key Personnel Policy (Draft to be adopted)
  2. Child Nutrition Program Procurement and Code of Conduct Policy (aged review)
  3. Grievance Policy-Parents (suggested updates)
V. Other Discussion 5:57 PM
  A. Discussion Discuss Sara Mejeur 5 m
VI. Closing Items 6:02 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Sara Mejeur