Freeman School District



Date and Time

Thursday February 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM


Palouse Regional Transportation Cooperative

Vision Statement 
Continuing Our Tradition of Excellence in Education 

Mission Statement 
The Freeman School District is the center of a unique, rural community. With pride, commitment and caring, we provide a safe environment for all students to experience meaningful, rigorous learning opportunities that allow them to dream and develop into capable, confident and ethical members of the 21st Century.

Directors Present

A. Keebler, B. Morphy, D. Santman, N. Talbott

Directors Absent

D. Teague

Guests Present

A. Steinolfson, Abigail Wigen, Aimee Hoyt, Barbara Berg, Chad Ripke, D. Morphy, Desiree Hendrickson, Everett Combs, James Reynolds, Jeff Smith, Jennifer Wigen, Joanna De Peralta, Jody Sweeney, Kent Bevers, Kirk Lally, L. Phelan, R. Russell, T. Reed

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance

Board member, Dave Teague, was excused.


Call the Meeting to Order

B. Morphy called a meeting of the board of directors of Freeman School District to order on Thursday Feb 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance

Annie Keebler led us in the flag salute.


Establish Quorum

There was a quorum present.


Approve Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from Freeman School District Board Meeting on 01-27-25.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Consent Agenda


February 2025 Consent Agenda Items

Annie Keebler moved the Board approve the February 27, 2025, consent agenda, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

III. Board Recognition


Above and Beyond Award

Joanna DePeralta was presented with the Above and Beyond Award.  Joanna continues to go above and beyond.  She led a team to come together in a grass-roots effort to promote our levy. She was nominated by the Leadership Team and School Board.


FHS Robotics Presentation

FHS Robotics

HS Principal, Jeff Smith, was excited to introduce HS Robotics Coach James Reynolds and his team.  They were able to show us what they've been working on this year.  It took awhile to get through the process of getting started for the first year.  They received a 1st Year Appearance Award at competition.  They received several grants and are fully funded for next year.  They are looking to more design build next year.  Team members:  Henry Dumars, Matthew Wigen, Sam Kimbal, Kelson, Colin

IV. Pace Character Trait



Sincerity and reverence or love for the truth

V. Correspondence


Washington State Patrol

The Transportation Department received a Certificate of Achievement for an Outstanding WSP inspection for both the summer and spring.  Great job, Everett!

VI. Building Reports


Lisa Phelan, Elementary Principal


During the 24-25 school year, FES will focus on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Professional. 

Learning Communities and Freeman School District's three focus areas: 1. Embrace challenging and necessary conversations with students and staff, 2. Expect Civility and Respect from everyone, 3. Enhance our MTSS grades TK-12


Areas of Focus

  • Presidents’ Wax Museum. The second-grade team and Miss Carli had an incredible community turnout for the annual Presidents’ Wax Museum. Second-grade students are assigned a President or first lady to learn about and share. 
  • Math is Cool. The teams will compete on February 21st (5th grade) and March 7th (4th grade). The 5th graders did excellent at Friday night's Math is Cool competition! The entire team earned 2nd place in our division! [2 points behind Nine Mile Elementary School] And we took a clean sweep of the top 3 individual awards in our division: 1st place: Ronin B., 2nd place: Tempe D. (only 1 point behind Ronin), 3rd place: Kam K. Thanks for everyone's help & congratulations to our team members: Eva B., Ronin B., Casey C., Daniel D., Tempe D., Audrina F., Jaxs K., Kam K., and to our coaches, Kelly & Angie Jahns.
  • Upcoming Events
    • Pages w/Principal Anxious Generation Book Study, Tuesday, February 25th
    • Grades 3-5 Musical - March 27-29, 6:00 p.m., FHS MPR
    • STEAM Fair - April 2nd, Grades TK-8, MPR


TK-46, K-42, 1st-64, 2nd-58, 3rd-65, 4th-57, 5th-52 = 384 


Jim Straw, Middle School Principal


During the 2024-25 school year, FMS staff and students are focused on our academic programs as we implement a seven-period day, incorporating social emotional learning into content classes and the consistent, constant growth of our positive learning community and culture.


Areas of Focus

  • Dawg for a Day Transition Program is in full swing.
  • Our ASB and Leadership class worked together on Heartgrams. The K-8 student body raised $305.51 to benefit the Morningstar Boys Ranch.
  • The FMS students are currently involved in Aimsweb Benchmarking & SBA Interim Blocks to gauge their growth and prepare for state assessments.
  • FMS has modified our Teacher Access format during Friday Advisory to align with the FHS Scottie Time. 
  • Our School-Based Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment Mental Health Clinician, Chris Marks, began administering the SBIRT last week. He works with students in grades 8-12 at Freeman.
  • Student Activities - 6th Grade Ski Trip on 2/19, WSU 8th Grade Mentorship on 2/26, WSU 7th Grade Engagement on 3/21. 


6th- 71              7th- 61 (-1)                   8th- 69              Total- 201 (-1)


Respectfully reported by Lisa Phelan.


Jeff Smith, High School Principal


FHS is continuing to improve.  As a team, we are specifically focusing on Tier 1 MTSS Instruction, Assessment in PLCs (Professional Learning Communities), and PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Support). 


Areas of Focus

  • Registration is underway - student course requests are collected the next few weeks
  • FBLA - 28 students qualified for State competition
  • Freeman is hosting the North Palouse Industry Fair March 11, 8:30 - 12:30
  • ASB is considering a move to hold FHS elections before Spring Break
  • 19 students have qualified for instant acceptance (SCC-7; EWU-5; WSU-7)
  • FHS currently working with Launch NW in a FAFSA Challenge
  • Second semester observations are underway


9th = 61 (-2), 10th = 75, 11th = 76 (+1), 12th = 78.   Total: 290 


Chad Ripke, HS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director


  • Winter sports teams had a great winter season, one team still competing at the state level.
  • Wrestling – 12 kids made it to state. Team won the state qualifying tournament we hosted here at Freeman on 2/15.  4 state placers.  Ryder Pedersen, Quinten Malone, Bearret Murphey, Lincoln Wright all took 8th place over the weekend.  Quincy Paxton and Bearret Murphey were first team all league, Ryder Pedersen, Quinten Malone, and Tucker Hawk were 2nd team all league.
  • Girls Basketball were the south league champs.  Over the weekend lost in the game to make it to state.  Girls had a great season.  Taylee Phelps and Rylee Russell were first team all league.  Logan Pecht was 2nd team all league.
  • Boys Basketball were co league champs with Colfax, and won the district championship over the weekend with an OT game with Reardan.  Boys are the 2nd seed in the state bracket and play this Friday at 6 pm at WV vs Adna.  Winner of that game will play Thursday at 2:00 pm in the Spokane Arena, loser of that game will play at 10:30 am on Wednesday in a loser out game at the arena. Colton Wells and Tanner Goldsmith were named first team all league.  Finn LaPointe and Micah Hodges were 2nd team all league.
  • Cheer continues to do a great job of cheering on the teams and generating school spirit.

Areas of Focus

  • Final stages of planning our Dinner/Auction Fundraiser at CDA Casino on March 15th. 
  • New STCU video board in the blue gym.  This board was 100% donated by STCU.


  • Spring Sports – Baseball 28, Golf – Boys 15, Girls 17, Tennis – Boys 3, Girls 13, Track – Boys 38, Girls 31, Softball 29 (174 kids signed up in final forms)


Mike Allen, K-8 TOSA/Athletic Director


Work to improve programs and support our student athletes.
Participate in partnership with the Greater Spokane County League (GSCL).


Areas of Focus

FMS Girls Basketball off to a great start! 32 girls
6th grade participation – successful pilot at this time
Games starting soon
Finalizing spring sports schedules, baseball and track



Girls Basketball currently at 32 with four teams.


Respectfully reported by Chad Ripke.

VII. Department Reports


Kent Bevers, Nutrition Services Director

Areas of Focus

  1. Received a $1000.00 donation for meal debt
    1. Specifically earmarked by the donor to help elementary students w/meal debt.
    2. Created a separate donation account from Brenda’s HH (Special Donation) to be used for this purpose.
    3. Working with Alan and Stacey Rawson to ensure these funds get where they are intended to go.
  2. OSPI Child Nutrition Administrative Review Summary


Everett Combs, Transportation Supervisor

  •  The transportation team has been working hard in the harsh conditions the last few weeks.  They’ve done a great job on the bad roads and bitter cold temps. 
  •  We have a new candidate to train for a sub driver. 
  •  Mileage for January:
    • To/From – 16,567 miles
    • Field Trips – 52 miles
    • Club Trips – 50 miles
    • Extra-Curricular Trips – 1,961 miles

Total – 18,630 miles


  • Students transported in January:
    • Morning riders – 7,475
    • Afternoon riders – 7,453
    • 2nd PM Route – 501

Total – 15,429 students


  • We are currently operating:
    • Regular ED bus routes - 12
    • Program Bus routes - 2
    • After school 2ND PM Routes - 2
    • McKinney-Vento Routes - 2




Kirk Lally, Maintenance/Grounds Director

Areas of Focus:

  1. Still working closely with Randy and Alan on needed supplies.
  2. Made it through the cold weather with minimal heating issues.


  1. Everett and I completed the self-re-inspection for the schools and turned the report into Spokane Regional Health District.


Todd Reed, Technology Director

Areas of Focus 

  • We successfully rolled out Clever to our elementary staff and students, providing them with a seamless and secure way to access digital learning resources. This implementation simplifies login processes and enhances their overall learning experience.
  • Finished our 2025 E-Rate Filing, 60% discount, on eligible services such as our internet and support/maintenance on internal connections. 
  • We updated our lockdown procedure to include a district-wide text alert, notifying all staff of the lockdown's origin and location. This enhancement ensures faster communication and improved situational awareness for a safer response.


Jody Sweeney, Special Ed Director/School Psychologist

*Special Ed Director: Focused on Special Education processes, legal and team expectations. Communication and collaboration with Admin/Leadership Team and Special Ed Team. Initiating ELL & Highly Capable work within the district.
*School Psychologist: Initial evaluations and reevaluations within Freeman School District – academic, cognitive, social/emotional, developmental, health, adaptive assessments within a legal timeline.

Areas of Focus
1. Olympia visit with Randy and Lisa - Special Ed, TTK, MSOC, Transportation
    a. Following the process
2. Continuing with WIDA ELL/MLL Assessments
3. OSPI Special Education Indicators
    a. Determination Level
4. AIMSWEB January results
    a. Data-Based Decision Making - MTSS
5. Gifted Screener - Getting set up
6. Evaluation/Reevaluation/IEP meetings and Team Collaboration 1

VIII. Superintendent's Report


Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

  • The rest of our school year is going great.  
  • Second semester has started.  
  • The 2025/2026 school calendar has been approved.


School Safety, Culture and Environment



Partnering with Parents and School/Community

S225 Special Levy Election Certification -

  • We received lots of positives from our last levy election.  
  • Huge thank you to our community that worked on & supported our levy.


Fiscal & Legal Accountability

  • Enrollment
  • Cash Flow
    • Kudos to Alan & Regina for working on our finances.
    • We are on a good road moving ahead from a financial standpoint.
    • If we receive TTK funding for the rest of the year, we will finish with a 3% fund balance.
    • If TTK is not funded, we will end up at 1/2 of the 3% fund balance.
    • Send your support of TTK to Senator Lisa Hellman.

IX. Board Comments


Board Comments

Annie Keebler shared she went on MS walk-throughs this week.  It is nice to see kids on the turf field in February.

X. New Business


Approval of Resolution No. 2-24/25

Annie Keebler moved the Board approve amending Resolution No. 2-24/25, relating to an Interfund Loan from the Capital Projects Fund to the General Fund, as presented.  Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Building Condition Assessment Report and Approval

Annie Keebler moved the Board approve the Asset Preservation Program Annual Board Report, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Approval of $2,500 or More Donations

Annie Keebler moved the Board approve three donations of $2,500 or more, as presented.  Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

XI. Other Information


Future Board Meetings

  • The next board meeting will be Monday, March 24th. 
  • The following meetings will be April 28th and May 28th.

XII. Personnel


Personnel Action

Extracurricular:   Sierra McGarity – 7th Grade Head Girls Basketball Coach

                              Kyle Olson – Resignation – 8th Grade Baseball Coach

                              Pia Longinotti – HS Head Tennis Coach


Annie Keebler moved the Board approve the personnel action, as presented.  Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

XIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:01 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Morphy

Recording Secretary _______________________________________

Board Secretary ___________________________________________

Board Chair _______________________________________________