Freeman School District
Freeman School District Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday January 27, 2025 at 11:00 AM
Palouse Regional Transportation Cooperative
Vision Statement
Continuing Our Tradition of Excellence in Education
Mission Statement
The Freeman School District is the center of a unique, rural community. With pride, commitment and caring, we provide a safe environment for all students to experience meaningful, rigorous learning opportunities that allow them to dream and develop into capable, confident and ethical members of the 21st Century.
Directors Present
A. Keebler, D. Santman, D. Teague, N. Talbott
Directors Absent
B. Morphy
Guests Present
A. Steinolfson, Chad Ripke, Chuck Stocker, D. Morphy, Everett Combs, Jeff Smith, Jim Straw, Joanna DePeralta, Jody Sweeney, Kent Bevers, Kirk Lally, L. Phelan, Marty Pannell, Mike Allen, R. Russell, R. Simon, T. Reed
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Establish Quorum
There was a quorum present.
II. Consent Agenda
December 2024 Consent Agenda Items
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve the December 2024 consent agenda,
as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
January 2025 Consent Agenda Items
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve the January 27, 2025, consent agenda,
as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
III. Board Recognition
Above and Beyond Award
Emily Lagreid was presented with the Above and Beyond Award. She was nominated by Lane Mathews.
2024 WIAA Girls Soccer 2B State Champs
Congratulations to the coaches and team for being the 2B Soccer State Champs with a winning season record of 21-0.
ASB Mid-Year Reports
The FES/FMS mid-year ASB report was presented by President, Audrey Shaw.
Vision for this year
- Partnership with the entire student body in hopes of more participation in extracurricular activities throughout the school year.
- Finish creating Kelsey’s “Best Year Ever” vision.
What to accomplish
- Having at least three fundraisers put on by the ASB and not just the PTSG.
- Partnering with the entire district.
- Scottie Dash
Ideas from Students
- Basketball camp
- Duct tape fundraiser
Projects Completed from Last Year
- Drinking Fountain
- Gaga ball pit
Projects Completed
- Maintenance/New doors in the portables, new locks on lockers
- Requested by students/paper towel dispenser in locker rooms
- FMS lunchtime tournament
- Soccer/beginning of the year
- Volleyball/ a month ago
- Leadership planning a new sport for the next tournament
FMS Halloween Dance
- Requested by the student to have after school dances
- Put on by the PTSG
- Big success!
- Having another after-school dance this spring.
Freeman School District Goals to Succeed
- Student Involvement
- Kindness
HS ASB President, Lane Mathews, presented a mid-year report.
Things are going well!
- Dawg Chow is continuing to keep students entertained
- Getting students to games
- Enjoyed the Thanksgiving break/Early semester end
Areas of Focus
Gearing up!
- Trying to get people into houses more
- Looking at starting our annual heartgrams
- Gearing up for district basketball games
- Trying to find a replacement for a rivalry game that is gone
- Blacklight volleyball
- FBLA competitions on Friday
- Clubs coming up with more events
School Board Recognition Month - Building the Future of Public Education
Mrs. Cochrane's 1st grade class gave cards to the board members. They are studying leadership and wanted to thank the board. Dr. Russell read the Governor's Proclamation. Guests in attendance thanked the board for caring for the staff, students and community.
IV. Pace Character Trait
Treating people and ideas with justice and impartiality
V. Building Reports
Lisa Phelan, Elementary Principal
During the 24-25 school year, FES will focus on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Professional.
Learning Communities and Freeman School District's three focus areas: 1. Embrace challenging and necessary conversations with students and staff, 2. Expect Civility and Respect from everyone, 3. Enhance our MTSS grades TK-12
Areas of Focus
- K-5 Winter aimswebPLUS screener is currently being administered.
- TTK-K participates in WaKIDS 3x a year to track growth.
- PLC, the staff meets weekly, and during the next few weekly meetings, the winter screener results will be reviewed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of current groups.
- Math is Cool. Mr. & Mrs. Jahn are doing a great job coaching our 4th and 5th-grade math is the cool team. The teams will be ready to compete on the Feb 21st (5th) and March 7th (4th grade)
- Upcoming events-
- Pages w/Principal Anxious Generation Book Study, Monday, January 28th
- Pastries for Parents and Community, January 31st 7:30 a.m.
Tk 44, K, 42, 1st, 64, 2nd 59, 3rd 65, 4th, 57, 5th, 54 = 385
Jim Straw, Middle School Principal
During the 2024-25 school year, FMS staff and students are focused on our academic programs as we implement a seven-period day, incorporating social emotional learning into content classes and the consistent, constant growth of our positive learning community and culture.
Areas of Focus
- Winter Band/Choir Concert was outstanding! Our students and Mr. Jydstrup gave us an amazing performance!
- Ending & Beginning Semesters- grading, schedule changes, PBIS refresher
- Tommy Gallarda- guest speaker for 6th graders
- MLK Jr. Observance
- Student Activities-
- WSU 7th Grade Engagement
- Color of Justice Fieldtrip
- 6th Grade Ski Trip (upcoming)
6th- 71 (+1) 7th- 62 8th- 69 (+1) Total- 202 (+2)
Jeff Smith, High School Principal
FHS is continuing to improve. As a team, we are specifically focusing on Tier 1 MTSS Instruction, Assessment in PLCs (Professional Learning Communities), and PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Support).
Areas of Focus
- Jan. 6 PD - Data Analysis: Supportive Learning Environment & Monitoring of Teaching & Learning
- Dawg for a Day; Scottie Time begin
- Robotics season a success - earned judges trophy at Regional competition
- SkillsUSA - Austin Guinn 4th place finisher in construction competition
- Knowledge Bowl - FHS currently in 5th (out of 12); Regionals Feb. 21 @ EVHS
- Preparing registration for next year - potential new courses: Marketing; Intro to Business
- End of Semester 1
- Spokane Scholar Nominees: Addy Bowen - Math; Lexie Kennedy – World Language; Preston Eigenhuis - Social Studies; Parker Vernon - Fine Arts; Aubrey Gregory - ELA; Vance Coyner - Science.
9th = 63 (-1) , 10th = 75, 11th = 75, 12th = 78 (-1). Total: 291
Chad Ripke, HS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
- Winter sports teams are doing great. All 3 teams, girls basketball, boys basketball, and wrestling are undefeated in league play.
- Boys Basketball team is currently ranked #3 in the RPI and play at #2 Colfax on Thursday for first place in the league. Senior night is Thursday 2/6.
- Girls Basketball team is currently ranked #3 in the RPI and play #23 Colfax on Thursday and #17 Liberty on Friday at home. Senior night is Thursday 2/6.
- Wrestling is doing great. They shut out Asotin last week 69-0. Had good success at their last 2 tournaments. Senior night is Tuesday 1/28.
- Cheer is doing a great job supporting the teams.
Areas of Focus
- Supporting, mentoring and coaching my coaches.
- Spring sports schedules and head tennis coach and JV softball jobs still to be filled
- Dinner/Auction fundraiser at CDA Casino on March 15th. Planning for the event has started and if you know of anyone interested in helping please contact me.
- Boys Basketball 28
- Girls Basketball 18 w/ the 8th grade additions
- Wrestling 16
- Cheer 12
Mike Allen, K-8 TOSA/Athletic DIrector
Work to improve programs and support our student athletes.
Participate in partnership with the Greater Spokane County League (GSCL).
Areas of Focus
- FMS Basketabll off to a great start!
- 6th grade participation – process, feedback, team selection
- Last weeks games
- Already looking towards the start of Girls’ Basketball mid-February
Boys Basketball currently at 44 with four teams.
VI. Department Reports
Kent Bevers, Nutrition Services Director
Freeman SD Nutrition Services supports the philosophy of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs and will provide wholesome and nutritious meals for children in the district’s schools.
Areas of Focus
- Received an additional $15K from USDA for entitlement funds (USDA Commodities & DoD Fruits & Veggies.
- Current Neg Balance: $5924.72
- All Negative Balances were brought to $0.00 at the beginning of the year with a generous donation.
- Tawnya Becker sent out Negative Balance letters two weeks ago.
- Admin Review Update: Submitted to OSPI 3 documents required by Jan 20. This was a big team effort with Alan & Regina’s help.
- School Nutrition Article (SNA):
- “# Big Challenges School Lunch Programs Face: Link: (
- Reimbursements don’t cover costs (79% of respondents)
- Unpaid School Meal Debt: “95% of School Food Programs that do not offer universal free meals reported carrying unpaid student meal debt.”
- School Meal Programs Compete for Employees
- “# Big Challenges School Lunch Programs Face: Link: (
- SNA 2025 73-Page Position Paper Outlines additional budget and funding challenges for Nutrition Services in Public Schools nationally. Here’s the link for the paper:
Everett Combs - Transportation Supervisor
- The WSP conducted their surprise winter inspection January 6th. We did NOT have any out of service buses. It was a great inspection.
- Production on our new buses have been pushed back to March so we won’t see them until April at the earliest.
- Mileage for December:
- To/From – 12,262 miles
- Field Trips – 0 miles
- Club Trips – 0 miles
- Extra-Curricular Trips – 1,242 miles
Total – 13,504 miles
- Students transported in December:
- To/From daily riders – 12,262
- 2nd PM Route – 181
Total – 12,443 students
- We are currently operating:
- Regular ED bus routes 12
- SPED bus routes 2
- After school 2ND PM Routes 2
- McKinney-Vento Route 2
Kirk Lally - Maintenance/Ground Director
Areas of Focus:
- Working closely with Randy and Alan on supplies needed.
- Running heat in the buildings when temp is 20 or less.
- Still in need of custodial subs.
- Nothing to report at this time.
Todd Reed - Director of Technology
Areas of Focus
- We experienced a few setbacks during the Christmas break due to a poweroutage that damaged different technologies across the district. Everything isrepaired and back online.
- Working on our 2025 E-Rate Filing, 60% discount, on eligible services such as our internet and support/maintenance on internal connections.
- We are continually refining the new website, addressing design and functionality to ensure it is fully optimized and ready for its February launch.
Jody Sweeney - Special Ed Director / School Psychologist
*Special Ed Director: Focused on Special Education processes, legal and team expectations. Communication and collaboration with Admin/Leadership Team and Special Ed Team. Initiating ELL & Highly Capable work within the district.
*School Psychologist: Initial evaluations and reevaluations within Freeman School District – academic, cognitive, social/emotional, developmental, health, adaptive assessments within a legal timeline.
Areas of Focus
- Dyslexia Screener K-3
- WIDA ELL/MLL Assessment
- Transition Indicator - OSPI February - June 2025
- Accommodations for State Testing
- Kinder Profile Meetings
- Gifted Screener - Getting set up
- Evaluation/Reevaluation/IEP meetings and Team Collaboration
VII. Superintendent's Report
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
- Working on the Balanced Calendar - Have good data for using in the future. The 25/26 school calendar is set and will mirror this year. Work will begin on the 26/27 calendar in late winter.
- IMC instructional committee will be meeting today.
School Safety, Culture and Environment
Partnering with Parents and School/Community
- Financial Transparency sheet was shared with staff
- The importance of getting the levy passed, TK funding, enrollment and working together on cash flow.
Fiscal & Legal Accountability
- Alan spoke about actual make-up for under funding that will happen this month
- Lowest cash flow in 25 years
- Going to have tough conversations in March & April
- The goal is to get back to a 3% year-end balance
- Information has been shared for the last 18 months
- Waiting for TK funding answers. We are funded through February and partially in March at this time. If this funding is not received through the end of the year, it could mean RIFs.
- The General Fund does not have the funds to carry other areas not funded
VIII. Board Comments
- Dave Teague wanted to thank Joanna DePeralta and parents for all their hard work. He wants people to know we are all tax payers and work for the district. The state and McCleary are failing us. Programs have changed the funding. We need to help our district maintain its success. I understand the frustration as a tax payer. We will justify every penny spent, but cannot control what the state does. We are doing everything to be good stewards. We want our staff to feel valued even when they take their positions at a discount. We will take care of what we can.
- Danielle Santman wanted to reassure the audience that they are looking out for the best interest of the students. She can't account for the state, but we are neighbors working together.
- The school board thinks we should reach out to TK parents to give them another heads up regarding what the state is doing with TK as soon as we know.
IX. Visitor Comments & Concerns
Visitor Comments
Mr. Stocker gave a suggestion to call the HUB to see if they have ideas to help with custodial shortages. He also thought things are good. He explained how McCleary changed finances and has added to school finance problems. Continue being transparent and keep working together.
X. Unfinished Business
Approval of Board Policy & Prodedure No. 3414 - 2nd Reading
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 3414 - Infectious Diseases, as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 3420 - 2nd Reading
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 3420 - Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 3424 - 2nd Reading
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 3424 - Opioid Related Overdose Reversal, as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
XI. Other Information
Future Board Meetings
- The next board meeting will be Thursday, February 27th. Dave Teague will not be in attendance.
- The following meetings will be March 24th and April 28th.
XII. Personnel
Personnel Action
Certified: Jessica Clutter – Emergency Substitute Teacher
Extracurricular: James Javier – 8th Grade Head Girls Basketball Coach
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve the personnel action as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Superintendent Mid-Year Evaluation - Contract
The board moved into Executive Session at 12:31 pm for the purpose set forth in RCW 42.30.110. specifically, the following: to evaluate a public employee. Such session is estimated to be approximately one hour in length. Action is expected upon return. The Board returned to open session at 1:29 pm.
Annie Keebler moved the Board extend the Superintendent's contract from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2028. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
XIV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Recording Secretary _______________________________________
Board Secretary ___________________________________________
Board Chair _______________________________________________
Rylee Russell led us in the flag salute. p;ease