Freeman School District
Freeman School District Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday December 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Palouse Regional Transportation Cooperative
Vision Statement
Continuing Our Tradition of Excellence in Education
Mission Statement
The Freeman School District is the center of a unique, rural community. With pride, commitment and caring, we provide a safe environment for all students to experience meaningful, rigorous learning opportunities that allow them to dream and develop into capable, confident and ethical members of the 21st Century.
Directors Present
A. Keebler, D. Santman, N. Talbott
Directors Absent
B. Morphy, D. Teague
Guests Present
A. Steinolfson, Aimee Hoyt, Chad Ripke, D. Morphy, Everett Combs, Jeff Smith, Jim Straw, Joanna De Peralta, Jody Sweeney, Kent Bevers, Kirk Lally, L. Phelan, Mike Allen, R. Russell, RaeAnne Clark, T. Reed
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Approve Minutes
Establish Quorum
There is a quorum present.
II. Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda Items
Danielle Santman moved the Board approve the November 20, 2024, consent agenda, as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
III. Board Reorganization
Review Board Policy No. 1210
Call for Nominations for Chairperson
Annie Keebler called for nominations for Chairperson. Danielle Santman nominated Dave Teague as Chairperson. Nate Talbott seconded the nomination and it passed unanimously.
Call fo Nominations for Vice Chairperson
Annie Keebler called for nominations for Vice-Chair. Nate Talbott nominated Bill Morphy as Vice-Chair. Danielle Santman seconded the nomination and it passed unanimously.
Call for Nominations for WIAA Representative
Annie Keebler called for nominations for WIAA Representative. Danielle Santman nominated Nate Talbott as WIAA Representative. Annie Keebler seconded the nomination and it passed unanimously.
Call for Nominations for WSSDA Legislative Representative (2 years)
Annie Keebler called for nomination for Legislative Representative. Nate Talbott nominated Danielle Santman as Legislative Representative. Annie Keebler seconded the nomination and it passed unanimously.
IV. Pace Character Trait
Showing a genuine concern for the welfare of others and being a kind, supportive helper
V. Building Reports
Lisa Phelan, Elementary Principal
- During the 24-25 school year, FES will focus on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Professional. Learning Communities and Freeman School District's three focus areas: 1. Embrace challenging and necessary conversations with students and staff, 2. Expect Civility and Respect from everyone, 3. Enhance our MTSS grades TK-12
Areas of Focus
- TK-5 Professional Learning- TK-2 Vertical PLC time to learn and share about the required Dyslexia screener, tools for the classroom, identifying what is developmentally appropriate, and early interventions for students who might fall into the broad Dyslexia category at a young age.
- 3-5 Math PLC work reflects on what is going well with Math Switch (through assessments, students are identified for their “just right” group) and the current challenges.
- TK-12 Special Education/ All Para staff PLC will meet to review teacher/para expectations, interventions, and caseload/schedules.
- PACE assembly awarded students for receiving an award for being Respectful, Responsible, Showing Gratitude, and Citizenship. Miss Miranda and Mr. Gady were good sportsmen in front of the student body and were chosen to receive a “pie” in the face.
- Upcoming events- PTSG Community Craft Night will be December 13th
- TK 44, K, 42, 1st, 64, 2nd 59, 3rd 65, 4th, 57, 5th, 54 = 385 (up two from last month)
Jim Straw, Middle School Principal
- During the 2024-25 school year, FMS staff and students are focused on our academic programs as we implement a seven-period day, incorporating social emotional learning into content classes and the consistent, constant growth of our positive learning community and culture.
Areas of Focus
- End of Semester Scheduling- working with FHS to establish a bell schedule for Finals and with the PTSG on several events for students.
- Freeman FLL (FIRST Lego League) hosted the Regional Robotics Competition and competed to qualify for State.
- Band/Choir Concert will be held on Wednesday, December 18 at 7:00 pm. Students have been working hard to prepare!
6th- 70 7th- 62 8th- 68 Total- 200
Jeff Smith, High School Principal
- FHS is continuing to improve. As a team, we are specifically focusing on Tier 1 MTSS Instruction, Assessment in PLCs (Professional Learning Communities), and PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Support).
Areas of Focus
- Semester 1 Finals schedule set
- Winter Band and Choir concert: Dec. 18
- FHS/FMS are considering adding Scottie Time 1x per week for Semester 2
- CTE Reapproval process for Agriculture courses is underway
- FHS Graduation 2025 - Principal Smith is respectfully moving graduation from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
- Drama Club
9th = 64 , 10th = 75, 11th = 75, 12th = 79 (-1). Total: 294
Chad Ripke, HS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
- Winter sports contests started this past week. First home contests are wrestling on Tuesday 12/10 and basketball on Friday 12/13.
- Soccer finished the year 21-0 and state champs. 1st state soccer championship in school history.
- Volleyball finished 20-3 overall and 3rd in state.
- Cross Country boys finished 5th is state, Eli Cotton 9th overall.
- Football finished 10-2 overall and 3rd in state.
- Cheer did a great job of supporting all of our fall sports
- Our fall sports teams that keep records were 51-5 overall. Great job by our coaches and kids representing Freeman.
Areas of Focus
- Assembly to recognize the soccer team as well as all our fall sports teams
- Fall coaches evaluations
- Greg Larson basketball tournament on 12/27 and 28. Wrestling tournament on 12/30
- Spring sports schedules and head tennis coach and JV softball jobs still to be filled
- Dinner/Auction fundraiser at CDA Casino on March 15th. Planning for the event has started and if you know of anyone interested in helping please contact me.
- Boys Basketball - 28
- Girls Basketball - 20 w/ the 8th grade additions
- Wrestling - 17
- Cheer - 12
Mike Allen, K-8 TOSA/Athletic Director
- Work to improve programs and support our student athletes.
Participate in partnership with the Greater Spokane County League (GSCL).
Areas of Focus
- FMS Volleyball will play their final match on 12/11.
- Season Records -
FMS Wrestling competed at the GSCL All-League Tournament on 12/4. Crazy end to the tournament.
Placers were Eli Gilbert 1st, Reed Brebner 3rd, Grayson Bake 1st, Gavin Collins 5th, Evan Schwartz 3rd, Titus Cochran 1st, Chase Jacot 5th, Ian Shiva 2nd
- Boys Basketball currently 31 in Final Forms, season starts January 7th.
VI. Department Reports
Kent Bevers, Nutrition Services Director
Freeman SD Nutrition Services supports the philosophy of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs and will provide wholesome and nutritious meals for children in the district’s schools.
Areas of Focus
- Continuing to prepare for audit at the end of Feb.
- OSPI will soon be asking for various documents in preparation for the audit
- Free/Reduced Application records for this year
- Direct Certification records and documents
- Food labels & statements
- Production records, menu & recipe for the month of review (Feb.)
- An agenda check list
- …and more
- OSPI will soon be asking for various documents in preparation for the audit
Everett Combs - Transportation Supervisor
- Mileage for November:
- To/From – 11,188 miles
- Field Trips – 43 miles
- Club Trips – 81 miles
- Extra-Curricular Trips – 3,571 miles
Total – 14,883 miles
- Students transported in November:
- To/From daily riders – 12,106
- 2nd PM Route – 286
Total – 12,106 students
- We are currently operating:
- Regular ED bus routes - 12
- SPED bus routes - 2
- After school 2ND PM Routes - 2
- McKinney-Vento Route - 1
- We are hosting our Transportation Christmas gathering/potluck here at the PRTC on Thursday the 19th. You are welcome to join us.
Kirk Lally, Maintenance/Grounds Director
Areas of Focus:
- Football concessions have been winterized.
- Winter equipment is ready when the weather hits.
- Ice melt and sand have been delivered.
- Nothing to report at this time.
Todd Reed, Technology Director
Areas of Focus
- We successfully set up the technology for the robotics competition in the middle school gym & K-8 MPR by ensuring seamless integration of power, networking, and audio-visual systems to support all event activities.
- We are continually refining the new website, addressing design and functionality to ensure it is fully optimized ready for its early January launch.
Jody Sweeney, Special Ed Director/School Psychologist
- Special Ed Director: Focused on Special Education processes, legal and team expectations. Communication and collaboration with Admin/Leadership Team and SpecialEd Team. Initiating ELL & Highly Capable work within the district.
- School Psychologist: Initial evaluations and reevaluations within Freeman School District - academic, cognitive, social/emotional, developmental, health, adaptiveassessments within a legal timeline.
Areas of Focus
- Working with the Special EducationTeam and providingthe support needed to complete nine initial evaluations (ages 3 & 4 prior to January) and seven initial evaluations K-8 elementary and middle school. We have numerous meetings prior to winter break.
- Connecting with parents priorto the end of the semester and providing updateson progress. Collaborating to review data and to review interventions and specially designed instruction. Providing training, mentorship and support to complete the semester with success.
VII. Superintendent's Report
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
School Safety, Culture and Environment
We have had a phenominal semester. Everyone is ready for next Friday. We will hit the ground running when we return on the 6th of January; a PD day getting ready for the next semester.
Partnering with Parents and School/Community
The School Board/Superintendent Expectations & Goals were reviewed; keeping an eye on the progress of the goals. This is part of the Superintendents evaluation process.
Fiscal and Legal Accountability
- The district cash flow is currently predicted to end at 2.5% at the end of the year.
- The superintendent's mid year evaluation will be presented by the board at the next board meeting. Each board member completes an evaluation form and sends to the board chair who compiles the information and then shares with the superintendent. Dr. Russel looks forward to the mid-year check-in.
VIII. Unfinished Business
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2125 - 2nd Reading
Danielle Santman moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 2125 - Sexual Health Education, as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 3205 - 2nd Reading
Nate Talbott moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 3205 - Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy No. 5005 - 2nd Reading
Danielle Santman moved the Board approve Board Policy No. 5005 - Employment and
Volunteers: Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval, as
presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy No. 6600 - 2nd Reading
Nate Talbott moved the Board approve Board Policy No. 6600 - Transportation, as
presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
IX. New Business
Approval of New ASB Club
Danielle Santman moved the Board approve the new ASB Drama Club, as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval of 2024-25 Highly Capable District Plan
Nate Talbott moved the Board approve the2024-2025 Highly Capable Plan, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Appointment of For/Against Committee
Danielle Santman moved the Board approve the For Committee -Joanna DePeralta, Emily Lagreid, & Eric Eden, for the 2025 Safety, Security & Technology Levy ballot statement. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
No against statements were submitted.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 3414 - 1st Reading
Nate Talbott moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 3414 - Infectious Diseases, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 3420 - 1st Reading
Danielle Santman moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 3420 - Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response, as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 3424 - 1st Reading
Nate Talbott moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 3424 - Opioid Related Overdose Reversal, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
X. Other Information
Future Board Meetings
- The January board meeting will be the 27th at 11:00 am in the PRTC. Mid-Year ASB reports will be presented. The State Champion girls soccer team will be recognized.
- The board meeting in February will be Thursday, the 27th, at 6:00 pm in the PRTC.
- The March board meeting will be Monday, the 24th, at 6:00 pm.
XI. Personnel
Personnel Action
Certified: Savanna Jenkins - Substitute Teacher
Extracurricular: Bill Brebner – Resignation – 7th Grade Head Boys Basketball Coach
Kyle Monasmith – Resignation – 7th Grade Head Girls Basketball Coach
Danielle Santman moved the Board approve the personnel action as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
XII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Recording Secretary _______________________________________
Board Secretary ___________________________________________
Board Chair _______________________________________________
Todd Reed led us in the flag salute.