Freeman School District
Freeman School District Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday July 29, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Palouse Regional Transportation Cooperative
Vision Statement
Continuing Our Tradition of Excellence in Education
Mission Statement
The Freeman School District is the center of a unique, rural community. With pride, commitment and caring, we provide a safe environment for all students to experience meaningful, rigorous learning opportunities that allow them to dream and develop into capable, confident and ethical members of the 21st Century.
Directors Present
A. Keebler, B. Morphy, D. Santman, D. Teague, N. Talbott
Directors Absent
Guests Present
Amanda Kazmi, D. Morphy, Doug Pace, Gena Hawk, Gene Sementi, Jeremy Schmidt, Ken Murphy, Kristie Newcomb, L. Phelan, Logan Gullickson, Margie Lashaw, R. Simon, Sandra Trecanni, Scott Marlow, T. Reed
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Establish Quorum
Quorum Established
II. Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda Items
III. Board Recognition
Sandra Treccani - Washington Department of Ecology
Sandra shared a power point presentation with an update on the Grain Handling Facility cleanup progress and the plan for finishing the cleanup of the carbon tetrachloride present in the ground water since July 2021 and the progress that’s been made.
IV. Correspondence
- The Current Newspaper – Recognizing McKenna Finley and Tanner Goldsmith
- Spokesman Review Sport Page – Garret Sawyer and his race car
- Steve Fink – Letter regarding the crisis of female athletes and transgender athletes
V. Superintendent's Report
- Thanks to the transportation department for their 100% WSP approval rating
- Kudos to Kirk, Adam and the custodial crew for the great job they’re doing around campus
Modernization Grant Update
Gene Sementi & OAC Services
- FSD received a $20,000 modernization planning grant.
- FSD is partnering with OAC Services, ALSC, and GEO Engineers to look at the campus and determine the long term needs of the district.
- A team has been meeting regularly for the past 4-5 weeks to develop a plan.
- We are at the application stage for the 2027-2029 biennium.
- Depending on a capital gains tax, it could be the 2029-2031 biennium before our application would be processed.
- As a team, they walked through all classrooms and looked at needed projects and prioritized the highest need projects.
- The team compiled a list of 30 plus projects; HVAC, tech. No additional square footage can be added.
- The team is looking long range; 7-10 years. Keeping an eye on the future.
- Continue to look for grants for opportunities for projects.
- Some systems will be reaching their end of life by the date range of the grant
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
School Safety, Culture and Environment
Partnering with Parents and School/Community
Fiscal & Legal Accountability
- Thank you, Alan, for the Budget Report.
- Cash flow was shared with the board.
VI. Board Comments
Board Comments
- A reminder from the board chair that all board meeting are now required to be recorded. The audio recording will be linked in the board meeting minutes.
- The board is continuing to look at how they can get better
VII. Visitor Comments & Concerns
Visitor Comments & Concerns
- Thank you to the board for improving the transparency of board meeting agendas and budgets. An ask for consideration to recognize Kenny Davis (former Freeman teacher and volleyball coach) in naming the HS red gym in his honor.
VIII. Unfinished Business
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2022 - 2nd Reading
Approval of Board Policy No. 2023 - 2nd Reading
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2124 (NEW) - 2nd Reading
IX. New Business
Approval of Resolution 8-2023/2024 -- 2024-2025 Budget
Approval of Resolution 9-2023-2024 -- Adoption of F195F Budget
X. Other Information
Future Board Meetings
- The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be Wednesday, August 28th at 6:00 pm in the PRTC Conference Room proceeded by a Board Work Session at 2:00 pm in the PRTC Conference Room.
- The first board meeting of the new school year will be Monday, September 23rd at 6:00 pm at the PRTC Conference Room
XI. Personnel
Personnel Action
- Kyle Monasmith – 1.0 CTE Business & Marketing Education Teacher/FBLA Advisor
- Ashley Doneen – Substitute Teacher
- Anna Lorenson – Emergency Substitute Teacher – Pending OSPI Approval
- Josie Moore – School Psychologist – .715 FTE (900 hours) Non-Continuing (24/25 SY)
- Rick Plumbo – Bus Driver
- Anna Lorenson – Substitute Paraeducator
Gene Sementi led us in the flag salute.