Freeman School District
Freeman School District Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday August 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Palouse Regional Transportation Cooperative
Vision Statement
Continuing Our Tradition of Excellence in Education
Mission Statement
The Freeman School District is the center of a unique, rural community. With pride, commitment and caring, we provide a safe environment for all students to experience meaningful, rigorous learning opportunities that allow them to dream and develop into capable, confident and ethical members of the 21st Century.
Directors Present
A. Keebler, B. Morphy, D. Santman, D. Teague, N. Talbott
Directors Absent
Guests Present
A. Steinolfson, Aimee Hoyt, Chad Ripke, D. Morphy, Emily Lagried, Everett Combs, Glenn Hawk, Gretchen Brebner, Jeff Smith, Jessica Whitney, Jim Straw, Joanna DePeralta, Jody Sweeney, Kellie Miner, Kirk Lally, Kyle Monasmith, L. Phelan, Lisa Frazier, Mike Allen, R. Russell, R. Simon, Rachel Burgess, Rick Plumbo, T. Reed
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Establish Quorum
Quorum Established
II. Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda Items
III. Board Recognition
Recognition of New Staff
Introduction of new staff in attendance:
- Rick Plumbo – Bus Driver
- Kyle Monasmith – HS CTE Business & Marketing Teacher/FBLA Advisor
- Emily Lagreid – HS Secretary
- Lisa Frazier – HS CTE Foods Culinary Teacher
- Directors recognized new staff not in attendance.
IV. Correspondence
FSD Website
Strategic Plan Flyer updated by CEE
V. Building Reports
Lisa Phelan, Elementary Principal
- During the 24-25 school year, FES will focus on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Professional Learning Communities and Freeman School District's three focus areas:
- Embrace challenging and necessary conversations with students and staff;
- Expect Civility and Respect from everyone; and
- Enhance our MTSS grades TK-12.
Areas of Focus
- TK/K WaKids family meetings were last week, and students will start this week.
- PBIS rotations for grades 1-5 are led by the paraeducator staff and 5th-grade students.
- aimswebPLUS screener will be administered beginning the week of August 26-30
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support District Team
TK-4, K-42, 1-65, 2-57, 3-66, 4-56, 5-54 = 386 Total
Jim Straw, Middle School Principal
- Overview
During the 2024-25 school year, FMS staff and students are focused on our academic programs as we implement a seven-period day, incorporating social emotional learning into content classes and the consistent, constant growth of our positive learning community and culture.
Areas of Focus
- ASB Officers met on Wednesday, August 14th to plan for the 2024-25 school year. They discussed their goals for the year, planned a new student tour and laid out their activity calendar for the year.
- The FMS Building Leadership Team met before school to review and refine our Building Processes, the specifics around Advisory procedures and content being delivered through content classes and the FMS role in the implementation of MTSS.
- Students have returned and classes are in session! The first few days have been energetic and positive! Staff and students are focusing on getting to know each other and establishing guidelines for a great year.
6th- 70 7th- 63 8th- 68 Total- 201
Jeff Smith, High School Principal
- FHS is continuing to improve. As a team, we are specifically focusing on Tier 1 MTSS Instruction, Assessment in PLCs (Professional Learning Communities), and PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Support).
Areas of Focus
- We welcome a new Office Secretary: Emily Lagreid
- We welcome one new teacher to FHS: Kyle Monasmith (Business Ed Teacher, FBLA and ASB Advisor, and SOARS Director)
- We welcome 2 current FSD staff to new positions at FHS: Lisa Frazier (Culinary); Jim Rae (Metals and Woods).
- We are running a 7-period daily bell schedule
- We are continuing to work with the MS in Professional Learning Communities
- ASB Theme for the year is “Determine Your Path”. ASB welcomed 9th graders before Monday’s Open House
9th = 65, 10th = 79, 11th = 76, 12th = 80. Total: 300
Chad Ripke, HS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
- Kickoff to the 2024 fall sports season. Football and cheer started on Wednesday 8/21.
Volleyball, Soccer, and Cross Country started on Monday 8/26.
Areas of Focus
- Annual athletics golf tournament fundraiser on August 17ᵗʰ at the Links golf course was a huge success again. Don’t have final numbers yet, but those that participated had a lot of fun.
- Pre-season meetings with all fall head coaches. Will also do a mid-season and post season as
• Football 56
• Volleyball 30
• Soccer 26
• Cross Country 25
• Cheer 16
Mike Allen, K-8 TOSA/Athletic DIrector
- Work to improve programs and support our student athletes.
Participate in partnership with the Greater Spokane County League (GSCL).
Areas of Focus
- FMS Football, Softball and Cross Country start this week. Great turn out for our fall sports.
We will host end of season football games at Kent Smith Field again and continue to host the GSCL All-League Cross Country Meet.
- Football - 27
- Softball - 18
- Cross Country - 31
VI. Department Reports
Kent Bevers, Nutrition Services Director
Areas of Focus
- Received a $5,800.00 grant to help pay off school meal debt
- With the grant, and with what was already in Brenda’s HH, we are able to pay off ALL negative meal debt (about $7,000.00)
- After paying off all meal debt, just over $3,000.00 will be left in Brenda HH
- So Far, every negative meal balance in excess of $10.00 has been paid off
OSPI Child Nutrition Administrative Review
- Probably late February or early March
- No specific date yet
- No schools selected yet
- The OSPI CN Specialist will be her for one week
- Looking at backend policies and procedures
- Will be monitoring meal service to ensure compliance
Everett Combs - Transportation Supervisor
Mileage for June:
- To/From – 8633 miles
- Athletics/Field Trips – 346 miles
- Total miles for June – 8979 miles
- Very well attended open house here at the transportation building. Every driver was here to meet parents and students.
- The drivers bid on their routes on Monday of our state required in-service.
- We currently have:
- 12 Regular ED bus routes
- 2 SPED bus routes
- 2 After school 2ⁿᵈ PM bus routes
- 16 Total Routes
We adjusted some of the routes so we don’t have overlap.
Kirk Lally - Maintenance/Ground Director
Areas of Focus:
- Custodial did a fantastic job of getting the schools ready for the start of school.
- Completed patch work on the parking lots.
- Several projects that needed repairs are done. Still have a few to go depending on budget.
- Working close with Alan and Randy on those.
- Nothing to report at this time.
Todd Reed - Director of Technology
Areas of Focus
- We cleaned, updated, and prepared technology in each classroom to ensure an effective and smooth launch to the new school year, setting the stage for effective teaching and learning
- The Chromebook check out process was concluded efficiently within the allocated time slot.
- FHS-241
- FMS-192
- We installed and configured a new camera surveillance server for FHS to distribute the load across 2 servers, enhancing system performance and reliability
- Skyward has implemented mandatory two-factor authentication (2FA) for staff logins, and we assisted everyone in setting up 2FA on their phones as needed. We will soon be rolling out our own 2FA system for email access as the next security measure.
Jody Sweeney - Special Ed Director / School Psychologist
- School Psychologist: Initial evaluations and reevaluations within Freeman School District – academic, cognitive, social/emotional, developmental, health, adaptive assessments within a legal timeline.
- Special Ed Director: Focused on Special Education processes, legal and team expectations. Communication and collaboration with Admin/Leadership Team and Special Ed Team. ELL & Highly Capable work within the district
Areas of Focus
- Special Ed Team
- Leah Heideman - Speech/Language Pathologist
- Josie Moore – School Psychologist T/W/Th
- Tanya Felvarg & Kaylynn Mendenhall - Paras
- Meetings, Training, Schedules, Transfers, Paperwork
VII. Superintendent's Report
Review Board Policy No. 1005 and Policy No. 1810
- Review Board Policy No. 1005 – Key Functions of the Board: Vision, Structure, Accountability, Advocacy
- Review Board Policy No. 1810 – Annual Goals and Objectives
Review FSD School Board-Superintendent Expectations and Goals
- Review FSD School Board-Superintendent Expectations and Goals for 2024/2025
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
School Safety, Culture and Environment
The start of the school year is the best that it has been for a few years; lots of great energy. Departments and buildings are running smooth. Dr. Russell has been in every classroom and has met new staff. We had a great staff kickoff. Positive things are happening. Staff are encouraged to contribute not complain. Positive things are happening. Treat everyone with civility and dignity. We have 20 new students. The all-school assembly felt really good. A great start to the school year.
Partnering with Parents and School/Community
Review Freeman 2025 Strategic Plan
- Highlights of our Key Actions & Proposed Metrics
- Proud of the staff. Every kid counts. They deserve our best every day. We lost our way a little bit last year but have found our way this year. Stay connected and involved.
- Balancing new classes this year.
- We have the best TK program. We are a model for other districts.
Capital Projects Levy Discussion
- During the work session, an hour was spent on the 2023-2024 budget and our financial future.
- Another hour was spent discussing if the district should have another Capital Projects Levy. Do we take money out of the General Funds to pay to maintain the campus and repairs or run a levy as an option.
- Will invite Cory Plager, DA Davidson, to our next work session and then present at the board meeting.
Fiscal & Legal Accountability
- Enrollment is in good shape. Enrollment is up a little more than in July.
- Ending Cash Balance – On track with financial. Ending with a little less than $200,00 in the budget. We had to make some hard decisions but needed the changes to be sustainable.
VIII. Board Comments
Board Comments
No comments.
IX. Visitor Comments & Concerns
Visitor Comments & Concerns
No comments.
X. New Business
Approval of Board Policy and Procedure No. 2401 - 1st Reading
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2402 - 1st Reading
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2403 - 1st Reading
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2404 - 1st Reading
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2405 - 1st Reading
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2406 - 1st Reading
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2407- 1st Reading
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2408 - 1st Reading
XI. Other Information
Future Board Meetings
- The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 23, 2024, at the PRTC building at 6:00 pm.
- The October board meeting will be Wednesday, the 23rd, 2024, at the PRTC building at 6:00 pm.
- The December 11th work session is scheduled for 2:00 pm.
XII. Personnel
Personnel Action
- Alan Larsen – Substitute Teacher
- Jami Backell – Substitute Teacher
- Victoria Boswell – Substitute Teacher
- Timothy Wallin – Substitute Teacher – Pending Approval
- Madison Knight – Substitute Teacher – Pending OSPI Approval
- Kari Gemmet – Substitute Bus Driver
- Mike Shanks – Resignation – Head Tennis Coach
- Daniel Schwartz – 7th Grade Assistant Football Coach - Pending OSPI Approval
- James Javier – 7th Grade Softball Coach
- Chloe McDermott – Resignation – HS Assistant XC Coach
- Josh Robins – Resignation – MS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach
- Kaylynn Mendenhall – MS Cross Country Coach
- Leah Heideman – HS Assistant Cross Country Coach
Todd Reed led us in the flag salute.