Freeman School District
Freeman School District Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday November 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Vision Statement
Continuing Our Tradition of Excellence in Education
Mission Statement
The Freeman School District is the center of a unique, rural community. With pride, commitment and caring, we provide a safe environment for all students to experience meaningful, rigorous learning opportunities that allow them to dream and develop into capable, confident and ethical members of the 21st Century.
Directors Present
A. Keebler, B. Morphy, D. Santman, D. Teague, N. Talbott
Directors Absent
Guests Present
A. Steinolfson, Aimee Hoyt,Joanna DePeralta, Rachel Burgess, Mark LaShaw, Barb LaShaw, Tawnya Becker, Robotic parents and students., Chad Ripke, D. Morphy, Everett Combs, Jeff Smith, Jim Straw, Jody Sweeney, Kent Bevers, Kirk Lally, L. Phelan, Mike Allen, R. Russell, T. Reed
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Establish Quorum
There is a quorum present.
II. Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda Items
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve the November 20, 2024, consent agenda, as presented. Bill Morphy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
III. Board Recognition
Above and Beyond Award - Barb LaShaw
Robotics Presentation
Barbara Berg shared some Robotics information and introduced her coaches. The two Robitics teams, The Krakens & The Scuba Sporks, presented their project that they will present at their upcoming competition.
IV. Pace Character Trait
Positively contributing to society & community and dutifully respecting authority & the law
V. Correspondence
Association of Educational Service Districts - School Accreditation
LEA Determination
LEA Summary meeting requirements.
VI. Building Reports
Lisa Phelan, Elementary Principal
- During the 24-25 school year, FES will focus on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Professional. Learning Communities and Freeman School District's three focus areas: 1. Embrace challenging and necessary conversations with students and staff, 2. Expect Civility and Respect from everyone, 3. Enhance our MTSS grades TK-12
Areas of Focus
- TK-12 Professional Learning Communities met to review minor infraction data (white slips). The data is collected and entered on a Google form to identify “hot spots” for behaviors and frequent flyers and determine what intervention is needed to help the student succeed.
- Observations are in full swing. Each observation at the elementary school includes pre-observation prompts to identify the area of focus and standards being addressed during the observation, a post-observation prompt, and an in-person meeting to identify areas of growth and celebrate students' and teachers' successes.
- The Harvest Hoe Down Community event was on Friday, November 15th.
- Two elementary students won a bike, and 78 had lunch and bowled two games at Players & Spectators on Monday.
- TK 44, K, 41, 1st, 64, 2nd 58, 3rd 65, 4th, 57, 5th, 54 = 383 (up one from last month)
Jim Straw, Middle School Principal
- During the 2024-25 school year, FMS staff and students are focused on our academic programs as we implement a seven-period day, incorporating social emotional learning into content classes and the consistent, constant growth of our positive learning community and culture.
Areas of Focus
- Educational Opportunities for Students
*WSU 8th Grade Mentorship Program- Diabetes on Tuesday, Oct. 29th
*WSU 7th Grade Engagement Program on Thursday, Nov. 7th
*Scottie Success Café- organizational intervention/opportunity (concept borrowed from FHS)
- Professional Development for Staff
*Teacher Led Late Start
*WinAtSocial Presentation during Nov. 6th Staff Meeting
- Partnerships
*The FMS staff participated in 63 group conferences with families on Oct. 24th & 25th
*BEST Program through NEWESD 101
>Lisa Frazier-Dan Thompson
>Kyle Monasmith-Matt Smith
>Tanner Schultes-Amanda Kazmi
- 6th- 70, 7th- 62 (-1), 8th- 68 = Total- 200
Jeff Smith, High School Principal
- FHS is continuing to improve. As a team, we are specifically focusing on Tier 1 MTSS Instruction, Assessment in PLCs (Professional Learning Communities), and PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Support).
Areas of Focus
- Great Veterans Day Program - special thanks to Lane Mathews, Mr. Monasmith, Ms. Frazier, and Mr. Jydstrup
- Formal Classroom observations are complete
- Mrs. Sweeney to present Intervention Tool to FHS staff
- A new Finals Schedule to be set
- Cybersecurity Program offered FHS students as after school activity
- FFA Tractor Driving Competition
- Fall Blood Drive is Nov. 22; 8:30 - 1 pm @ FHS
- 9th = 64 , 10th = 75, 11th = 76 (-1), 12th = 80 = Total: 295
Chad Ripke, HS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
- Cross country teams finished a very successful season. 3 girls qualified for state, Ava Mounts, Emma Dreyer, and Ella Jones. Boys finished 5th overall and Eli Cotton 9th overall.
- Soccer won the league and district championships. They are the #1 ranked team in the state bracket. They won their 1st round state game 12-0 and play again on Friday night, win and they advance to the final four.
- Volleyball won the league and district championships. They are the #3 seed in the state volleyball bracket. They finished 3rd at state.
- Football finished 2nd in league and received the #5 seed in the state bracket.
Areas of Focus
- 8th Grade usage for HS girls basketball. 12 total girls in the HS currently signed up. 10 girls 8th grade girls attended the meeting on Tuesday’s informational meeting.
- Post season games, our teams are very successful and opportunities to host with our turf field. Also, other schools calling to rent our stadium.
- Winter sports started on Monday November 18th
- Winter sports parent meeting Wednesday November 20th
- Aspyn Reed’s signing day 11/18 – graduating early to head down to GCU
- Wrestling - 16
- Boys Basketball - 32
- Girls Basketball - 12
Mike Allen, K-8 TOSA/Athletic DIrector
- Work to improve programs and support our student athletes.
- Participate in partnership with the Greater Spokane County League (GSCL).
Areas of Focus
- FMS Volleyball is off to great start with four teams, 8th V/JV, 7th V/JV. Athletes are showing huge improvement every match. Final matches are December 4th.
- FMS Wrestling is also off to a good start with only two matches left in the regular season. All-League will be at EVMS on December 4th at 3:30 PM.
- Volleyball - 26
- Wrestling - 15
VII. Department Reports
Kent Bevers, Nutrition Services Director
Freeman SD Nutrition Services supports the philosophy of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs and will provide wholesome and nutritious meals for children in the district’s schools.
Areas of Focus
- Meals YTD thru Nov 15
- B: 5683
- L: 17501
- A La Carte Sales: 5285.20
- Meal Revenue Increase
- B: $1373.70
- L: $4623.00
- FHS Kitchen Upright Refrigerator
- NS Uses this for cooling hot foods, and keeping refrigerated items for sports separate from NS in the walk-in cooler. It is also used for keeping re-stock items during meals times (salad bar items, for example).
- It is shot, needs to be replaced
- Bargreen/Ellison, new $5297.55
- Spokane Rest. Supply, new: $3142.45, Used/Refurbished: NA
- Home Depot, new: $1699.00 (on sale, $400.00 off).
Everett Combs - Transportation Supervisor
- Requesting to order a new bus for the 2024/25 school year. There is enough depreciation money from the state to cover the cost.
- October mileage:
o To/From: 16,140
o Field Trips: 689
o Sports: 2153
TOTAL: 18,982 - We currently have:
o Regular ED bus routes 12
o SPED bus routes 2
o After school 2ND PM Routes 2
o McKinney-Vento Route 1
Report presented by Tawnya Becker, Transportation Specialist.
Kirk Lally - Maintenance/Ground Director
Areas of Focus
- Working on winter equipment making sure all is working well.
- Ordering winter supplies as needed.
- Getting heaters installed in Fire Riser room/women’s restroom.
- Nothing to report at this time.
Todd Reed - Director of Technology
Areas of Focus
- We successfully rostered and configured Math Nation which provides 24-hour access to high-quality instructional videos, workbooks, collaborative learning tools, and adaptive assessments and support for middle and high school math.
- We have transitioned from EduPortal to BoardOnTrac to streamline the management of board agendas, minutes, and community outreach. This upgrade is designed to improve efficiency and foster better communication with our community stakeholders.
- Our new website has completed the content migration milestone. We have set a launch date for early January 2025, this will give us time to work through some setup/integration pieces and complete some design aspects.
Jody Sweeney - Special Ed Director / School Psychologist
- Special Ed Director: Focused on Special Education processes, legal and team expectations. Communication and collaboration with Admin/Leadership Team and Special Ed Team. Initiating ELL & Highly Capable work within the district.
- School Psychologist: Initial evaluations and reevaluations within Freeman School District – academic, cognitive, social/emotional, developmental, health, adaptive assessments within a legal timeline.
Areas of Focus
- Developed an Education Intervention GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) for staff to utilize when they need ideas and information regarding interventions and MTSS. Working on sharing it and further developing it.
- Working with the Special Education Team to complete nine initial evaluations (ages 3 & 4 prior to January) and seven initial evaluations K-8 elementary and middle school.
VIII. Superintendent's Report
School Safety, Security & Tech Levy Discussion
The Levy conversation is continuing. Randy and Alan have met with Todd and Kirk several times to outline a Tech Plan and Maintenance Plan. They have outlined the districts needs and a priority timeline. We appreciate Todd for outlining the safety, security and technology needs over the next 2 years; 200 cameras and the stairstepping of chromebook purchases. Other items to consider are paying back our LGO Bond and a mower and PU purchase in Maintenance.
Board Chair D. Teague gave thanks for all the hard work that has gone into lining out the needs of the district. These are the have to haves not a wish list. This is what is needed to teach our kids. This 2 year levy would get us back on track. There are no reserves in the budget. If we don't get the support from the community, we will have to continue to make cuts, which doesn't fix the problem. The struggle would be expenential. We need to take care of things when they happen as opposed to putting off until later and at a higher price to fix.
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
School Safety, Culture and Environment
Partnering with Parents and School/Community
As a district, we want to take care of what we have. We would ask for the support of the district with an upcoming levy.
Fiscal & Legal Accountability
Enrollment graphs, November CPF Cash Flow and November GF Cash Flow worksheets were presented.
IX. Board Comments & Visitors Comments
Board Comments
No Board comments at this time.
Visitors Comments
No visitor comments at this time.
X. Unfinished Business
Approval of Board Policy & Prodedure No. 3206 - 2nd Reading
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 3206 (NEW) - Pregnant and Parenting Students, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 4130 - 2nd Reading
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 4130 - Title I, Part A Parent and Family Engagement, as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 5011 - 2nd Reading
Bill Morphy moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 5011 - Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based harassment of District Staff Prohibited, as presented. Annie Keebler seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 5012 - 2nd Reading
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 5012 (NEW) - Parental, Family, or Marital Status, and Pregnancy or Related Conditions of Staff, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
XI. New Business
Approval of New Bus Purchase - 2024/2025
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve the purchase of a new school bus, as presented. Bill Morphy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval of Resolution No. 2-24/25
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Resolution No. 2-2024/2025 - School Safety, Security and Technology Levy, Option #1, as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 2125 - 1st Reading
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 2125 - Sexual Health Education, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy & Procedure No. 3205 - 1st Reading
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Board Policy & Procedure No. 3205 - Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited, as presented. Bill Morphy seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy No. 5005 - 1st Reading
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Board Policy No. 5005 - Employment and Volunteers: Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval, as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
Approval of Board Policy No. 6600 - 1st Reading
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve Board Policy No. 6600 - Transportation, as presented. Danielle Santman seconded the motion and it passsed unanimously.
XII. Other Information
Future Board Meetings
- The December 11th work session is scheduled for 2:00 pm followed by a regular board meeting at 6:00 pm in the PRTC.
- The January board meeting will be the 27th at 11:00 am in the PRTC.
XIII. Personnel
Personnel Action
Certified: Jessica Loera - Emergency Substitute Teacher – Pending OSPI Approval
Extracurricular: Doug Pace – HS Boys “C” Squad Basketball Coach – Pending OSPI Approval
Annie Keebler moved the Board approve the personnel action as presented. Nate Talbott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
XIV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
The board meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m. with no further action.
Recording Secretary _______________________________________
Board Secretary ___________________________________________
Board Chair ________________________________________________
Barb LaShaw led us in the flag salute.