Making Waves Academy


September Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday September 11, 2023 at 4:00 PM


In-person at:

Making Waves Academy

4123 Lakeside Dr. 

Richmond, CA 94806


And streaming on zoom:

COMING SOON (to be posted by Thursday, September 8)


If you have questions about the board agenda and materials or you are in need of disability-related accommodations, please contact:
Si tiene preguntas sobre la agenda y materiales de la junta o necesita adaptaciones relacionadas con la discapacidad, comuníquese con: 
Edeson Beredo at or 510-410-0518.

Public Comment 

  • The public may address the MWA Board regarding any item within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the MWA governing board.
  • Under Public Comment, members of the public may
    • Comment on items on the agenda
    • Comment on items not on the agenda
    • Presentations are limited to two minutes each, or a total of twenty minutes for all speakers, or the two-minute limit may be shortened.
  • In accordance to the Brown Act, the MWA Board may listen to comments, but can neither discuss nor take action on the topics presented. Members of the board are very limited in their response to statements or questions by persons commenting on items not on the agenda.
  • Speakers may submit a request to speak before 9:00 AM on the day of the board meeting, fill out a comment card at the meeting, or raise their hand/use the raise hand function during the public comment sections of the meeting.
    • If you would like to send your request to speak prior to the meeting, please email your request to in English or Spanish.
    • Your submission should:
      • indicate if it is a general public comment for the beginning of the meeting or a comment for a specific agenda item (please include the item number).
      • include your name so that you can be called when it is your turn to speak. 
    • During the meeting, we will call your name and you should use the "raise hand" feature to identify yourself.
  • Under SB1036 the minutes from this meeting will omit student and parent names and other directory information, except as required by judicial order or federal law. If a parent/ legal guardian wishes a name be included, one must inform the board prior to their public comment.  

Comentarios públicos

  • El público puede dirigirse a la Junta Directiva de la MWA con respecto a cualquier asunto dentro de la jurisdicción del tema materia por la Junta Directiva de la MWA.
  • Bajo comentario público, los miembros del público pueden:
    • Hacer comentarios sobre los puntos del orden del día
    • Hacer comentarios sobre puntos no incluidos en el orden del día
    • Las presentaciones están limitadas a dos minutos cada una, o un total de veinte minutos para todos los oradores, o se puede acortar el límite de dos minutos.

• De acuerdo con la Ley Brown, la Junta Directiva de la MWA puede escuchar los comentarios, pero no discutirán ni tomarán medidas sobre los temas presentados. La respuesta de los miembros de la Junta Directiva a las declaraciones o preguntas de las personas que comentan temas que no figuran en el orden del día es muy limitada.

  • Mientras las reuniones se llevan a cabo virtualmente, los miembros del publico que desean hablar durante la junta pueden presentar una solicitud para hablar antes de las 9:00 a.m. del día de la reunión de la junta o usar la función de levantar la mano durante las secciones de comentarios públicos de la reunión.
    • Si desea enviar su solicitud de uso de la palabra antes de la reunión, envíe su solicitud por correo electrónico a en inglés o español.
    • En su solicitud:
      • Incluya su nombre para que pueda ser llamado cuando sea su turno de hablar.
      • indicar si es un comentario público general para el comienzo de la reunión o si es comentario público sobre un artículo específico del programa (incluya el número del artículo).
      • Durante la reunión, le llamaremos por su nombre y deberá utilizar la función de "levantar la mano" para identificarse.
  • En virtud de la SB1036, las actas de esta reunión omitirán los nombres de los estudiantes y padres y otra información del directorio, excepto cuando lo requiera la orden judicial o por la ley federal. Si un padre/tutor legal desea que se incluya un nombre, se debe informar a la junta antes de su comentario público.

If you have questions about the board agenda and materials or you are in need of disability-related
accommodations, please contact:
Si tiene preguntas sobre la agenda y materiales de la junta o necesita adaptaciones relacionadas con la
discapacidad, comuníquese con:

Edeson Beredo at or  510-410-0518.
 Please note that all agenda times are estimates. 
Tenga en cuenta que todos los horarios de la agenda son estimaciones.


Directors Present

Alicia Malet Klein, Amy Obinyan, Esther Hugo, Janis Glover, Jessica Laughlin (remote), Layla Naranjo (remote)

Directors Absent

Margaret Watson

Guests Present

Alton B. Nelson Jr., Carmen Velarde, Edeson Beredo, Elizabeth Martinez, Tameka Jackson

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Alicia Malet Klein called a meeting of the board of directors of Making Waves Academy to order on Monday Sep 11, 2023 at 4:03 PM.


Record Attendance


Appointment of New Board Member

Alicia Malet Klein made a motion to Appoint Amy Obinyan for a 2 year term.
Esther Hugo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Remarks by Board President

Board president made remarks about this upcoming school year.


Public Comment

No public comment was made

II. Standing Reports


Mission Connection: Video - August Professional Development

The board watched a video about August PD.


ASB Update

The ASB provided an update about their success, challenges, and goals.


Deep Dive: MWA Principal's Areas of Focus

The Principal gave a deep dive on goals for this year. 


Q&A on Written School Report

The board asked the principal questions about the School Report. 


Q&A on Written Chief Executive Officer Report (CEO)

The board asked the CEO questions about the written report.


Q&A on Chief Operating Officer Report (COO)

The board asked the COO questions about the report. 


Q&A on Written Finance Report

The board asked the CFO questions about the report.



III. Non-Action Items


Board Work and Advisory Committee Updates

The board provided updates about the Finance Advisory Committee.

IV. Action Items


Appointment of MWA Board Secretary

Janis Glover made a motion to Approve Layla Naranjo as secretary.
Esther Hugo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2023-24 Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) for Funding

Janis Glover made a motion to Approve.
Amy Obinyan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY23 Unaudited Actuals Report

Esther Hugo made a motion to Approve.
Janis Glover seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Consent Action Items


Approve Minutes: June 5, 2023 Special Board Meeting

Amy Obinyan made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 06-05-23.
Janis Glover seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes: June 15, 2023 Board Meeting

Amy Obinyan made a motion to approve the minutes from June Board Meeting on 06-15-23.
Janis Glover seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes: July 10, 2023 Special Board Meeting

Amy Obinyan made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 07-10-23.
Janis Glover seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Finalsite Renewal Contract

Amy Obinyan made a motion to Approve.
Janis Glover seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Vendor Invoices from May to July 2023

Amy Obinyan made a motion to Approve.
Janis Glover seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Closed Session


Public Employee Performance Evaluation

The board adjourned to the closed session.

VII. Discussion Items


Appreciations by the Board of Directors


Schedule of Remaining Board of Directors Meetings for 2023-2024

  • Oct 16, 2023, 4:00 pm
  • Dec 4, 2023, 11:00 am
  • January 29, 2024, 11:00 am
  • March 11, 2024, 4:00 pm
  • May 6, 2024, 4:00 pm
  • June 10, 2024, 11:00 am

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Alicia Malet Klein