Making Waves Academy

Special Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 9, 2020 at 12:00 PM PDT


Zoom Meeting Information
Meeting ID: 140 766 968
Password: mwaboard
To Join by Phone:
+1-669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 140 766 968 Password: 764731
If you have questions about the board agenda and materials or you are in need of disability-related accommodations, please contact:
Si tiene preguntas sobre la agenda y materiales de la junta o necesita adaptaciones relacionadas con la discapacidad, comuníquese con:
Elizabeth Martinez at or 510-275-7331.

In accordance with Executive Order N-25-20 in the State of California, we will be hosting this board meeting via teleconference.

Public Comment 
The public may address the MWA Board regarding any item within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the MWA governing board.
Under Public Comment, members of the public may
  • Comment on items on the agenda
  • Comment on items not on the agenda
  • Presentations are limited to one minute each, or a total of five minutes for all speakers.
In accordance to the Brown Act, the MWA Board may listen to comments, but can neither discuss nor take action on the topics presented. Members of the board are very limited in their response to statements or questions by persons commenting on items not on the agenda.
Under SB1036 the minutes from this meeting will omit student and parent names and other directory information, except as required by judicial order or federal law. If a parent/ legal guardian wishes a name be included, one must inform the board prior to their public comment.   Please note that all agenda times are estimates.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
Alicia Malet Klein will call the meeting to order and review meeting norms regarding attendees. 
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
Roll call and verification of quorum.
  C. Closed Session
The Board will meet in closed session to discuss the following matter(s):


(Government Code § 54957)


Consultation with: Chief Executive Officer, Chief of Staff, and Senior School Director for Making Waves Academy.
  D. Public Comments
  • The public may address the MWA Board regarding any item within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the MWA governing board.
  • Under Public Comment, members of the public may
    • Comment on items on the agenda
    • Comment on items not on the agenda
    • Presentations are limited to one minute each, or a total of five minutes for all speakers.
  • In accordance to the Brown Act, the MWA Board may listen to comments, but can neither discuss nor take action on the topics presented. Members of the board are very limited in their response to statements or questions by persons commenting on items not on the agenda.
  • Under SB1036 the minutes from this meeting will omit student and parent names and other directory information, except as required by judicial order or federal law. If a parent/ legal guardian wishes a name be included, one must inform the board prior to their public comment.  
II. Action Items
  A. Resolution for School Closure
  B. Internet Hotspots for Students
Estimated cost for students without internet is $15,000 for 3 months. The hotspots will be distributed to students who do not have access to internet and need to complete their distance learning online. 
III. Closing Items
  A. Schedule of Board of Directors Meetings 2019-2020
  • May 21st, 2020, TBD
  B. Adjourn Meeting