Reach Cyber Charter School Board of Trustees


Reach Cyber Charter School

Date and Time

Wednesday June 12, 2024 at 9:00 AM


750 E Park Drive

Harrisburg, PA 17111


A zoom link will be posted on this page on the day of the board meeting for those attending virtually.

Trustees Present

Anthony Alexander (remote), David Taylor (remote), Gail Hawkins Bush (remote), Marcella Arline (remote), Matthew Ryan (remote), Paul Donecker (remote), Ralph Woodard (remote)

Trustees Absent

Leigh Kraemer-Naser

Guests Present

Alex Lewis (remote), Alex Vidal (remote), Alicia Swope, Andy Gribbin (remote), April Kretchman (remote), Brandie Karpew, Christin Capuano (remote), Cody Smith, Dan Daley (remote), Danielle Marsicano (remote), Devin Meza-Rushanan, Doug Meidel (remote), JD Smith, Jane Swan, Jessica Rice (remote), Jobi Campbell (remote), John Fawcett (remote), Josh Hicks (remote), Karen Yeselavage (remote), Katherine Rutkowski, Kelly McConnell, LeeAnn Ritchie (remote), Michael Garman (remote), Michael Monahas (remote), Nate Laird (remote), Patricia Hennessy (remote), Rachel Graver, Scott Shedd, Scott Stuccio, Sheila Perez (remote), Sheryl Glasser (remote), Sheryl Glasser (remote), Spencer Ziegler (remote), Stephanie Lane, Steve Slawinski (remote), Thomas Bachert (remote)

I. Opening Items


Roll Call


Call the Meeting to Order

David Taylor called a meeting of the board of trustees of Reach Cyber Charter School Board of Trustees to order on Wednesday Jun 12, 2024 at 9:01 AM.

II. Public Comment


Comments from the Public

There were no comments from the public at this time.

III. Routine Business


Approval of Agenda

David Taylor, Board President, asked the board to review the agenda distributed prior to
the meeting and asked if any changes were needed. 


Jane Swan advised that there was one addition to be made as an Action Item regarding T-Mobile Hotspots, and the item listed under Strategic Planning related to an MOU with Walnut Hill College should be postponed to a later date. 


There were no other changes needed at this time.

Anthony Alexander made a motion to approve the agenda.
Paul Donecker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Oral Reports


CEO's Report

Jane Swan, CEO, reviewed the current enrollment numbers for the school noting trends in
enrollment. Current enrollment stands at 6,459 students. At this time, 40% of students have indicated that they will be returning to Reach next year. There have been 222 applications for next school year.


Graduation Update

Cody Smith, High School Principal, provided an update on the recent graduation ceremony held at the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, PA. There were 739 students to graduate and 400 in attendance. 


The event marked the introduction of the new Reach Alumni Association. 


Human Resources Update

Michael Garman, Director of Human Resources, reviewed current staffing levels with the
Board highlighting the authorized complement of 919 and the 870 current staff members
of which 83% are 10-month staff. There have been 142 new hires and 55 departures
since the beginning of the school year.


Financial Report (to follow)

Karen Yeselavage, Director of Finance, reviewed the school’s financial statements with
the Board. She reviewed the revenue and expense statements, advising on changes
since the previous months’ statements. Ms. Yeselavage further reviewed with the Board
the school’s balance sheet and current forecast.


Annual Act 44 Director of Safety Report on Safety and Security at the School

Greg McCurdy, Director of Special Education, provided the annual ACT 55 Director of
Safety Report as required by the end of June each year. He noted the traditional protocols
for the school facility and for staff members.


It was announced that the school will be forming a safety committee in June 2024.

V. Consent Items


Approval of Consent Items

Mr. Taylor asked board members to consider the items from the Consent Items. No questions or concerns were noted.


A. Approval of Minutes from the May 15, 2024, Board Meeting
B. Approval of Staffing Report
C. Approval to Renew Agreement with Class 
D. Approval to Renew Agreement with Accelerate 
E. Approval to Renew Agreement with Turnitin 
F. Approval of eDymanic Learning Invoice Andy Gribbin
G. Approval to Renew Agreement with iObservation 
H. Approval to Renew Agreement with Harrisburg Area Community College 
I. Approval to Renew Agreement with Barbizon 
J. Approval to Renew Agreement with Clever IDM 
K. Approval to Renew Agreement with Lower Paxton Township Police Department
L. Approval to Renew Agreement with Solarwinds 

Paul Donecker made a motion to approve the Consent Items and the minutes from Reach Cyber Charter School on 05-15-24.
Gail Hawkins Bush seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Action Items


Approval of Final Draft Budget for 2024-2025

Ms. Yeselavage reviewed the proposed 2024-2025 school year budget outline with the
Board, noting the thorough review of a draft completed at the last meeting, as well as the
necessary posting and review process for the school’s budget in PA. Minor changes had been made to the previous version of the draft budget to reflect new information.

Gail Hawkins Bush made a motion to approve the final draft budget for 2024-2025.
Matthew Ryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of CSI Plan for 2024-25

Because a copy of the CSI Plan was not included in the board packet, a decision was made to postpone the board approval until the July board meeting. Dr. Kelly McConnell proceeded to explain highlights of the plan.


Approval of Officers for the 2024-2025 School Year

Ms. Karpew advised the Board that it was also time to elect officers for the next year. David Taylor as Board President, Gail Hawkins Bush as Vice President, Marcella Arline as Treasurer, and Paul Donecker as Secretary, were nominated as a slate of officers. 

Paul Donecker made a motion to approve the slate of officers.
Anthony Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Board Meetings Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year

Ms. Karpew shared a draft version of a meeting schedule for the Reach CCS Board of 
Trustees for the 2023-24 school year. It was noted that the date for the May 2024 meeting
was incorrect and should be updated. The Board also decided to meet earlier in
December 2023 to avoid being close to Holiday break.
Marcella Arline made a motion to approve the board meeting schedule for the 2023-24
school year with suggested updates.

Ms. Karpew shared a draft version of a meeting schedule for the Reach CCS Board of Trustees for the 2024-25 school year. The members of the board agreed to remove meetings during the months of December and March. 

Marcella Arline made a motion to approve the board meeting calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.
Paul Donecker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Agreement with Genially

Andy Gribbin, Director of Teaching and Learning shared a proposal to partner with Genially, a tool being used in small part in our curriculum development, teacher live lesson preparation and presentation tool, along with assignment options.

Paul Donecker made a motion to approve the agreement with Genially.
Marcella Arline seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Agreement with Reclamere

Scott Shedd, Director of IT, shared information regarding a two-part contract with Reclamere. VMS360 is a technical deep dive into the entire network infrastructure. Security Risk Analysis (SRA): An analysis to gain insight into Reach's cyber posture, develop and review a remediation roadmap, and incorporate it into larger cyber security position.

Paul Donecker made a motion to approve the agreement with Reclamere.
Marcella Arline seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Agreement with Linkit!

Dr. Kelley McConnell, Director of Data and Assessment, shared a proposal with Linkit for a data dashboard. Linkit is a data warehousing, dashboarding, and analytics platform specifically designed for K-12 schools. This platform will allow Reach to securely store all of our instructional data including standardized assessments, benchmarks, attendance, college and career readiness indicators, Act 158 pathway indicators, grades, and more. The analytics and dashboarding tools will help us to correlate data sets, predict instructional outcomes, and measure local assessment reliability in order to help make better-informed instructional and curricular decisions, as well as strategically measure growth and triangulate student achievement.

Marcella Arline made a motion to approve the agreement with Linkit.
Anthony Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Agreement with T-Mobile

Rachel Graver and Scott Shedd shared a proposal to partner with T-Mobile to provide mobile hot spots for families that need them. 

Paul Donecker made a motion to approve the agreement with T-Mobile.
Matthew Ryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Information Items


Technology Presentation

Scott Shedd, Director of IT, shared a technology presentation which specifically highlighted the mid-year technology survey, service desk support, comparative security scores, and cybersecurity modernization. 


Government Affairs Update

Brandie Karpew, Board and Legislative Liaison, provided a government affairs update specifically highlighting the recent passage of HB2370, an education funding bill which represents a significant threat to educational choice and equity in Pennsylvania. Ms. Karpew specifically highlighted the upcoming state budget process deadline of June 30, 2024.


State Testing Update

Dr. Kelly McConnell, Director of Data and Assessments, shared that state testing is now
complete for the 2023-24 school year. The school is now awaiting our official scores.


Outreach Update

Scott Stuccio, Director of Outreach, and members of the Outreach team provided an update on the work being done by the Outreach Department. Jessica Rice specifically highlighted the growth of Reach's social media platforms, Doug Meidel shared an update on the departments external outreach, while Christin Capuanno reviewed the school events from the past school year. 

VIII. Strategic Planning


Approval of MOU with Walnut Hill College

This item was removed from the board agenda.


Approval of MOU for Geology Career Mentoring

JD Smith, Director of DEIB and Careers, shared details of the Geology 101 Program. The goal of the program is to provide students with a basic understanding of Geology through various topics. 

Marcella Arline made a motion to approve the MOU for Geology Career Mentoring.
Paul Donecker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Agreement with the Finishing Trades Institute

JD Smith shared a proposal for a program with the Finishing Trades Institute to educate and provide hands-on experience in painting, drywall finishing and glazing to students in their Junior and Senior years of high school. The goal of the program is to provide our inner-city youth the opportunity to experience the potential that careers in the building trades have to offer by providing professional instruction and guidance in these trades.

The program is geared to be a stepping-stone for students to progress from classroom to potential apprentices in these industries by teaching them the skills and knowledge that is needed to be a successful tradesperson.

Marcella Arline made a motion to approve the agreement with the Finishing Trades Institute.
Matthew Ryan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IX. Executive Session


Executive Session

The Board entered into an Executive Session at 10:48 a.m.

The Board entered into an Executive Session upon a motion being made, seconded and
confirmed via roll call vote of all Board members present. The Board cited the following
for entering into the Executive Session: Pursuant to 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 708(a)
(1) – to discuss any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of
employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance,
promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or
current public officer or employee and 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 708(a)(5) – To review and discuss
agency business which, if conducted in public, would violate a lawful privilege or lead to
the disclosure of information or confidentiality protected by law.

Board members present were: David Taylor, Gail Hawkins Bush, Paul Donecker,
Marcella Arline, Matt Ryan, and Anthony Alexander. Guests present at the request of the
Board were: Jane Swan, Mike Garman, and Pat Hennessy. All others left the meeting at this time. 


No action was taken during Executive Session. The Board resumed open Session at
11:00 a.m.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandie Karpew