Atlanta Unbound Academy
AUA Monthly Board Meeting
Date and Time
Sunday April 11, 2021 at 2:00 PM
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Meeting ID: 948 1554 7865
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Directors Present
A. Williamson (remote), C. Ramsey-Brown (remote), J. Funderburk (remote), J. Green (remote), L. Belvitt (remote), M. Brogdon (remote), S. M (remote)
Directors Absent
S. Riddick
Guests Present
A. Chipman-Leeks (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
A. Williamson called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Unbound Academy to order on Sunday Apr 11, 2021 at 2:00 PM.
Record Attendance
Approve Minutes
M. Brogdon made a motion to approve the minutes from AUA Monthly Board Meeting on 03-14-21.
C. Ramsey-Brown seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
II. Finance
Finance Committee Report
- Finances Committee
- QBE payments are lower - they reduced future payments
- Charter School growth fund
- Net Income YTD - over budget
- Timing of expenses
- Larger purchases that we prep for Year 2
- Technology
- Curriculum
- Transfer to Atlanta Capital
- Grants
- What’s been spent and what’s left over
- Unused expenses/revenue
- Last budget amendment - reallocated expenses
- Based on learning environment
- Last budget amendment - reallocated expenses
- QBE payments are lower - they reduced future payments
III. Fundraising
Updates and Planning
- Juneteenth
- Update giving levels
- One-Pager of Auction
- What It means to be a host
- Fill the roster
- Host solidified by mid May
- Goal - $50,000
- $20,000 corporate
- $25,000 crowd fund
- $5,000 auction
- Tech Needs
- Online auction interface
- In Person experience?
IV. Academic Excellence
School Leader Report
- FTE - we haven’t lost any 6th graders
- 61 kinder
- 28 6th grade
- 6th grade state testing
- Not mandated for state exam but must give an option
- Must test in the building
- Not mandated for state exam but must give an option
- Calendar
- Scheduled to end 2nd Friday in June
- Last day for Kinder 5/21
- Allow students to keep computers
- Plan for students who are not returning?
- 2-3 computers will not be returned
- School policies
- Send to legal
- Expulsion language - who is the alternative school?
- Staffing update
- New hourly employee
- Enrollment
- Student enrollment is growing faster than staff recruitment
- Final round for SPED coordinator interviews
- Social worker candidate
- 4 teachers in final round of interviews
- MIDDLE school math is a great need
Approve School Based Policies
- Motion to vote on policies with contingencies on feedback
- Melissa - motion to pass for board vote
- Candace - 2nd motion
- Candace - yes
- Melissa - yes
- Sherida - yes
- Lynn - yes
- Audrey - yes
- Jonathan - yes
- Janelle - yes
M. Brogdon made a motion to pass the new AUA suicide policy based on recent updates.
C. Ramsey-Brown seconded the motion.
suicide policy,
- Melissa - motion to pass for board vote
- Candace - 2nd motion
- Candace - yes
- Melissa - yes
- Sherida - yes
- Lynn - yes
- Audrey - yes
- Jonathan - yes
- Janelle - yes
M. Brogdon made a motion to the updated AUA bullying policy.
C. Ramsey-Brown seconded the motion.
- Melissa - motion to pass for board vote
- Candace - 2nd motion
- Candace - yes
- Melissa - yes
- Sherida - yes
- Lynn - yes
- Audrey - yes
- Jonathan - yes
M. Brogdon made a motion to pass the updated AUA infectious disease policy in the employee handbook.
C. Ramsey-Brown seconded the motion.
- Melissa - motion to pass for board vote
- Candace - 2nd motion
- Candace - yes
- Melissa - yes
- Sherida - yes
- Lynn - yes
- Audrey - yes
- Jonathan - yes
- Janelle - yes
M. Brogdon made a motion to Pass the updated AUA Student Handbook.
C. Ramsey-Brown seconded the motion.
- Melissa - motion to pass for board vote
- Candace - 2nd motion
- Candace - yes
- Melissa - yes
- Sherida - yes
- Lynn - yes
- Audrey - yes
- Jonathan - yes
- Janelle - yes
M. Brogdon made a motion to approve the updated AUA special education policy.
C. Ramsey-Brown seconded the motion.
- Melissa - motion to pass for board vote
- Candace - 2nd motion
- Candace - yes
- Melissa - yes
- Sherida - yes
- Lynn - yes
- Audrey - yes
- Jonathan - yes
- Janelle - yes
Fall 2021 Learning Model
- 2021 Learning Model
- Return in person or hybrid model
- Audrey - motion to vote
- Candace - in person
- Sherida - hybrid
- Lynn - hybrid
- Audrey - hybrid
- Melissa - hybrid
- Jonathan - hybrid
- Hybrid options?
- Easiest - kids log on to live in person session
- Academic perspective - separate virtual teaching
- Return in person or hybrid model
V. Facility
Facilities Committee
- Leasing vs. buying
- Competitive Real Estate Market
VI. Governance
Board Nominations Process Overview and Next Steps
- Board Nominations
- Drafted an application
- Week of April 12th - send applications to potential applicants
- App due - May 7th
- Interview - May 10th - 21st
- Board members interview
- May 23rd board meeting
- How many?
- Currently 8 board members
- Add 3 people or 2 people
- Created a secretary @ AUA email
- Nominations committee - Audrey, Alaina, Jonathan, Melissa, Sherida
- App review
- Criteria for getting an interview
- Nomination committee this week
- App review
- Board on Track
- Self-Paced Training
- Board Terms
- Minimum of 1 year, push for 2 years
- Audrey - motion to vote on initial term
- Melissa - second motion
- Candace - 2
- Melissa - 2
- Audrey - 2
- Sherida - 2
- Lynn - 2
- Jonthan - 2
- May Meeting
- Push to end of May
- Lynn - Motion to vote
- Sherida - 2nd motion
- Lynn - no
- Shayla - yes
- Melissa - yes
- Jonathan -yes
- Sherida - yes
- Candace - yes
Open Meetings
- Board on Track Assessment
- Open meetings
- Reg meetings - a week in advance
- Other meetings - 24 hours notice
- Update on website & legal organ
- 2021 Board Contributions
- Return pledge form
- Explore company matches
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:27 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
A. Williamson