Health Sciences High and Middle College


HSHMC Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday August 27, 2024 at 9:00 AM


Sharp Grossmont Hospital 

5555 Grossmont Center Dr.

La Mesa, CA 91942 

Room: The Sharp Experience Center


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 372 040 3229
Passcode: Board

Directors Present

A. Carpenter, B. Steineckert, D. Gross, D. White, F. Johnson, J. Broad, J. Kramer, M. Byrd, S. Evans

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

D. Smith, I. Pumpian, N. Esmailpour, S. Johnson

Non Voting Members Present

D. Smith, I. Pumpian, N. Esmailpour, S. Johnson

Guests Present

G. Ottinger, J. Vaca, Tiffany Degraffenreid (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

F. Johnson called a meeting of the board of directors of Health Sciences High and Middle College to order on Tuesday Aug 27, 2024 at 9:00 AM.


Approve Minutes

D. Gross made a motion to approve the minutes from June 12, 2024 Board Meeting on 06-12-24.
J. Kramer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. White
S. Evans
B. Steineckert
M. Byrd
J. Kramer
D. Gross
J. Broad
A. Carpenter
F. Johnson


Public Comment

No public comment.

II. Information Items


Student Report

HSHMC student board representative, Noor Esmailpour, reported on the first few weeks of school at HSHMC noting:

  • The success of Welcome Week that included the annual Kippy's Cup school-wide competition.
  • Several new college classes that are being offered this year, including Calc2 for those students who have already completed college Calc. 
  • Several members of our HOSA team competed at the international level and had a great experience that included specialty workshops (i.e. practice in suturing).
  • Upcoming events include Homecoming and Family Night. 

Dr. Smith noted that Family Night is Wednesday, September 18 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm at HSHMC and invited the board to participate either by just attending or by formally participating. Scott Evans confirmed that Sharp will participate and asked Jason Broad to coordinate Sharps' participation with HSHMC for this event.


CEO's Comments

Ian Pumpian shared and discussed:


  • The construction project at the school is expected to last approximately 18 months. The school is operating on two of the four floors as the upper floors are being renovated into science labs and career development and mental health areas.
  • Dr. Pumpian expressed his appreciation to Sheri Johnson for volunteering her services to support HSHMC and ensure a smooth transition since her retirement last February. He informed the board that HSHMC would like to engage into a contract with Sheri for specific tasks going forward.
  • As part of HSHMC's Community and CTEIG grants activity, HSHMC has engaged in a partnership with SDSU's School of Nursing. Currently, one SDSU nursing professor and 9 nursing students are beginning their internships and project planning at HSHMC to engage and support the health and well-being of our school community and increase access to healthcare across our entire community. Ian thanked Dan Gross for his role in connecting HSHMC to SDSU that helped get this partnership started. 
  • Dan also offered to engage his support and expertise in setting up a student clinic (to include mental health screenings). Ian will take Dan's offer and expertise to the lead at SDSU to further develop this plan.
  • Board discussed ways to support HSHMC student access to health physicals so that they can participate in sports activities. Scott offered to put something together going forward. Several board members offered to volunteer for the immediate need. 
  • Ian facilitated a discussion with the board on effective ways to increase awareness of the Sharp/HSHMC partnership across all areas of the Sharp HealthCare system. As HSHMC prepares for the new year of student internships, he noted that many new Sharp employees may not be aware of the importance of this longstanding partnership. The board discussed the need for communications from Sharp corporate as a reminder of the partnership commitment. Scott Evans initiated these communication efforts immediately.
  • HSHMC is in the final stages of writing its Charter renewal before submitting it to the District. The delay (for early submission) of the draft finalization is due to the desire to include the results from state testing as soon as they are released. This data is expected to substantially impact areas we needed improvement on in the past. 

Fred Johnson noted that with the recent passing of Fred McFarlane, who was the board's secretary/treasurer, our board will need to re-elect a new board member to assume these roles.

III. Action Items


2023-2024 Unaudited Actuals

Greg Ottinger reported to the board that HSHMC's 2023-2024 unaudited actuals continued to progress well with no major surprises to note. Revenues and expenditures are on track. There is a larger net revenue than expected due to the SB740 reimbursement for facilities expenses. 


Ian Pumpian noted that some of the SB740 reimbursements contributing to the larger net revenue are one-time reimbursements.


The auditors' report of the budget actuals will be shared at the December 3 board meeting.

IV. Consent Agenda


2023-2024 Emergency Action Plan (Athletics)


2024-2025 School-Site Safety Plan


2024-2025 Enrollment Process


2024-2025 Fiscal Control Policy


Human Trafficking Prevention


2024-2025 Independent Study Policy

Fred Johnson asked that Item F - Independent Study Policy be removed from the consent agenda for separate discussion and vote.


2024-2025 Student Handbook


2024-2025 Student Discipline Policy


Admission Policy


2024-2025 HSHMC Employee Handbook


2024-2025 Parent-School Compact


2024-2025 Parent and Family Engagement Policy


2024-2025 Cuyamaca MOU


SDSU/HSHMC Nursing Student Agreement


Title IX Policy


Prop 28 Music and Arts Reporting


General Complaint Policy and Complaint Form


HSHMC Cell Phone Policy


Consent Agenda

Item F - Independent Study Policy was removed from the consent agenda. 

J. Kramer made a motion to to approve the consent agenda items A-E and G-R.
M. Byrd seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Kramer
A. Carpenter
D. White
M. Byrd
J. Broad
F. Johnson
D. Gross
S. Evans
B. Steineckert


Amended Independent Study Policy

HSHMC received a red-lined version of the draft Independent Study Policy for board approval from its attorneys after the original was sent out in the board packet. The updated draft was amended to be compliant with new laws and shared with the board for approval.

D. Gross made a motion to approve the amended draft of the Independent Study Policy to incorporate legal compliance.
J. Broad seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Evans
D. Gross
F. Johnson
M. Byrd
A. Carpenter
D. White
J. Kramer
J. Broad
B. Steineckert

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:03 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Johnson
Documents used during the meeting
  • 2023-24 Unaudited Actuals - Health Sciences.pdf
  • A - Emergency Action Plan Athletics - Park De La Cruz - (24-25).pdf
  • A - Emergency Action Plan Athletics Kippy's 24-25.pdf
  • B - HSHMC Safety Plan 24-25.docx.pdf
  • C - Enrollment Process 2024 - FOR BOARD APPROVAL 8-27-2024.pdf
  • D - Fiscal Control Policy - 2024-2025 - BOARD APPROVED 8-31-22 (2).pdf
  • E - Human Trafficking Prevention.png
  • F - HSHMC Independent Study Policy For Board Approval 8-27-2024 copy.pdf
  • T - ISP Rev2.pdf
  • T - HSHMC _ AMENDED Independent Study Policy For Board Approval 8-27-2024.docx.pdf
  • G - Student Handbook 2024-2025.docx.pdf
  • H - Discipline Policy 2024-2025 - FOR BOARD APPROVAL 8-27-24.pdf
  • I - Admissions Policy 2024 - For BOARD APPROVAL 8-27-2024.pdf
  • J - Employee Handbook 2024-2025.pdf
  • K - Parent-School Compact 2022-2023 For BOARD APPROVal 8-27-24.pdf
  • L - Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2022-2023 - For BOARD APPROVal 8-27-24.pdf
  • Cuyamaca_MOU_2024.pdf
  • SDSU- Internship Site Questionnaire (part 1) - signed.pdf
  • O - Title IX Policy August 2024 (1).pdf
  • 23-24 Prop 28 Report.pdf
  • General Complaint Form.docx
  • General Complaint Policy.docx
  • S - Revised_Cellphone Policy 24_25.docx