Health Sciences High and Middle College


February 27, 2024 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 27, 2024 at 8:00 AM


Health Sciences High and Middle College

3910 University Avenue

San Diego, CA 92105



Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 372 040 3229
Passcode: Board

Directors Present

D. White, F. Johnson, F. McFarlane, J. Kramer

Directors Absent

D. Gross, M. Hayden-Cook, S. Evans

Ex Officio Members Present

D. Smith, I. Pumpian, N. Esmailpour, S. Johnson

Non Voting Members Present

D. Smith, I. Pumpian, N. Esmailpour, S. Johnson

Guests Present

Alicia Carpenter, J. Vaca

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

F. Johnson called a meeting of the board of directors of Health Sciences High and Middle College to order on Tuesday Feb 27, 2024 at 8:00 AM.


Approve Minutes

D. White made a motion to approve the minutes from November 27, 2023 Board Meeting on 11-27-23.
J. Kramer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Hayden-Cook
D. White
J. Kramer
D. Gross
S. Evans
F. McFarlane
F. Johnson

II. Information Items


HSHMC Student Representative

Noor Esmailpour reported to the board on several recent student activities that included

a very successful community event just held at HSHMC on Saturday, February 24. It was called the "Mutual Aid Mall" where there were donations of clothing, food, hair and makeup (just to name a few) given out to our HSHMC families and community members. In addition, a group of 40 of HSHMC's National Honor Society students went to Washington recently to attend a LEAD conference. Noor also shared several highlights of current Internship opportunities and experiences at Sharp HealthCare. Also noted were the upcoming ASB elections.


Dominique Smith added that some future opportunities that came from the community outreach event included being able to provide prom dresses, barber cuts, and hair, nails and makeup to seniors prior to prom. In addition, they are working with a nearby florist who will engage with our seniors to make their own boutenaires and corsages for prom. 



CEO Comments

Ian Pumpian shared that Dan, Fred McFarlane and Sheri met to discuss the best way to keep our board well-balanced going forward as current members may choose to term out and new candidates are considered. A discussion was held regarding the boards strengths and needs, along with an examination of current interest.


The Bylaws were updated to reflect the process for board succession and selection. Fred Johnson will be polling  existing board members regarding their current interest and plans in order to help in planning and balancing out the coming and goings of the board members. 


Ian and Fred Johnson have spoken with a great group of potential candidates that will be brought to the board for consideration.



Board Development

Closed session regarding board development and nominations.

IV. OPEN SESSION: Action Items - Consent Agenda


2023-2024 Second Interim Financial Report

Ian Pumpian provided an overview of the 2nd Interims noting that our budget is strong and steady with the same projections from the beginning of the year of an ending balance of approximatley $95,000. It was noted that we are using our mulit-year grant fundings very strategically to stay on track with these budget projections.


New Board Member Nomination Confirmation

Ian Pumpian recommended the approval of the following nominations to fill 4 seats on the HSHMC Board of Directors:


Alicia Carpenter

Brent Steineckert

Jason Broad

Michael Byrd


HSHMC Bylaws and Resolution

Ian Pumpian requested approval of the updated Bylaws and Resolution.


Uniform Complaint Policy

Javier Vaca reviewed the current Uniform Complaint policy with the board and requested approval. 


HSHMC Graduation Requirements

Javier Vaca and Dominique Smith informed the board that completion of an Ethnic Studies course will be added as a graduation requirement statewide starting in 2025. HSHMC already put this practice in place a few years ago and is now formalizing it as part of its graduation requirements and seeking approval of the new A-G Graduation Requirements. 


Ian Pumpian added that HSHMC works to insure that a focus on reading and writing skills are developed within all core classes including this Ethnic Studies course.


LCAP Mid-Year Progress Report

Javier Vaca provided a mid-year LCAP update that is now required to be board approved. Highlights from his report include success within HSHMC's College and Career Readiness Indicator, Parent involvement and support, and a low suspension rate. Some of the challenges and goals for improvement that are integrated into the LCAP were also discussed.


2023-2024 Independent Auditor Contract

Ian Pumpian asked the board to approve the annual independent auditor contract for 2023-2024 with the firm of Eide Bailley.


Amended HSHMC Safety Plan

Javier Vaca shared updated areas of the safety plan that were added for approval due new Ed Code and District requirements; in particular regarding the awareness and response to the use of synthetic drugs.


Consent Agenda Vote

F. McFarlane made a motion to approve Items A- I of the consent agenda.
J. Kramer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Gross
F. McFarlane
J. Kramer
F. Johnson
M. Hayden-Cook
S. Evans
D. White

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:08 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Johnson
Documents used during the meeting
  • FY 2023-24 Second Interim - Health Sciences High.xlsx
  • CV - Michael Byrd.pdf
  • Alicia Carpenter Resume 2023.docx
  • Resume - Brent Steineckert 2024 for HSHMC.pdf
  • Jason Broad Resume 0224.pdf
  • 2-27-2024 Board Bylaws Resolution .docx
  • Bylaws and Resoultions - Amended as of 02-27-2024.docx
  • Uniforn Complaint Form - FOR BOARD APPROVAL 2-27-2024.pdf
  • A-G Requirements .pdf
  • 23-24 LCAP Mid-Year Update.docx
  • Eide Bailly Agreement Letter.pdf
  • HSHMC Safety Plan 23-24.rev.1.23.24.pdf