Young Scholars Charter School
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday September 13, 2022 at 4:00 PM
Trustees Present
B. Stambaugh (remote), B. Young (remote), D. Dwirantwi (remote), E. Ashe (remote), E. Kaplin (remote), G. Singer (remote), J. Brown (remote), J. Wang (remote), L. Pressman (remote), S. Midha (remote), T. Rebar (remote), V. Hanraty (remote), V. Schwartz (remote), W. Churchill (remote), W. Weisman (remote)
Trustees Absent
A. Hay, I. Brind
Guests Present
B. Chazin (remote), Beth Birnkrant, YSCS Co-Principal (remote), Biridiana Rodriguez (remote), C. Freyer (remote), Corran Branch, YSCS Academic Guidance Counselor (remote), E. Diasio (remote), Ellyn Saft (remote), J. Amenda (remote), K. Corcoran (remote), K. Lamilla (remote), K. Tini (remote), Michael Cunningham (remote), Samantha Banks (remote), Shakira Smith, YSCS Co-Principal (remote), Sonya Sedegui (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Board Discussion Topics
School Leadership Start of Year Highlights
22-23 Priority and Goal Setting
Results from 2021-2022 were reviewed and preliminary targets for 2022-2023 were shared with the Board.
Priorities for the 2022-2023 include the following: strengthening community through a collective mindset, unified approach and restorative practice, following school practices and creating more joy and school pride, elevating student ownership and engagement from project-based learning, meaningful feedback and student discourse, building up student agency and accountability, and personalizing learning for all students through co-teaching and understanding student supports.
The 2022-2023 Evergreen Goals were reviewed with the Board and approved. John Amenda discussed ways the school is defining student success not just through test scores, but also through building 21st century skills and demonstrating specific competencies. The school's multi-year focus includes student growth and achievement, continuing to implement key mission elements, sustaining staffing/program model and pursuing the opportunity to expand and enhance the facility.
John also shared how the impact of COVID-19 continues to impact student achievement and social emotional wellness and the next several years will be a period of recovery. Investments in additional staff, training and new curriculum are intended to address areas of needed improvement and recovery.
Board Meeting Format and School Visits for 22-23
It was decided that the remaining 22-23 meetings will be all virtual or all in-person - hybrid is no longer an option. The next meeting on November 1 will be in person at the school.
School Safety and Insurances
Michael Cunningham, from the school's insurance brokerage, discussed current school safety practices, liabilities and insurances.
Committee Reports
High School Admission: Corran Branch, the new Academic Guidance Counselor, introduced herself and gave a high school update. She has been holding parent meetings, meeting with private schools, and tracking applications and student interest in what high schools they'd like to attend.
School Performance: Goals and data were reviewed during previous discussion.
Development: Ellyn Saft gave an update on the September 28th Fall event. Win Churchill gave an update on current fundraising amounts for this school year. The school is already halfway toward its' annual goal of $350,000.
DEI: Valerie Hanraty gave update on what the school is working on, including monthly initiatives, and encouraged board members to get involved with these activities.
Governance and Planning & Property: Win discussed the progress made on the building. Policies were later addressed in motions for approval.
Financial Summary and Statements
Kevin Corcoran reviewed year-to-date financials and current projections. The school is in a healthy financial position and is starting the year off strong; all metrics are currently aligned with targets and fiscal health standards.
Policies Up for First Review
The following policies were reviewed and will be approved at the November 1 meeting. These policies are not major adjustments to previous policies in place but include updates from counsel and codification into a single format for policies across the school.
1. Promotion/Retention and Graduation Requirements
2. Communicable Diseases and Immunization
3. Parent/Family Engagement
4. Homebound Instruction
5. Religion
6. Health and Dental Examinations
7. Administration of Medication
Act 55 Trauma Training for All Trustees
As a result of Pennsylvania Act 18 of 2019 legislation, trauma-informed training is mandated to be conducted through Act 55 of 2017 training programs. This includes a minimum of one hour of trauma-informed instruction in the initial training program for new school directors and charter school trustees, and a minimum of one hour training in the advanced training for reelected and reappointed school directors and charter school trustees. Trustees were encouraged to sign up for training as soon as possible.
Philadelphia Land Bank Application Process
We have made good progress on partnering with Mt. Tabor Church and City Council to subdivide and develop the land adjacent to the school. We are hoping to submit the application to the Philadelphia Land Bank in the next 30 days.
Co-Principals, Beth Birnkrant and Shakira Smith shared beginning of year highlights, successes, challenges and an overview of school based priorities for 2022-2023, including the new schedule, staffing, enrollment, attendance, curriculum, furniture and facility improvements and upcoming special events and initiatives. They discussed program enhancements, including smaller rosters for math and reading, the professional development calendar, more coaching and curriculum investments, technology enhancements, program aligned staffing model and schedule and 21st century collaborative furniture.