Breakthrough Public Schools


BPS and School Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 18, 2023 at 5:00 PM


Breakthrough Public Schools

3615 Superior Avenue

3rd Floor, Suite 4403A - Bldg. 44

Cleveland, OH 44114

Meeting of the Boards of Breakthrough Public Schools, Citizens Academy Southeast, Citizens Leadership Academy East, Village Preparatory School Cliffs, Village Preparatory School Willard, and Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills.

Directors Present

A. KOPIT, A. Lee, B. Schlang, C. Tancer, D. Eisenberg, J. Howard, J. Johnson, L. Mimura, L. Zucca, P. Harris, S. Steinhouse, S. Vyas

Directors Absent


Guests Present

A. McRae (remote), C. Farmer, D. Mangen (remote), Emily Puterbaugh, H. Chama, Holly Trifiro, J. Ferguson (remote), J. Kaye, Jeff Berlin (remote), Kristen Kort, M. Johnston, Maria Wilson, S. Wernet

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Steinhouse called a meeting of the board of directors of Breakthrough Public Schools to order on Wednesday Oct 18, 2023 at 5:00 PM.


Record Attendance


BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve September 13, 2023 Joint Board Meeting Minutes

P. Harris made a motion to approve the minutes from BPS and School Board of Directors Meeting on 09-13-23.
A. KOPIT seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
C. Tancer made a motion to approve School Board Minutes of September 13, 2023.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment


School Boards Public Comment

No public comment.

III. FOB Update


FOB Updates

  • The FOB Board Annual Meeting, elections, year-end review, and all Boards cocktail reception was held on September 20, 2023 
  • The Staff BASH was held at Punch Bowl Social, on October 6, 2023. 39 Board donations and 15 Community Partners helped to sponsor the event
  • BASH: The BASH Committee kick-off was held on October 3, 2023. The event detail planning is underway for a Spring 2024 event.
  • The Fall Appeal is in process and scheduled to take place November 15, 2023. The focus will be on literacy - “Learn to Read/Read to Learn”
  • Social Media Recognition - Community Partners over the next 2 months
  • New Friend/Tours/Major Gifts update:
    • FOB has hosted 5 group tours since August with a total of 49 guests which included current and prospective donors and/or volunteers. 
    • 2 more public tours will be scheduled before the holiday or winter break.
    • Two cultivation meetings were held recently with potential major gift donors for Beyond Breakthrough support.
    • Other grants and gifts: we have received several generous gifts recently, from our friends at the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation, the Louise H. and David S. Ingalls Foundation, Sherwin-Williams Women’s Club, Medical Mutual, and the Dollar General Literacy Foundation.

Update from Jeff Berlin, FOB Board Chair:


The FOB Staff and Board are staying focused on the BPS mission since the departure of John Zitzner in October. FOB and BPS are collaborating on designing a productive and innovative partnership for the next phase of growth and development. There has been great collaboration as both boards manage through leadership transitions.

IV. Acting Co-CEOs Update


Acting Co-CEOs Update

The co-CEOs gave an update.


  • Schools Board Chair Danielle Eisenberg reported that the past month has provided many great opportunities for collaboration and community-building.  
  • BPS Board Chair Sam Steinhouse recently attended the CEO Retreat hosted by CSFG in Phoenix, AZ . 



V. BPS Updates from NLT


Key Topics

BPS Joint Board Metrics 23-23

  • FY24 Network goals progress monitoring was presented which highlighted Academic Achievement, Family Satisfaction, Staff satisfaction, and Fiscal Stewardship as the areas of focus.


  • All scholars have taken the diagnostic i-Ready testing this Fall. Data is used to identify and organize scholars for targeted support and interventions.
  • Fall i-Ready Results – expect numbers to be similar year through year. Results are not used to inform in-year strategy, but rather to provide data-driven underpinnings for school-based tactical planning.
  • As a result of advancements in our data infrastructure, BPS can compare i-Ready historical achievement data in new and exciting ways. The data will be used to help resolve environmental factors or issues. 

NLT SY24 Master Roadmap

  • Juliet gave an update on Network goals, department priorities, functional priorities, aligned actions, transparent progress monitoring, unified org-wide strategy and the Roadmap. 
  • In-depth report included in the board packet.


Scholar Population 

  • SY24 scholar population as of October 12 stands at 2,966.
    • As of last week still in line with budget projections.


  • Overall Surplus/(Deficit) Compared to Budget
    • As of the end of September, based upon current estimates, 5 of 6 Network entities are projected to end FY24 with Net Income above the May Board Approved Budget.
  • Legislative changes have proven beneficial to the network.



NLT Board Reports

Board Reports - materials from the leadership team were shared in the board packet

VI. Committee Updates


Academic Excellence

Danielle Eisenberg and Andrew McRae spoke to the materials that were shared in the board packet.



B. Schlang made a motion to approve BPS August and September 2023 Financials.
S. Steinhouse seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
C. Tancer made a motion to approve Schools August and September 2023 Financials.
J. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.




CEO Support & Evaluation

During the CEO transition and search, committee members have taken the opportunity to review the responsibilities of the committee and the lessons learned. 

VII. School and BPS Boards Approve Consent Agenda


School Board Vote to Approve Consent Agenda

C. Tancer made a motion to approve Consent Agenda of 10.18.2023.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


BPS Board Vote to Approve BPS Consent Agenda

P. Harris made a motion to approve Consent Agenda of 10.18.2023.
A. Lee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VIII. Sponsor Updates


CMSD Updates

Matt Raddo was not present to give an update.


Buckeye Updates

Emily was present to represent Buckeye Hope, sponsor of Village Prep Woodland Hills.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:28 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Steinhouse