Alabama Aerospace and Aviation High School
AAHS January Governing Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday January 16, 2025 at 3:00 PM
1414 2nd Ave North
Bessemer, AL 35020
Governing Board Executive Session
Directors Present
C. French (remote), G. Kim (remote), J. Smith, L. Hasenkamp, L. Pineda, R. Smith, S. Underwood, T. Mills
Directors Absent
A. Niles, M. Sims, T. Wright
Guests Present
C. Knight, M. Robinson, P. Allen, R. Morris
I. Opening Items
Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum
Call the Meeting to Order
Adoption of the Agenda
Approve Minutes from December 12, 2024 Meeting
II. Financials
FY '25 - Decembrer 2024 Financials
FY '25 - LT. Governor Funds + Hope Loan Payoff
III. Committee Reports
Facilities Committee Report
Nominating Committee
No Report
IV. Chief Executive Officer's Report
School Updates
1. Appreciation to C. French for the allowing our staff to dine at his restaurant for our holiday staff appreciation lunch
2. Thank J. Smith for $150K donation
3. Continued fundraising conversation with Captain Carole Hopson + Kathryn Harbert
4. Your trip to DC to meet with senators for FY'26 earmarks
5. EKY Bessemer Airport Modular update
6. Alabama Aerospace & Aviation High School Birmingham Campus Update
- Capacity Hearing last week
- CBS 42 news appearance
7. Recruitment Update
- 35 families have completed our ‘25-‘26 enrollment interest form
- Application for ‘25-‘26 school year will go live January 17th
8. Basketball team is currently 12-3 overall and leading our area in 2A
AAHS - Birmingham Campus
Grant Updates
Upcoming Events
V. School Director Report
SIR Report
Current Enrollment- 149
-28 (19%) Champions are chronic absenteeism
-13 Withdrawals to date ( in Q2)
-2 New Champion Enrollee (1-9th grade 1-11th grade)
Winter MAPS- Week of January 21st
ACT w/ Writing March 13th
End of the Grading period
- Honor Roll/Failures can be presented during Q3 address or February Board Meeting
Dual Enrollment Semester I
- 73.1% Course Success Rate
- 71% Average Grade (includes two students with 0%)
- 22 students enrolled fall semester
- 20 students attempted their courses
- 14 different courses were enrolled in
- 26 total course registration
- The most popular course: US History I with 6 students (all passed!)
- Our Sophomores had an average grade of 96%
- Two seniors added a CCR!
Spring Dual Enrollment students:
22 Champion Enrolled
32 Course Enrollments
- Working with a Champion Parent to identify more ACT prep leading to the test.
- Looking for resources to support a 5-week ACT Intensitive for champions
- Prep from outside companies ranges from $8,500- $25,000
- Our preferred vendor is quoted at $16,000
- In-person instruction once a week 4 hours
- Our preferred vendor is quoted at $16,000
Talent Cycle
-All Staff Members reviewed a Midyear Review
- Formal Evaluations will be held in April using the ALSDE ATOT Tool
-Mrs. Denise Trimm began on January 6, 2025.
-25-26 The Talent Cycle will start on ⅔
- Performance Task/ Sample Teach (Instructional)/Stakeholder Interviews
- Staff turnover rate as of
Culture and Climate
- Gratitude Luncheon 11/21- 20 Families participated
- Inclusion Week- Week of December 2nd
- Festive Week- Week of 12/16
- Staff Holiday - Thanks Attorney French
- Seniors
- 13 Seniors
- 42 College Applications Completed
- 15 College Acceptance to date
- 27 DE hours successfully completed
- Seniors
- Events
- College Tour to UA 1/10- Senior
- AMP Field Trip 12/17
- Interacted w/ mechanics and shops at EKY
- Lectures from Industry Professionals
- FAA Grant Requirement
Behavior Data
- 12- out of school suspensions
- 3 Since Q1 Report
Stakeholder Engagement
- I hosted a small group session with families on 11/21
- Weekly Newsletters for our Family and Communicate Liaison
- Monthly Newsletters from our Post Secondary Success Coordinator
- I will host focus groups in next quarter to focus on
- 2025-2026 school calendar
- Communication assessment
- Culture and Climate
- Pathway Specific Meetings
No Report