CalPac’s mission is to support and encourage all students to relentlessly pursue their life goals by providing an accessible and inclusive personalized learning community.
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.
The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting California Pacific Charter Schools at 949-752-0527.
Section Number
Topic Number
Opening Items
5:00 PM
Call the Meeting to Order
Board President
1 m
Record Attendance
Board President
1 m
Roll Call:
Kelly Wylie, President
Dr. Shirley Peterson, Vice President
Tanya Rogers, Clerk
Bill Howard, Member
Jason McFaul, Member
Pledge of Allegiance
5:02 PM
Led by Board President or designee.
Board President
5 m
Approve Adopt/Agenda
5:07 PM
Board President
1 m
It is recommended the Board of Directors adopt as presented, the agenda for the regular Board meeting of June 13, 2023.
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Approve Minutes
5:08 PM
Minutes of the Regular Board meeting that was held on May 9, 2023.
Approve Minutes
Board President
5 m
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
The public has a right to comment on any items of the closed session agenda. Members of the public will be permitted to comment on any other item within the Board’s jurisdiction under Public Comments/Recognition/Reports.
Adjourn to Closed Session
5:13 PM
The Board will consider and may act on any of the Closed Session matters.
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Closed Session
Board President
20 m
(Gov. Code Section 54956.9(d)(1))
a. TR v. The Collaborative Charter Services Organization, et al.
b. YL v. The Collaborative Charter Services Organization, et al.
Pursuant to Government Code 54957
a. Superintendent, Performance Evaluation and Goals
Reconvene Regular Meeting
5:33 PM
Report out any action that was taken in closed session.
Board President
5 m
Public Comments/Recognition/Reports
Please submit a Request to Speak to the Board of Directors using the chat feature on the right hand side of the Zoom platform. Please state the agenda item number that you wish to address prior to the agenda item being called by the Board President. Not more than three (3) minutes are to be allotted to any one (1) speaker, and no more than twenty (20) minutes on the same subject. This portion of the agenda is for comments, recognitions and reports to the Board and is not intended to be a question and answer period. If you have questions for the Board, please provide the Board President with a written statement and an administrator will provide answers at a later date.
5:38 PM
School Highlights, Presented by Christine Feher, CEO/Superintendent
Items listed under Consent are considered routine and will be approved/adopted by a single motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items; however, any item may be removed from the Consent Calendar upon the request of any member of the Board, discussed, and acted upon separately.
Consent - Business/Financial Services
1 m
Check Registers - May 2023
J.P. Morgan Statement - May 2023
Approval of Special Education Master Contract for Vendor Services 2023-2024
Consent items listed under A and B are considered routine and will be approved/adopted by a single motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Education/Student Services
5:47 PM
Approval of 2023 LCAP Local Performance Indicator Self-Reflection
Ericka Zemmer
5 m
It is recommended the Board approve the 2023 LCAP Local Performance Indicator Self-Reflection report for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751).
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
It is recommended the Board approve Renaissance STAR testing as the verifiable data growth assessment as well as the purchase contract with Renaissance for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751).
Fiscal Impact:Up to$25,000
(Allocation split may vary dependent on actual enrollment)
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $12,500.00 California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $8,000.00 California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $4,500.00
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
In accordance with the Second Amended Bylaws of California Pacific Charter Schools, Article VIII, Officers of the Corporation, Section 3, Election of Officers and Section 9, Secretary, it is recommended the Board of Directors conduct the election for the following corporate officer position:
a. Secretary: _____________________
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Approval of One-Time Discretionary Bonus for Staff
Corrie Amador
5 m
It is recommended the Board approve the one-time discretionary bonus for staff for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751).
Fiscal Impact:$ 317,875.00
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $143,621.25
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $143,621.25
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $30,632.50
* Total fiscal impact will be the bonus amount plus any related CalSTRS benefit or payroll fees, as applicable for eligible employees.
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Approval of Revisions to 2023-2024 Salary Schedules and Associated Reclassifications
Corrie Amador
5 m
It is recommended the Board approve an increase to the 2023-2024 salary schedules and the associated reclassifications of staff for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751).
Fiscal Impact: $ 383,663.43 (Allocation split may vary dependent on actual enrollment) California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $ 191,831.72 California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $ 122,772.30 California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $ 69,059.42
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Approval of Shared Personnel Agreements for July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Corrie Amador
5 m
It is recommended the Board approve the Shared Personnel Agreements between Sage Oak Charter Schools and California Pacific Charter Schools for support from Gretchen Chamberlain, Assistant Director of Compliance and Accountability, and Romy Mason, Special Education Data & Compliance Specialist, effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
Fiscal Impact:
Gretchen Chamberlain, Assistant Director of Compliance & Accountability
Total Annual: $172,647.62 total compensation and benefits.
CalPac 60%
(Allocation split may vary dependent on actual enrollment)
California Pacific Charter - LA (#1751) $49,297.81 California Pacific Charter - SD (#1758) $39,933.39 California Pacific Charter - SO (#2037) $14,357.38
Sage Oak 40%
Sage Oak Charter Schools - $69,059.05
Romy Mason, Special Education Data & Compliance Specialist
Total Annual: $120,740.29 total salary and benefits.
CalPac 80%
(Allocation split may vary dependent on actual enrollment)
California Pacific Charter - LA (#1751) $45,968.24 California Pacific Charter - SD (#1758) $37,236.31 California Pacific Charter - SO (#2037) $13,387.68
Sage Oak 20%
Sage Oak Charter Schools - $24,148.06
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Approval of Property and Casualty Insurance Policies by Bolton & Company (Renewal)
Corrie Amador
7 m
It is recommended the Board approve the renewal of the Property and Casualty Insurance Policies by Bolton & Company for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751), for the 2023-2024 school year.
Fiscal Impact: $98,411.00
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $49,205.50
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $31,491.52
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $17,713.98
Allocation split may vary dependent on actual enrollment
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
It is recommended the Board approve the policies as presented for addition to the Employee Handbook effective July 1, 2023, for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751), for the 2023-2024 school year.
Fiscal Impact: $5,983.90 (Allocation split may vary dependent on actual enrollment) California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $ 2,991.95 California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $ 1,914.85 California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $ 1,077.10
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
It is recommended the Board enter into a public hearing regarding the Preliminary Budget for the 2023-24 school year. During the hearing there will be a presentation on the Preliminary Budget for the 2023-24 school year.
a. 2023-24 Preliminary Budget #1751 California Pacific Charter School-Los Angeles
b. 2023-24 Preliminary Budget #1758 California Pacific Charter School-San Diego c. 2023-24 Preliminary Budget #2037 California Pacific Charter School-Sonoma
e. 2023-24 Budget Overview for Parents - #1751 California Pacific Charter School-Los Angeles
f. 2023-24 Budget Overview for Parents - #1758 California Pacific Charter School-San Diego
g. 2023-24 Budget Overview for Parents - #2037 California Pacific Charter School-Sonoma h. Education Protection Account (EPA) Expenditure Summary #1751 California Pacific Charter School-LA
i. Education Protection Account (EPA) Expenditure Summary #1758 California Pacific Charter School-SD j. Education Protection Account (EPA) Expenditure Summary #2037 California Pacific Charter School-Sonoma
Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) 2023-24
Ericka Zemmer
10 m
It is recommended the Board enter into a public hearing regarding the LCAP for 2023-24. During the hearing there will be a presentation on the LCAP for 2023-24.
a. 2023-24 Budget Overview for Parents (San Diego)
b. 2023-24 LCAP Plan Summary (San Diego)
c. 2023-24 Budget Overview for Parents (Los Angeles)