CalPac’s mission is to support and encourage all students to relentlessly pursue their life goals by providing an accessible and inclusive personalized learning community.
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.
The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting California Pacific Charter Schools at 949-752-0527.
Section Number
Topic Number
Opening Items
5:00 PM
Call the Meeting to Order
Board President
1 m
Record Attendance
Board President
1 m
Roll Call:
Kelly Wylie, President
Dr. Shirley Peterson, Vice President
Tanya Rogers, Clerk
Bill Howard, Member
Jason McFaul, Member
Pledge of Allegiance
5:02 PM
Led by Board President or designee.
Board President
5 m
Approve Adopt/Agenda
5:07 PM
Board President
1 m
It is recommended the Board of Directors adopt as presented, the agenda for the regular Board meeting of February 21, 2023.
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Approve Minutes
5:08 PM
Minutes of the Regular Board meeting that was held on January 10, 2023
Approve Minutes
3 m
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Approval of Resolution No. 2023-2-21 Recognizing a State of Emergency and Re-Authorizing Teleconferenced Meetings Pursuant to AB 361
Board President
3 m
It is recommended the Board approve Resolution No. 2023-2-21 authorizing continued use of remote teleconferencing provisions pursuant to AB 361 and Government Code section 54953.
Option 1
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the governing board has reconsidered the circumstances of the State of Emergency and finds that COVID-19 continues to pose an imminent threat to the health and safety of the community and directly impacts the ability of the members to meet safety in person.
Option 2
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the governing board has reconsidered the circumstances of the State of Emergency and finds that state or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing.
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Plan for In-Person Meetings of the Board of Directors, Presented by Kevin Davis, Procopio Law Firm
Kevin Davis
10 m
It is recommended the Board be presented with the Brown Act Updates for Board meeting participation by teleconference due to the end of the COVID-19 State of Emergency, and return to in-person meetings beginning March 1, 2023.
Please submit a Request to Speak to the Board of Directors using the chat feature on the right hand side of the Zoom platform. Please state the agenda item number that you wish to address prior to the agenda item being called by the Board President. Not more than three (3) minutes are to be allotted to any one (1) speaker, and no more than twenty (20) minutes on the same subject. This portion of the agenda is for comments, recognitions and reports to the Board and is not intended to be a question and answer period. If you have questions for the Board, please provide the Board President with a written statement and an administrator will provide answers at a later date.
5:24 PM
School Highlights, Presented by Christine Feher, CEO/Superintendent
Letter from Warner Unified School District 2022-23 re: First Interim Report, California Pacific Charter School - San Diego, Presented by Christine Feher, CEO/Superintendent
Letter from Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District re: 2022-23 First Interim Report, California Pacific Charter - LA, Presented by Christine Feher, CEO/Superintendent
Items listed under Consent are considered routine and will be approved/adopted by a single motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items; however, any item may be removed from the Consent Calendar upon the request of any member of the Board, discussed, and acted upon separately.
Consent - Business/Financial Services
1 m
Check Registers and J.P. Morgan Statement - January 2023
Approval of New Legal Fee Structure with Young, Minney & Corr LLP, Effective February 1, 2023
Approval of Sage Intacct 2023-24 Accounting Services Contract (Renewal)
Shannon Green
5 m
It is recommended the Board approve the Sage Intacct 2023-24 Accounting Services Contract for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751).
Fiscal Impact:$17,820.00
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $8,954.55
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $5,946.53
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $2,918.92
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Ratification of TeachTown Expenses for Modified Curriculum for Moderate/Severe Special Education Students
Christine Feher
5 m
It is recommended the Board ratify the expenses for TeachTown for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751).
Fiscal Impact:Not to exceed $15,000 to be split by ADA
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $7,537.50
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $5,005.50
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $2,457.00
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
It is recommended the Board approve a three (3) year service agreement with UKG for HR, payroll, and benefits management for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751).
Fiscal Impact:$35,000
$10,000 one time implementation fees, effective fiscal year 2022-23
$25,000 Annual subscription fees for 100 employees, effective fiscal year 2023-24
Fiscal Year 2022-23 impact $10,000 to be split by ADA
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $5,025
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $3,337
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $1,638
Fiscal Year 2023-24 impact $25,000 to be split by ADA
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $12,562.50
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $8,342.50
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $4,095.00
2023-24 fiscal impact split subject to change based on actual ADA of the schools.
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Approval of California Pacific Charter Schools Special Education In-Person Workshop
Christine Feher
5 m
It is recommended the Board approve the California Pacific Charter Schools Special Education In-Person Workshop for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751).
Fiscal Impact: Approximately $18,000 to be split by ADA
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $9,045.00
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $6,006.60
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $2,948.40
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Approval of Purchase of Student Chromebooks and Faculty Computers
Christine Feher
5 m
It is recommended the Board approve the purchase of student chromebooks and faculty computers for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751), for the 2022-23 school year.
Fiscal Impact: Up to $100,000 to be split by ADA
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $50,250
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $33,370
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $16,380
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Ratification of 2023-25 DocuSign Contract (Renewal)
Christine Feher
5 m
It is recommended the Board ratify the 2023-25 DocuSign Contract for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751).
Fiscal Impact: $33,875.00 Total
Fiscal Year 2022-23 impact $14,017.24 to be split by ADA
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $7,043.66
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $4,677.55
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $2,296.02
Fiscal Year 2023-25 impact $19,857.76 to be split by ADA
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $9,978.52
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $6,626.53
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $3,252.70
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
Approval of Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant Expenditure Plan
Shannon Green
5 m
It is recommended the Board approve the Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant Expenditure Plan for California Pacific Charter Schools - Sonoma (#2037), San Diego (#1758), and Los Angeles (#1751).
Fiscal Impact:
California Pacific Charter - Los Angeles (#1751) $221,144
California Pacific Charter - San Diego (#1758) $175,471
California Pacific Charter - Sonoma (#2037) $100,877
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____
It is recommended the Board approve the proposed policy. This policy will replace the current policy and will allow the Board to address any related complaints or issues that may be raised in the school/work environment.
3000 Series - Business and Non Instructional
3016-CPCS Third-Party Processor Policy
Roll Call Vote:
Kelly Wylie
Dr. Shirley Peterson
Tanya Rogers
Bill Howard
Jason McFaul
Moved by ______ Seconded by ______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Absent _____