Alma del Mar


Alma del Mar Board of Trustees Meeting (IN PERSON)

Date and Time

Monday October 28, 2024 at 10:45 AM


Alma Family Center, Fisher College, 777 Church Street, New Bedford, MA 02745

Anti-Racism Statement: Alma del Mar strives to be an anti-racist institution. We seek to dismantle racist and white supremacist structures in pursuit of justice and racial equity. We will fight against racism when we encounter it both within and outside of our school community. We will actively work to ensure that all of our community members, including scholars, families, and staff, feel included, celebrated and empowered. By resisting racism and white supremacy, we will lay the foundation to challenge all forms of oppression. Please read the Equity Lens Guidelines in the Opening Items below before the meeting.

Trustees Present

C. Bator, C. Holley, D. Melo (remote), D. Prentiss, G. Fortes, M. Rosario

Trustees Absent

A. Cortez, C. Wood, J. Korn

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

M. Rosario

Guests Present

B. Kurie, T. DeLoach

I. Opening Items


Equity Lens Guidelines


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Prentiss called a meeting of the board of trustees of Alma del Mar to order on Monday Oct 28, 2024 at 10:38 AM.


Equity Moment

G. Fortes shared about the importance of encouraging folks to vote and making sure everyone is registered and able to vote through a variety of public awareness campaigns both at the YWCA and at Alma. 


Consent Agenda Items

C. Holley made a motion to approve the minutes from Alma del Mar Board of Trustees Meeting on 09-23-24.
G. Fortes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Fortes
A. Cortez
J. Korn
C. Bator
M. Rosario
C. Wood
D. Melo
D. Prentiss
C. Holley
M. Rosario arrived at 10:50 AM.

II. REDI Plan 2024-2025


REDI Plan: Determining Which Areas to Work On Next

G. Fortes suggested a survey be conducted to identify what trustees are interested in focusing on this year. 


Priority 2, Goal A - D. Prentiss noted that it is similar to Priority 3 Goal A and Goal B, and that the trainings needed by the board may overlap and be able to both be addressed in a combined training. 


G. Fortes recommended that committees have their goals set for the year by November and that those goals include a REDI-focused goal.


C. Bator noted that the committees being made up not entirely of trustees means that we have another opportunity to include a diverse set of voices. 

III. Executive Director Report




Executive Director's Report: Academic Update + Strategic Plan Priorities

T. DeLoach shared updates to Alma's accountability data from DESE:

- DESE measures Alma cumulatively, meaning they are combining our progress towards target from 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 to give us our overall rating

- DESE takes an average instead of a yearly snapshot to give schools the chance to demonstrate progress over time

- the data is weighted by year, the theory being that data will be lower the closer you are to the pandemic and should increase year on year


  • Highlights are our English language proficiency total, where we earned 3 out of 4 points, and our lowest performing students whose results are improving at a higher rate than our overall population. Our lowest performing students currently outperform their peers city- and state-wide, but we still have lots of work to do. 
  • 2024-2025 Target Areas for Improvement
  • Achievement/Growth - hoping to make incremental progress this year with more robust improvement in the future driven by our strategic plan
  • English language proficiency - tracking progress of students throughout the year through ELLevation targets and progress monitoring in order update services and supports accordingly; SEI certification for staff
  • Chronic absenteeism - revised tracking and intervention protocol

T. DeLoach shared analysis of the 2024 MCAS results

  • Statewide Math: results are identical to 2023-2024
  • Statewide ELA: results declined by 2% (Alma: -5%)
  • 3-5 Math: Alma is 5th out of 18 public elementary schools in New Bedford 
  • 6-8 Math: Alma is 1st out of 5 public middle schools
  • 6-8 ELA: Alma is 1st out of 5 public middle schools
  • Alma is performing similarly to other charter school peers across the state
  • Alma outperforms New Bedford and Fall River school districts but underperforms as compared to wealthier surrounding districts

Trustees asked questions about a variety of factors that could be influencing performance, including the number of new sixth grade scholars as well as new vs experienced teachers.

T. DeLoach shared an update on Alma's Strategic Plan process with Bellwether:

Summary: The conversations and data highlight the following strengths and opportunities 


Asset-based and mission-aligned adult culture and values

  • Positive relationships across scholars and staff 
  • Strong progress and buy-in of curriculum resources
  • Smooth and effective network and back-office supports (e.g., family engagement, operations, finance, advancement) 


  • Development and retention of teachers and staff, including:
    • Structure for supporting new and/or struggling teachers
    • Supports for leaders/managers
    • Opportunities to engage and maximize impact of skilled teachers
  • Clarity of roles across school and network leadership
  • Academic coherence, ensuring vertical and horizontal alignment across resources and expectations

The Steering Committee reviewed the strengths and opportunities and discussed key themes that informed draft strategic priorities:

Agreement on the importance of talent development as a key priority

  • Interest in examining internal structures to support staff and scholar success
  • Recognition of the need for network-wide alignment
  • Desire to balance concrete, measurable goals with broader visions of scholar and staff success
  • Need for explicit programing and practices in character development (soft skills) 

Priority #1: Educator Excellence

Develop and retain top talent (educators and leaders) by strengthening professional development and supports.

Priority #2: Cohesive K-8 Instruction

Establish a unified academic and character development approach with aligned frameworks, resources, and tools.

Priority #3: Network Clarity

Optimize organizational structure by defining clear roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes across the network and campuses.

C. Bator raised the priority of educator excellence and how Alma is recruiting teachers.  

IV. Academic Excellence


AcEx Committee Update

covered within Executive Director's Report

V. Development


October 2024 Report

Fundraising progress is on track. Annual Report mailing will go out in early November. All trustees should coordinate with B. Kurie to turn in their assigned notes as soon as possible.

VI. Finance


FY25 Q1 Financials

G. Fortes made a motion to accept the Q1 Financials Report.
C. Bator seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Fortes
M. Rosario
C. Wood
C. Holley
D. Melo
C. Bator
J. Korn
A. Cortez
D. Prentiss

VII. Governance


New Board Member Recruitment

G. Fortes reported that we are still looking for additional trustee prospects with strong experience in academics, governance and development. 


Committees Check In

All committees should finalize goals to present at the next board meeting

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:06 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
B. Kurie
Documents used during the meeting
  • Equity_Lens_for_Board_Decisions_and_Committee_Work.pdf
  • Work Flow Outline for Board REDI Plan_AY23-24.pdf
  • AY2024-25 Alma del Mar Board Dashboard - October 2024.pdf
  • For Board - 2024-25 Q1 Academic Update.pdf
  • October 2024 DevComm Report.pdf
  • 1.FY25.SNP.pdf
  • 2.FY25.Q1.CombinedP&L.pdf
  • 3.FY25.Q1.CampusP&Ls.pdf
  • Alma del Mar Committee Members 2024-25.pdf
  • (DRAFT) Committee Goals AY24-25.pdf