Alma del Mar


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday April 22, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Committee Members Present

D. Prentiss (remote), G. Fortes (remote), H. Chew (remote), T. DeLoach (remote)

Committee Members Absent

C. Bator, C. Wood, D. Melo, Y. Dennis

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Fortes called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Alma del Mar to order on Monday Apr 22, 2024 at 10:07 AM.


Approve Minutes

D. Prentiss made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Committee Meeting on 03-22-24.
G. Fortes seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Review Board Demographics

T. DeLoach will reach out to the parent who is interested in joining the Board of Trustees once a meeting schedule has been set. 


A new chair for the Development Committee has not been selected to date. 


Potential New Board Members

T. DeLoach will reach out to Jay Goldrick from Nativity Prep. to ask for suggestions of community members who may be a good fit as potential board members. The Governance Committee still has to identify a board member to serve on the Finance Committee. 


Monthly Board Meeting Timing

The general consensus from the Board of Trustees is that Monday is the best day of the week to hold meetings. The board will review at their meeting on Friday whether it is better to meet during normal business hours or later in the day at 5:00 or 5:30 p.m. 


REDI Plan Updates

D. Prentiss has drafted the equity lens statement and forwarded it to the Board of Trustees for review. The Board will discuss the statement at their meeting on Friday 4/26. 


Alma Strategic Plan Update

T.  DeLoach informed the committee that she has made great progress on the RFP for the strategic plan and will bring highlights to Friday's board meeting. The key goal of the strategic plan will be to set the metrics that drive Alma del Mar to be the best in state among its peers from an academic perspective. After the RFP is submitted, the Governance Committee will review the received proposals that will then be forwarded to the full board. 


765 Church St.

The Governance Committee reviewed details of the property at 765 Church Street. The Foundation will make a market rate offer for the property but in order to have it insured will have to demo all unoccupied structures. The property will be used for green space with options for an administrative building or preschool to be explored at a later date. 

III. Other Business


Addressing Homelessness at Alma

The Governance Committee discussed a recent article featured in New Bedford Light regarding homelessness among New Bedford students. T. DeLoach is working with the Charter Association to correct some information that was misrepresented in the article and that information will be brought to the full board for discussion at the 4/26 meeting. 

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:38 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
H. Chew