Alma del Mar


Board of Trustees Meeting (IN PERSON)

Date and Time

Friday October 27, 2023 at 9:00 AM


Alma Family Center

Fisher College

777 Church Street

New Bedford, MA 02745

Trustees Present

A. Cortez, C. Bator, C. Holley, D. Prentiss, G. Fortes, J. Korn, M. Bride, M. Rosario, Y. Dennis

Trustees Absent

I. Almeida, J. Baptist, L. Hicks

Guests Present

B. Kurie, E. Darrow, New Bedford Cable Access, T. DeLoach

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance

C. Bator noted that he will chair today's meeting in lieu of Jan's absence. 


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Bator called a meeting of the board of trustees of Alma del Mar to order on Friday Oct 27, 2023 at 9:11 AM.


Good & New


Mission Moment


Approve Board Meeting Minutes 9/29/23

D. Prentiss made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees Meeting (VIRTUAL) on 09-29-23.
Y. Dennis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Board Meeting Minutes October 2022

C. Holley made a motion to approve the minutes from October Board Meeting on 10-28-22.
M. Rosario seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Executive Director Report



T. DeLoach reviewed the dashboard and noted several positive leadership changes that are ongoing at the Douglass Campus. 


Executive Director Report

T. DeLoach reviewed the Executive Director Report. 

The highlight of the ED Report this year is the Staff Survey data. 

M. Bride asked how many years of longitudinal data have for this survey and T. DeLoach replied that we have this data back to at least 2015. 

J. Korn asked about the difference between Ottiwell and Douglass Campus survey results. T. DeLoach responded that we are gathering more dataa to ensure that we have a clear picture, but that difference is caused by signficant leadership changes. 

III. Academic Excellence


Q1 Academic Update

T. DeLoach provided the Q1 Academic Update to the Board.

M. Bride asked which grade levels were significantly impacted by COVID. T. DeLoach responded with notes about various grade bands and their ages during the pandemic that has impacted their progress. 

C. Bator noted that the biggest challenge facing Alma today is recovering academically from the impacts of the pandemic. 

T. DeLoach responded that time is the biggest challenge we are facing in addressing academic recovery as scholars have so many competing and equally important needs. 

A. Cortez noted that all students need different things. 

M. Rosario stated that the Board will need to continue to engage in these conversations as we know there is significant need. 

M. Bride asked if we knew of any schools who are doing Saturday school. T. DeLoach responded that we do not have specific data on that but that we have had some success with additional academic recovery on Saturdays. 

C. Bator mentioned seeing some research around having teachers "loop" with the same scholars for multiple years and T. DeLoach responded that we do have some evidence of the impact of looping on scholar results at Alma. 

IV. Development


Development Report

B. Kurie provided the Board with the Development Report. 

B. Kurie stated that we are currently on track to our $300K fundraising goal for the year. 

M. Bride requested that all Trustees consider giving before December. 


Family Fund Update

B. Kurie provided an update about the Alma Family Fund. 

Y. Dennis asked about the free lunch qualified and gender data. 


V. Finance


Approve FY23 Audit Report

C. Holley presented the Audit Report to all Trustees. 

J. Korn made a motion to approve the annual audit.
G. Fortes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Governance


Committee Goals AY23-24

G. Fortes updated Trustees on the Committee Goals. 

One committee will complete their goals in November and then we will vote to approve these in November. 


New Board Members

Two new Trustees will be presented to the Board at the annual meeting following this meeting. 

G. Fortes noted that L. Lozada has resigned from the Board as she has happily joined Alma's staff full time. 

VII. Other Business


CEO Evaluation and Compensation Committee Evaluation Report

This item has been tabled for the November meeting.

C. Bator asked that the Board thank and honor both Lucile Hicks and Jan Baptist for their many years of service to the Alma del Mar Board of Trustees and the wider Alma community. 

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Darrow


For Reference- Board Calendar of Monthly Activities


For Reference- Updated Calendar of Meetings for AY23-24

Documents used during the meeting
  • Board Dashboard October 2023 - Sheet1.pdf
  • E.D. Report 10-27-23.pdf
  • Q1 Academic Update for Board_10.27.23.pdf
  • Oct 2023 DevComm Report.pdf
  • AY23-24 Network Family Fund program - DASHBOARD.pdf
  • ALMA Exit 10.19.23 (1).pdf
  • Committee Goals AY23-24 (2).pdf
  • DANIELA MELO - CV short.docx
  • 2022-10_CV_Wood.pdf
  • Board and Committee Calendar and Suggested Monthly Activities_Updated February 2022 (9).pdf
  • 2023-2024 Board and Committee Meeting Dates (5).pdf