Alma del Mar
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Friday June 23, 2023 at 9:00 AM
Virtual, on Zoom
Trustees Present
G. Fortes (remote), J. Baptist (remote), L. Hicks (remote), M. Rosario (remote)
Trustees Absent
A. Cortez, C. Bator, C. Holley, I. Almeida, L. Lozada, M. Bride, Y. Dennis
Guests Present
Christine Fisher (remote), E. Darrow (remote), New Bedford Cable Accesss (remote), T. DeLoach (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Good & New
Approve Board Meeting Minutes 5/26/23
II. New Board Member
New Board Member Vote
Tabled as a quorum is not present
III. Executive Director Report
L. Hicks inquired about the number of scholars who had exited Alma during the year and asked if we fill the spots using our waitlist.
T. DeLoach responded that yes, up to the lottery in February we continue to fill the spots on the wait list.
T. DeLoach also responded that the campus teams are responsible for supporting the transition of new scholars into the classroom.
L. Hicks asked about the academic transition. T. DeLoach responded that Alma uses our assessment system to determine where the scholar is academically and to fold them into the supports as needed.
Executive Director Report
T. DeLoach highlighted the talent portion of the ED report, noting Alma's significant progress towards being fully hired or the AY23-24 school year.
IV. Academic Excellence
Q4 Academic Update
T. DeLoach summarized the end of year academic report for AY22-23 as well as areas of focus for AY23-24.
L. Hicks asked about ESY and T. DeLoach responded with further details about the program.
V. Development
FY23 Fundraising Report
E. Darrow commented that Alma had surpassed its fundraising goal for AY22-23.
Additionally, Alma is hosting a friendraising event in July to help gain more supporters of Alma.
VI. Finance
FY23 May Financials
C. Fisher provided the Board with an update on the May financials.
L. Hicks asked if we had received all of our funds back from SVB and C. Fisher responded that yes, all of our funds are returned and secure.
C. Fisher departed the meeting.
VII. Governance
2023 Annual Board Self-Assessment
J. Baptist updated the Board that the survey would be sent out in August.
Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule and Format Survey Results & Next Steps
J. Baptist reviewed the calendar of expected meetings for AY23-24.
New Board Chair Update
J. Baptist reports that this is still in flux and the Board hopes to have an update for August.
Review/Report of Committee Goals
Reminder for each committee to review your goals in August for your progress this year and to inform you goals for the next school year.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
For Reference- Board Calendar of Monthly Activities
- JohnKornresume041323.pdf
- Board Dashboard June 20, 2023.pdf
- E.D. Report 6-21-23.pdf
- Q4 Academic Update for Board_6.20.23.pdf
- Comprehensive_Donor_June 2023.xls
- FY23 Fundraising Trackers - FY23 Annual Fund Tracker.pdf
- 1. FY23 Combined SNP May.pdf
- 2. Combined P&L.pdf
- 2023-2024 Board and Committee Meeting Dates.pdf
- Committee Goals 2022-2023 (8).pdf
- Board and Committee Calendar and Suggested Monthly Activities_Updated February 2022 (7).pdf
Tabled as a quorum is not present