Alma del Mar
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Friday December 2, 2022 at 9:00 AM
Trustees Present
A. Cortez, C. Bator, C. Holley, G. Fortes, I. Almeida, L. Hicks (remote), M. Rosario
Trustees Absent
J. Baptist, M. Bride, Y. Dennis
Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened
M. Rosario
Guests Present
E. Darrow, T. DeLoach
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Good & New
Approve Board Meeting Minutes 10/28/2022
II. Executive Director Report
Quarterly Academic Update
T. DeLoach reported that Alma's academic results are lower than pre-pandemic.
T. DeLoach reported that math has historically been Alma's stronger content area pre-pandemic. After huge losses during our remote learning year in 2021, Alma made modest gains in 2022. Alma is still performing significantly below pre-pandemic levels of performance.
T. DeLoach reported that ELA has historically been Alma's weaker content area pre-pandemic. Alma had a relative spike in performance in 2021, following the remote learning school year, when the MCAS test was half-length. Alma's 2022 results are lower than ever before.
T. DeLoach reviewed the Q1 interim assessment data.
C. Bator asked if there were any lessons learned from the success of Ottiwell math. T. DeLoach responded that we have very low turnover in our Ottiwell math department which has led to more experienced teachers in this department.
C. Holley asked if the interim assessments were the same as the interim assessments pre-pandemic. T. DeLoach responded that they are not identical but are comparable.
T. DeLoach reviewed Alma's STEP reading data.
C. Bator asked if test-taking skills contributed to the results.
T. DeLoach responded that Alma has worked to audit testing results by reviewing grading practices and also ensuring a secure testing environment.
T. DeLoach commented that though the data is sobering, it helps drive the work that we are doing moving forward and ensures that we can focus on the highest priority learning for scholars.
T. DeLoach reviewed some of the top data from Alma teachers.
T. DeLoach reiterated the network vision statement for the year: We work to develop and maintain school environments where all scholars are affirmed in their identity and are meaningfully engaged in rigorous instruction. This leads to academic success of all scholars and closes performance/outcome gaps across all demographics.
T. DeLoach reviewed next steps Alma is taking to develop instructional leaders, continue the work of the curriculum team, and to make strategic decisions around talent.
A. Cortez asked about the progress of our scholars who speak multiple languages.
T. DeLoach responded that Alma has increased the number of ESL specialists.
M. Rosario asked how Alma is approaching the difference in demographics between staff and scholars. T. DeLoach responded that Alma is looking at this closely and is intentionally trying to develop a more diverse staff to better represent our scholar population.
C. Bator stated that the Board is eager to support the school's efforts.
C. Bator stated that fundraising should be directed toward hiring the best teachers and staff for the schools.
III. Finance
FY23 October Financials
C. Holley presented the finance report.
The new nutrition program started in November.
C. Bator asked if C. Holley would be able to do a presentation of Alma's financials to Trustees to deeper understanding.
The QALICB is being transferred to the Foundation.
IV. Governance
Board Member Recruitment
The Governance Committee is looking at two potential candidates to join the Board.
The Governance Committee is looking at succession planning for the Board Chair position.
The Governance Committee is looking at all Board documents from a DEI perspective.
Committee Goals
G. Fortes asked that all Committees to review their goals from a racial equity perspective.
V. Other Business
Executive Session
Roll Call | |
G. Fortes |
Y. Dennis |
C. Holley |
M. Rosario |
I. Almeida |
J. Baptist |
L. Hicks |
A. Cortez |
C. Bator |
M. Bride |
T. DeLoach provided an overview of the recent school years given the impact of the pandemic on in person learning.
T. DeLoach reported on Alma's academic performance on MCAS in 2022.