Alma del Mar


Board Meeting

Virtual, On Zoom

Date and Time

Friday August 26, 2022 at 9:00 AM

Friendly reminder that our September Board meeting will be virtual, but our Board Retreat on Oct. 28th will be in person from 9 am - 1 pm. 

Trustees Present

C. Arnold (remote), C. Bator (remote), C. Holley (remote), G. Fortes, I. Almeida (remote), J. Baptist (remote), L. Hicks (remote), M. Bride (remote)

Trustees Absent

A. Cortez, M. Rosario, V. Brown, Y. Dennis

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

C. Bator, G. Fortes

Guests Present

B. Kurie (remote), T. DeLoach (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Baptist called a meeting of the board of trustees of Alma del Mar to order on Friday Aug 26, 2022 at 9:02 AM.


Approve Minutes

C. Holley made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees Meeting on 06-24-22.
L. Hicks seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Almeida
M. Rosario
G. Fortes
J. Baptist
V. Brown
A. Cortez
M. Bride
Y. Dennis
C. Arnold
C. Holley
C. Bator
L. Hicks
G. Fortes arrived.


Executive Director Report

T. DeLoach shared the report with the Board, highlighting the network vision statement and the on the ground work happening to ensure all scholars are successful and safe.

C. Bator arrived.

C. Arnold thanked T. DeLoach and the team for the way the network vision statement doubles down on Alma's commitment to anti-racist work as a means to ensure all scholars are achieving academically.



T. DeLoach highlighted Priority 2 of Alma's Equity Plan. The entire plan will be printed and disseminated to all trustees in October at the in-person Board Retreat.


Board Dashboard

Next month's report will be more complete as data collection is finalized and analyzed.

II. Finance


FY22 Budget vs. Actual

T. DeLoach reports the FY22 budget vs actual shows that we came in over budget in FY22. This occurred due to unforeseen facility expenses and contract services. ESSER funds were used to cover the contract service overages. M. Bride asked what contract services were involved in the increased expenses, and T. DeLoach replied that it was the ABA therapists, a specialty field that is necessary for some of our scholars.


T. DeLoach reported that she is working closely with C. Fisher and the campus teams to make sure our services are in line with the budget. In addition, the specialists we have hired for this year will help in reducing amount of contract services we need to secure.

III. Governance


Board on Track Update

J. Baptist shared that she has been in contact with Board on Track about our account and the capabilities of the platform. This includes Midyear Executive Director Evaluation, Board Assessments, and Prospective Trustees.


In Person vs. Virtual Meetings

J. Baptist shared the news below to frame her message this morning.    

        "On July 16, 2022, Governor Baker signed into Law An Act Relative to Extending Certain 

        State of Emergency Accommodations, which, among other things, extends the expiration

         of the  provisions pertaining to the Open Meeting Law to March 31, 2023.  Specifically, 

          this extension allows public bodies to continue holding meetings remotely without 

         a quorum  of the public body physically present at a meeting location, and to

          provide "adequate, alternative" access to remote meetings.  

          The Act does not make any new changes to the Open Meeting Law other than 

         extending the expiration date of the temporary provisions regarding remote meetings."


From your feedback, when we discussed this at our last meeting and in committee meetings last week, the consensus is to take advantage of this extension and stay virtual.  This location change is reflected in the attached document and nullifies all others. The agenda for Friday's meeting will be published later  today. 


Though we will stay virtual for monthly meetings the  

          Annual Retreat on October 28th will be in person.  

May I urge each of you to put this meeting in your calendar from 9 to after lunch (1 pm). We are working on the program and location and will update you as it gets finalized.   


Board Retreat

Please hold 9 am to 1 pm on Friday, October 28th for the Board Retreat, location TBD.


Governance is considering new trustees to be installed at the Retreat. This process includes reviewing skill sets and terms of our current trustees. B. Kurie will be filling in information on Board on Track and then prompt you to fill in your skill profile so keep an eye on that, please!

J. Baptist reminded that the committees should be working on setting goals for the year and preparing to share them with the board this fall. Committee goals should include Alma's REDI Plan and help work to move those priorities forward.

IV. Development


Development Planning and Priorities

B. Kurie shared that the Development Committee is working on setting fundraising priorities now that the Impact Campaign is successfully closed. See report for more details!

M. Bride reported that we are working to ensure all donors are getting touchpoints with our new executive director. B. Kurie has a listing of donors to strategize with T. DeLoach on introducing them and transitioning relationships as appropriate.

V. Academic Excellence


Academic Report

T. DeLoach shared the academic report, highlighting the academic metrics that have been set for three years. Indicators of whether we are on track to meet those goals over time will be included and referenced throughout the school year during these academic reports.

C. Hicks asked about teacher vacancies with a gap for experienced lead teachers in science, specifically. T. DeLoach reported that the campus team is continuing to work to support and identify solutions for those gaps.


C. Bator asked about how we are measuring the 8th grade scholars' readiness for high school and beyond. T. DeLoach shared that we are focused on providing Differentiated support for scholars based on the grade they are in. Intervention blocks have been built into the middle school level to be used to really focus in on and work on those specific needs. We have also hired extra associate teachers and interventionists to provide these services.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
B. Kurie