Alma del Mar


Board of Trustes

Date and Time

Friday September 25, 2020 at 9:00 AM

Trustees Present

A. Cortez (remote), B. Cunningham (remote), C. Arnold (remote), C. Bator (remote), G. Fortes (remote), J. Baptist (remote), L. Hicks (remote), M. Rosario (remote), V. Brown (remote)

Trustees Absent

M. Kay

Guests Present

E. Darrow (remote), New Bedford Cable Access (remote), W. Gardner (remote)

I. Opening Items


Good and New!


Welcome to Alicia Cortez!


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Baptist called a meeting of the board of trustees of Alma del Mar to order on Friday Sep 25, 2020 at 9:10 AM.


Approve Minutes

C. Arnold made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees on 08-28-20.
G. Fortes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Bator
G. Fortes
L. Hicks
M. Rosario
V. Brown
A. Cortez
C. Arnold
J. Baptist
B. Cunningham
M. Kay

II. Executive Director


Organizational Dashboard

W. Gardner shared the updated Organizational Dashboard with the Board and stated that with input from the Board we can also make adjustments to add additional information.
B. Cunningham asked about the progress of scholars who are still in need of chromebooks. Alma is working diligently with all families to ensure that they have connectivity and can access their remote learning. 


Update on the launch of Stage 1 of Reopening

W. Gardner reports that the small number of scholars currently participating in in-person learning are doing very well! Scholars are joyful and are learning. Additional health and safety measures are in place. 
W. Gardner reported that today is the first quiz day for all remote scholars. 
W. Gardner reported that we have had strong attendance so far with an average of 93%. 


Current Considerations Regarding Stage II of Reopening

W. Gardner reviewed Alma's current planning to bring back our next group of scholars if it is safe and feasible. 
W. Gardner reviewed the data that Alma is looking at to make the determination that it would be safe, as well as key indicators of feasibility such as adequate building ventilation and space. 
Alma is hoping to bring back all kindergarten and first grade scholars who opt into in-person learning at the end of October if it is safe and feasible. 
W. Gardner reviewed the recent family needs survey and discussed the way that Alma is taking that input into consideration in planning to bring additional scholars back in person. 


Update on Racial Equity Team

W. Gardner updated the Board that Alma has partnered with an outside consultant who is beginning work with Alma and the Racial Equity Team now. She is beginning with a staff survey in the coming week. 


Charter Renewal Timeline

E. Darrow provided the Board with a general timeline of the Charter Renewal process, including a virtual site visit in October and final word on our renewal expected in January 2021. 


Organizational Chart for 2020-21

The Board reviewed the organizational chart. 

III. Academic Excellence


20-21 School Year Calendar

E. Darrow reviewed the school calendar with the Board. 
B. Cunningham made a motion to approve the proposed 2020-2021 school calendar.
L. Hicks seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Cunningham
V. Brown
C. Arnold
L. Hicks
M. Kay
A. Cortez
G. Fortes
J. Baptist
C. Bator
M. Rosario


Academic Excellence Goals

J. Baptist noted that the Board would review these committee goals at the next meeting in October. 

IV. Development


Development Update

C. Arnold reviewed the development committee report with the Board.


Development Committee Goals

C. Arnold reviewed the proposed development committee goals.
C. Arnold mentioned a new platform Alma will be using to keep track of donors and progress to date on fundraising. 

V. Finance


Finance Update

B. Cunningham noted that the Finance Committee has a new member.


Finance Committee Goals


EFF Loan Closing Update

B. Cunningham stated that the closing will be delayed until next week but that everything is on track. 


FY20 Audit Update

W. Gardner reported that the audit had no findings thus far and the Board will receive more information prior to the October meeting. 

VI. Governance


Governance Committee Goals

G. Fortes stated that the Governance Committee has revamped the Board Onboarding process in the new remote setting. 
The committee is in the process of recruiting new members and hopes to have 1-2 more trustees to consider adding this year. All officers for the 2020-2021 have been confirmed and the Board will vote on the new slate in October. 
The committee will be meeting with Alma's outside consultant to plan racial equity training for the Board. 
The committee is recommending the Board amend the bylaws at the next meeting so the Board will be able to review the amendment prior to the vote at the next meeting. 

VII. Alma Real Estate


Douglass Construction Update

B. Cunningham and C. Arnold departed the meeting in order to travel to our groundbreaking event occurring later this morning. 

W. Gardner updated the Board on the progress towards construction on the new Frederick Douglass building. 

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:59 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Darrow
Documents used during the meeting