Alma del Mar
Academic Excellence Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 980 0330 7661
Passcode: 144069
I. | Opening Items | |
A. | Record Attendance | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
C. | Approve Minutes from January 2022 | |
II. | Academic Excellence | |
A. | General Check-In | |
Review Q2 scholar data, including STEP reading data, ELA interims, and math interims. Brief updates on attendance, staffing shifts, and ongoing instructional support. |
B. | Plan for upcoming meetings | |
Note that the committee can include teacher spotlights in a future month.
Committee Goal for AY21-22 Educate the Board on issues concerning teacher evaluation and professional development during 2 sessions at Board Meetings per year; Educate the Board on issues of antiracism and anti-bias as it relates to student and teacher performance and outcomes during 2 sessions at Board Meetings per year. |
III. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |