Alma del Mar

Board of Trustees

Published on June 22, 2021 at 3:58 PM EDT
Amended on June 24, 2021 at 1:12 PM EDT

Date and Time

Friday June 25, 2021 at 9:30 AM EDT


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Alma’s Mission Statement
Alma’s mission is to put our scholars on the path to college and to challenge them to be service-minded leaders. By engaging in a rigorous academic program with an emphasis on meaningful work, our students will master essential skills and content, take ownership of their learning and think boldly while addressing complex academic and community issues.
  D. Approve Board Meeting Minutes 5/27/2021
II. Executive Director Report
  A. Data Dashboard
  B. Executive Director Report
  C. School Calendar
This draft calendar for the 2021-2022 includes the required 187 instructional days plus 3 built in snow days as required by Alma's charter for a total of 190 scheduled days. Additionally, it includes one extra day for a full day professional development day that has not yet been scheduled. As a result, this calendar currently includes 191 instructional days. Further planning for professional development will occur over the summer so that a more detailed calendar can be shared with families by the first day of school. 

Additional events to be scheduled:
- Dates of quarters
- Full / Half day PD days
- Dates of Family Conferences
- Family Advisory Council dates
- Additional Spirit Days
  D. Equity @Alma Plan
III. Development
  A. Impact Campaign update
IV. Finance
  A. FY21 May Financials
$1.1 million surplus forecasted for FY21, $830k higher than budgeted (increase in tuition, release of contingency, COVID funding).
No significant changes to forecast.  Updated forecast (contracted services) to reflect Douglass scholars being serviced at Ottiwell Campus.
All COVID grants will be spent by 6/30, with exception of CARES.
Chromebook and laptop orders have been placed and will be reflected in June financials.
DSCR is in compliance.
  B. Capital Reserve Account
Finance Committee is recommending that the Board of Trustees approve a transfer of FY21 surplus funds to a Capital Reserve Account for both campuses to be used for future capital projects (restoration & renewal, capital improvements).  The recommended amount is a transfer of up to $400k and will be determined at year end once the DSCR is finalized.  
V. Governance
  A. Board Self-Evaluation
VI. Academic Excellence
  A. End of Year Academic Update
VII. New Site Development
  A. Update on Construction of the Frederick Douglass Campus
This report was compiled by Dom Tiberi, our Project Manager, who works with Compass Project Management. Dom oversees and coordinates with our General Contractor (Dellbrook) and our Architect (Arrowstreet) as well as other stakeholders involved with this project.
VIII. Compensation and Evaluation
  A. Midyear Review Discussion (Executive Session)
Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the evaluation of the Executive Director
  B. Initiating EOY Review for Executive Director
IX. Other Business
X. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
  B. Board Calendar of Monthly Activities
  C. Board & Committee Goals 2020-2021