Griffin Technology Academies

Regular Board Meeting

Published on August 10, 2024 at 3:48 PM PDT
Amended on August 12, 2024 at 2:48 PM PDT

Date and Time

Tuesday August 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM PDT


233 Hobbs, Vallejo CA 94589


and the following additional locations


2 Positive Place, Vallejo CA 94589

425 Corcoran Vallejo CA 94589

Information can be found on the GTA website. Remote public comment is available by emailing (by the time the item comes up) or via video/teleconference. Non-confidential materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Board after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the school’s main office, 2 Positive Place, Vallejo 94589.



Documents are posted at the same time they are made available to board members. They are available to the public the day of the meeting; after the meeting, please see 'Accessing Board information’ above.


233 Hobbs Ave, Vallejo, CA 94589 Room 21


And the following additional locations:


2 Positive Place, Vallejo, CA 94589

425 Corcoran Ave, Vallejo CA 94589




Teleconference Locations: Members of the public may attend and participate in the meeting at the following remote and teleconference locations:


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Shawna Gilroy
  B. Record Attendance   Shawna Gilroy 1 m
  C. Approve Agenda Vote Shawna Gilroy 2 m
  D. Moment of Reflection   Shawna Gilroy 5 m
  E. Public Comment Discuss Shawna Gilroy 5 m

The public may address the Board regarding any item that is within the jurisdiction of the Board.


  • For items on the agenda, the public may comment at the time the Board considers the agenda item.
  • These comments are limited to two minutes each.
  • To comply with the Brown Act, the Board may listen to comments from the speakers, but can neither discuss nor take action on the issues presented.  Members of the Board are very limited in their response to statements or questions by persons commenting on items not on the agenda.  Board members or staff may: (1) ask clarifying questions, (2) make a brief announcement, (3) make a brief report on or her activities, (4) refer a matter to staff or other resources for information, (5) request that staff report back on a matter at a subsequent meeting, or (6) direct staff to place the matter on a future agenda 
  • Government Code Section 54954.2)
II. Consent Items 6:13 PM
  A. Approve Minutes from 6.25.24 Meeting Approve Minutes Shawna Gilroy 5 m
  B. Approve Minutes 8.1.24 Special Board Meeting Approve Minutes Shawna Gilroy 5 m
  C. Approval of Payments Vote Markus Mullarkey 5 m
  D. Approve Personnel Report Vote Lisa Dodson 3 m
III. Discussion Items 6:31 PM
  A. Prop 51 MIT Campus Update Discuss Brent Zionic 15 m
  B. Strategic Plan Annual Milestones Discuss Nick Driver 10 m
  C. Dress Code Policy Update Discuss Nick Driver 5 m
IV. Action Items 7:01 PM
  A. Consideration of Approval of Updated Organizational Chart Vote Nick Driver 5 m
  B. Consideration of Approval of Updated Administrators Salary Schedule Vote Lisa Dodson 5 m
  C. Consideration of Approval of New Job Descriptions Vote Lisa Dodson 10 m
  D. Consideration of Approval of Title IX Policy Vote Lisa Dodson 5 m
  E. Consideration of Approval of Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, and Bullying Policy Vote Lisa Dodson 1 m
  F. Consideration of Approval of Independent Study Policy Vote Margie DiGiorgio 5 m
  G. Consideration of Approval of Committee Meeting Calendars Vote Nick Driver 10 m
  H. Consideration of Approval of Declaration of Need - Mare Island Technology Academy Vote Nick Driver 5 m
  I. Consideration of Approval of Declaration of Need - Griffin Academy High School Vote Nick Driver 5 m
  J. Consideration of Approval of Declaration of Need - Griffin Academy Middle School Vote Nick Driver 5 m
  K. Consideration of Approval of Declaration of Need - MIT Academy Vote Nick Driver 5 m
V. Student Board Member Reports

Ryan Villanueva MIT High School and Isabella Stolls, Griffin Academy High School

VI. Griffin Education Association Report 8:02 PM
  A. GEA Report Discuss Mitsouky Jerome-McElhaney 5 m
VII. Education Services Report 8:07 PM
  A. Chief Academic Officer Report Discuss Margie DiGiorgio 10 m
VIII. Superintendent's Report 8:17 PM
  A. Griffin Technology Academies Superintendent Report Discuss Nick Driver 10 m
IX. Items for Future Agendas - Board
X. Communications & Announcements
XI. Closed Session 8:27 PM
  A. Vote to go into Closed Session Vote Shawna Gilroy 5 m
  B. Closed Session Discuss Board 40 m


  1.  WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Gov.Code section 54956.9(d)(2).): (1)
  2.  PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION - Government Code Section 54957: Title: Superintendent
  C. Return and Report From Closed Session Discuss Shawna Gilroy 5 m
XII. Closing Items 9:17 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote