The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday May 14, 2020 at 6:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833-6593-8426
Password: 6575
Directors Present
A. Price (remote), C. Robie (remote), D. Forbes (remote), K. Zimmerman (remote), Q. Chu (remote), R. Brown (remote), R. Whittaker (remote), W. Schaff (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
H. Spongberg (remote), M. Huxley (remote), S. Ivery (remote), T. Ammar (remote)
I. Opening Items
Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol
T. Ammar reviewed the Zoom Meeting Protocol.
Call the Meeting to Order
D. Forbes called a meeting of the board of directors of The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board to order on Thursday May 14, 2020 at 6:32 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests (Roll Call)
Public Comments
No public comments.
The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements
D. Forbes read The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements.
II. Consent Agenda
Approve Minutes
C. Robie made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 04-30-20.
R. Whittaker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
K. Zimmerman |
C. Robie |
Q. Chu |
R. Whittaker |
W. Schaff |
D. Forbes |
A. Price |
R. Brown |
A. Price made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 04-30-20.
W. Schaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
AoA/AUSD Technology Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
C. Robie made a motion to approve the amendment to the AoA facilities which will allow AUSD to install a new phone/bell and intercom system as well as a new effective, campus-wide Internet coverage.
W. Schaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Vote on Consent Agenda
D. Forbes made a motion to to approve the consent agenda.
R. Whittaker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Board Communications
Executive Director Evaluation Process
The Board has the responsibility to support the Executive Director. The Evaluation Feedback Survey is available for Board members in BoardOnTrack.
There are two purposes for the Executive Director Evaluation:
1) to provide explicit feedback from the Senior Staff (5) and the Board
2) to bring multiple perspectives to the work at AoA
Three specific areas:
A) Core competencies and role specific competencies for an ED.
B) Significant accomplishments and strengths that the ED has demonstrated this year.
C) The top three things to move the organization forward.
May 26 DL for the board members to submit Evaluation Feedback Survey.
May 28 A closed board meeting on the report compiled by BoardOnTrack.
Jun A board sub committee will put together a draft memo/summary.
Jun 18 A closed board session on the draft memo at 6pm.
Jul 11 The Board will share the final memo with the Executive Director by Jul 11.
The memo will summarize strengths and areas of growth.
There are two purposes for the Executive Director Evaluation:
1) to provide explicit feedback from the Senior Staff (5) and the Board
2) to bring multiple perspectives to the work at AoA
Three specific areas:
A) Core competencies and role specific competencies for an ED.
B) Significant accomplishments and strengths that the ED has demonstrated this year.
C) The top three things to move the organization forward.
May 26 DL for the board members to submit Evaluation Feedback Survey.
May 28 A closed board meeting on the report compiled by BoardOnTrack.
Jun A board sub committee will put together a draft memo/summary.
Jun 18 A closed board session on the draft memo at 6pm.
Jul 11 The Board will share the final memo with the Executive Director by Jul 11.
The memo will summarize strengths and areas of growth.
IV. Action Items
Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) Loan Resolution
Finance Working Group unanimously recommends approval of Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) Loan Resolution.
Following R. Whittaker's remark, one amendment will be made to the last page of the resolution:
Resolved by the Board of Directors of The Academy of Alameda meets all requirements of the PPP certifications;
Resolved by the Board of Directors of The Academy of Alameda, that meets all requirements of the PPP certifications;
Following R. Whittaker's remark, one amendment will be made to the last page of the resolution:
Resolved by the Board of Directors of The Academy of Alameda, that meets all requirements of the PPP certifications;
C. Robie made a motion to approve Board Resolution 2019-20.3 – the Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) Loan Resolution.
K. Zimmerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:59 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
D. Forbes