The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday January 27, 2022 at 6:30 PM PST


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Board Member Attendance (Roll Call)
  C. CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNCIL: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9: 1 case
  D. Open Public Meeting and Report Out Any Actions From the Closed Session
  E. Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol
This is a meeting of the Board. The Board is composed of 9 voting members and 1 non-voting member, the Executive Director. We are using the following protocols to guide our meeting:
  • This meeting is being recorded
  • If someone wishes to speak during the appropriate time, they will use the ‘raise hand’ icon or will raise their hand on video.
  • Please mute yourself when you enter the meeting and while someone else is talking. 
  • Make sure your name is spelled correctly. 
  • Use reactions to give a "thumbs-up" or "clap."


  F. The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements
Mission: The Academy of Alameda equitably develops students into critical thinkers
and life-long learners who navigate the world with integrity, and who apply their learning
to empower themselves and their communities.

Envisioned Future: 
We envision a future where all of our students are successful,
and their destinies are not determined by their demographics.
  G. General Public Comments
II. Consent Agenda
  A. Draft Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes From:

  • December 15 
  • January 7
  • January 11
  • January 13
  • January 20



    Minutes for Board Meeting on December 15, 2021
  B. Check Registers & Credit Card Statement
  • Approve the combined credit card statement and Bank of Marin check register for November.
  C. Vote on Consent Agenda
III. Board Communications
  A. Board Committee Reports

Reports from the following committees:

  • Finance Committee
  • Marketing Committee
  • Development Committee
  • Student Success Committee
  • Ad Hoc ED Transition Committee
  • Ad Hoc ED Search Committee
  B. Fiscal Update

EdTec will update  The Academy of Alameda's Board of Directors on Governor Newsom’s preliminary 2022/23 budget proposal released January 10, 2022 and provide a fiscal update on its impact on both of our schools.

  C. Update on AoA's Material Revision

The Board will receive an update from the January 25 submission of its material revision to AUSD's Board of Education and review key elements of the presentation to be made by AoA staff to AUSD's Board on February 9. 

  D. AoA'S COVID-19 Mitigation Report Update
IV. Action Items
  A. Temporary COVID-19 Related Employee Sick Days Policy

See attached Proposal for Background Information

  B. Temporary Additional Substitute Hourly Pay for Classified Staff
  C. Approval of Board Findings Relating to Teleconference Meetings During State of Emergency
The passage of AB 361 allows public bodies to dispense with certain normally applicable Brown Act teleconferencing requirements wherever a public body holds a meeting during a proclaimed state of emergency and one of three conditions are met:
  1. State or local officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing; or
  2. The meeting is for the purpose of determining, by a majority vote, whether as a result of the state of emergency, meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees; or
  3. The body has determined, by a majority vote, that, as a result of the state of emergency, meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees.
AB 361 provides that if a state of emergency remains in place, a local agency must make the following findings by majority vote every 30 days, in order to continue using the bill’s exemption to the Brown Act teleconferencing rules:
(A) The legislative body has reconsidered the circumstances of the emergency; and
(B) Either of the following circumstances exists:
(1) the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of board members to meet safely in person, or
(2) State or local officials continue to impose or recommend social distancing measures.

Draft Motion: The Academy of Alameda Board of Directors approves continuing to hold Board meetings and Board committee meetings virtually through February 28, 2022 due to the state of emergency related to COVID-19 that continues to directly impact the ability of board members and attendees to meet safely in person pursuant to AB 361.
V. Closing Items
  A. Board Member Reports
  B. Review of Key February 17 Board Meeting Agenda Topics

Key Topics Include:

  • AoA's Material Revision Update
  • COVID-19 Update
  • AUSD Bond Update
  • Approval of Board Findings Relating to Teleconference Meetings During State of Emergency
  • SARC Report
  • Student Success Committee Presentations
  • Summer School Program
  • Principal Salary Schedule Proposal
  • 2022/23 Bell Schedule
  • Enrollment Update
  C. Adjourn Meeting