The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday November 19, 2020 at 6:30 PM PST


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Zoom Meeting Agreements and Protocol
  • This meeting is being recorded
  • Please mute yourself when you enter the meeting and while someone else is talking. 
  • Use the "raise-hand" icon or raise your hand on video if you have a question.
  • Make sure your name is spelled correctly. 
  • You can use the chatbox to write a question.
  • Use reactions to give a "thumbs-up" or "clap."


  C. Record Board Member Attendance (Roll Call)
  D. The Board Reviews The Academy of Alameda's Mission and Envisioned Future Statements
Mission: The Academy of Alameda equitably develops students into critical thinkers
and life-long learners who navigate the world with integrity, and who apply their learning
to empower themselves and their communities.

Envisioned Future: 
We envision a future where all of our students are successful,
and their destinies are not determined by their demographics.
  E. General Public Comments
II. Consent Agenda
  A. Draft Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the October 22 Board Meeting.
    Minutes for Board Meeting on October 22, 2020
  B. Check Register & Credit Card Statement
Review and approve the credit card statement for October purchases and Bank of Marin check register for October. These statements and registers show all purchases made using a credit card and vendors paid during the month of October.
  C. Vote on Consent Agenda
III. Board Communications
  A. Board Member Reports
  B. Board Committee Reports
The following committees will report out highlights from their recent committee meetings:
  • Executive Director Support and Evaluation Committee
  • Student Success Committee
  • Board Finance Committee
  • Marketing and Fundraising Committee
  C. Elementary and Middle School Fall Data Presentation (Update on student successes and challenges)
A snap shot of how students are performing for the 1st part of the school year using a variety of evidence, as well as how that evidence is driving actions,
  D. Update On Distance Learning Hubs
The Academy of Alameda implemented a middle school distance learning on Monday, November 2.  The Board will hear an update from middle school staff, as well as an update on a planned elementary distance learning hub for grades 3 through 5.
  E. Equity and Inclusion Design Group Meeting Summary Report From Its 11/14/20 Meeting
IV. Action Items
  A. The Academy of Alameda's COVID-19 Health and Safety Reopening Plan
The Academy of Alameda's COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan outlines the policies, practices, and procedures designed to create a safe and healthy environment for students and staff and to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 to staff and students when they return to campus. The Academy's policy is strongly influenced by county and state guidelines (especially), as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Each school or district must submit its plan to the Alameda County Health Department and receive approval prior to allowing students to return to campus for onsite learning.
  B. Executive Director's Updated Recommendation Regarding AoA's Reopening Plan Timeline
The Executive Director will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding the phase-in plan for grades K-8. The recommendation updates the recommendation made to the Board at its October 22 meeting due to the increase in the daily COVID-19 case rate in Alameda County. 
  C. Board Approved Tagline for The Academy of Alameda


There were two taglines (with some variations of each) that emerged from the work of the Marketing/Fundraising committee and from the input that our Organizational Leadership Team provided. 


1. Cultivating (or empowering) academic confidence and empowering (or cultivating) social justice.


2. We engage, inspire, and empower socially conscious youth (students) or 
    Engaging, inspiring, and empowering socially conscious youth (students)
V. Closing Items
  A. Closed Session: Gov’t Code § 54957(b): Executive Director Goals Update
  B. Review of Key December 15 Board Meeting Agenda Topics
Key Topics Include:
  • 2019/20 Audit
  • 2020/21 1st Interim Report
  • New Website Presentation
  • Vote on New AoA Logo
  • Campus Search and Seizure Board Policy
  • Parent Engagement Policy
  • Enrollment Report
  • Distance Learning Hub Update




  C. Adjourn Meeting