The Academy of Alameda Charter School Board

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday November 30, 2017 at 6:30 PM PST


401 Pacific Avenue, Alameda CA (Room 203 - Upper 1st Quad)


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. C. Public Comments
II. II. Consent Agenda
  A. Approve October 26, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes
  B. B. Approve Check Registers
Approve the September, 2017 Check Register.
  C. Extension of Maternity Leave/Child Bonding Policy
III. Board Communications
Academic Excellence
  A. Accept Luz Cazares' Resignation
  B. School Directors' Report
  C. Key Financial Reports to The Academy's Board
I have asked Stacie Ivery, our Director of Finance, to present more thorough financial/budgetary reports to the Board a few times throughout the year rather than to have them each month, as it is not not necessary to do a thorough analysis each month unless their is a big shift in revenue or expenditures. She will be giving financial updates each month, but will focus on more critical financial reviews at strategic times (some of them are compliance deadlines) throughout the year. Please see attached for additional information. 
  D. Financial Update
  E. Finance Working Group Share-Out
Share out information regarding the work done thus far towards the goal of creating a new teacher compensation structure for 2018/19 including data from a teacher survey. 
  F. The Executive Director's National Equity Project Equity Challenge
  G. California Dashboard Local Indicators Review

We are required to report out to the Board of Directors information pertaining to how we performed on the Local Indicators portion of The Academy's California Dashboard data.

IV. Action Items
  A. Approval of the 2017-18 1st Interim for the Elementary & Middle School

AoA is required to file two reports during a fiscal year (interim reports) on the status of the our financial health. The first interim report (attached) is due December 15, 2017 for the period beginning July 1, 2016 and ending October 31, 2017. The attached interim reports certifies that AoA is able to meet its financial obligations for 2017-18 and for the two subsequent fiscal years. 

  B. Approve AoA Board Member Job Description
Approve AoA Board member job description with suggested edits in red
  C. Reach Consensus on a 1/2 Day Mid-Year Board Retreat in February

I am proposing that we meet on February 11 from 9am to 1pm to accomplish the following:
1. Create relational agreements between the Executive Director and administrative staff.
2. Create a document that outlines the division of roles between the Executive Director and Board of Directors.
3. Review a draft of the 2018/19 Teacher Compensation Structure.

V. Other Business
VI. Closing Items
  A. Key Agenda Topics for the December 14 Board Meeting

Review of key agenda topics fro the 12/14/17 Board meeting

  B. Adjourn Meeting