Pinnacles Prep Charter School


Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 9, 2021 at 6:00 PM

Small School. Big Difference!
Pinnacles Prep Mission: We exist to cultivate curious, confident, and self-directed students who lead and succeed in college, their careers, and their communities.

Board Norms
Follow Through on All Agreements
Be Fully Present Physically and Mentally
Start and End On Time

Be Bold and Optimistic
Keep Kids at the Center of Our Work
Advance Justice
Put Relationships First and Assume Positive Intent

Trustees Present

F. Fernandez (remote), K. Rutherford (remote), R. Wray (remote), S. Rolfs (remote), T. McGee (remote), T. Treat (remote)

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

T. Treat

Guests Present

J. Fineis (remote)

I. Opening Items


Welcome and Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Wray called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pinnacles Prep Charter School to order on Tuesday Feb 9, 2021 at 6:03 PM.
T. Treat arrived.


Approve Prior Meeting Minutes

T. Treat made a motion to approve the minutes from Pinnacles Prep January Board Meeting on 01-12-21.
K. Rutherford seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment


Open the Floor to Public Comment


III. Principal Report


Update on Upcoming Enrollment Deadline and Potential Lottery Event

Enrollment Deadline Midnight on 17th
On the 18th we will look at numbers and determine if we need a lottery. For sure for 6th and 3 seats away from needing one in 7th grade.
100 student in founding class + 25
71 (73) applicants for 6th grade and 58 for 7th grade
Lottery on 20th starting at 8:00 AM
Would like a quorum of the board
Diana from WA Charters will be our 3rd party observer









Legislative Capitol Grant Request

Senator Hawkins has submitted a capital grant request to the legislature on behalf of the City of Wenatchee to rennovate the facility to support a community learning center.


Covid Impacts on Planning for August Opening


COVID Impacts on August Opening
Discussion about the possibilities of how to proceed in the fall.
We should reach out to other schools that are meeting in person, hybrid and certain PPE Social Distancing measures.
Keep in touch with medical professionals for guidance
Parents need a lot of help and guidance and we need to be able to support them. Technology issues


Afterschool partnerships and "Computers for Kids".   GWATA is donating 20 refurbished MAC books for Pinnacles Families.

IV. Committee Updates



Refer to jill's discussion on lottery and dates.
Great turnout for unloading furniture from EdNW and demo removal


Finance Report

See documents in packets




$17,261 raised in private donations
Writing 3 grants - makerspace, music program and Q3 6th grade project.



Update on facility remodel


Pinnacles Prep Board Resolution Letter
Guarantors of the loan are Rick Wray's in-laws. They are not gaining anything from this contract nor is Rick.



T. Treat made a motion to RESOLVED, that the board of trustees hereby authorizes and directs Jill Fineis, School Principal, and Rick Wray, Board President, to execute loan documents and request draws on behalf of the Pinnacles Prep Charter School with Cashmere Valley Bank.
T. McGee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Rolfs
T. Treat
K. Rutherford
R. Wray
T. McGee
F. Fernandez

V. Board Governance


F1 Financial Disclosure Form Submission

Sara shared the SAW portal for the F1 disclosure forms.
Sara will email a link out to everyone
Karen's advice is to 'not over think it'
Due by next meeting


Watching the Remainder of the Development Training (DEI in Fundraising)

Board watched the DEI fundraising presentation


New Board Member Nomination Process and Board Expansion Plan

R. Wray made a motion to Accept the nomination process and board expansion plan as written with the addition of "City of Wenatchee Representative" under Goal #3 in the expansion plan.
T. Treat seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Other Business


Any Remaining Business to Discuss

Huge thanks to Gene Sharatt, board of EdNW for the furniture donation. Chris Reykdal and Karina Vega Villa.


Anyone wanting to be on teacher hiring committee please let Jill know.


Monday on the 15th we will be running a Snowshoe event for Aspirantes from 12:00 PM  - 2:00 at Squilchuck State Park

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Rolfs