Fitchburg State University
Board of Trustees Budget, Finance, and Facilities
Date and Time
Thursday April 25, 2024 at 1:30 PM
Presidents' Hall, 291 Highland Ave., Fitchburg, MA 01420
Notice of a meeting of the Fitchburg State University Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 1:30 p.m., Presidents' Hall, Mazzaferro Center, 291 Highland Ave., Fitchburg, MA 01420
Committee Members Present
E. Gregoire, K. Spinelli, M. Fiorentino, Jr. (remote)
Committee Members Absent
D. Tiernan
Guests Present
C. Stimpson (remote), G. Doiron, L. Barrieau (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes from the March 26, 2024 meeting - VOTE (32- 23/24)
Roll Call | |
K. Spinelli |
D. Tiernan |
D. Phillips |
E. Gregoire |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
II. FY Budget Presentation and Discussion
FY25 Proposed Budget
Jay - housing is showing an increase in revenue but continue to run in a deficit.
The gce side, all the units combined it's a break even point.
He discussed the fair share money, they are taking a long term apporach, there is an investment in Financial Aid. There are other miscellanious funds .
Eric, non of that supplemental funding is not built into any of these numbers, Jay largeset chunk is mass grant. There was a discussion.
Jay discussed expenses, day salaries, fringe benefits, operating budgets,
Utiliites and commodities went up, and housing we are supporting.
The housing payment is going up,.
Eric on the increases, did not fund our annualized increase of our 8%.
Jay not all employees are on the state maintenance.
There was a discussion on payroll pay raises and how they were paid.
Eric the value of that delta he is murky on this.
Unvieristy operating budget.
Jay although making these cuts we are not able to see the differnce because of the pay raises.
Unititles disuccsed, property expenses, Houseing, gce,
GCE still continues to support the unviersity budget.
the fringe rate assumption was discussed.
day operations are coming short, and housign.
continuation of the 3 month freeze, open postiions that don't get filled. we are reccomending directive a million dollar cut in personnell.
Mike - 1.25 million in open position was that was the 12 positions in the narrative.
Jay - any positiin that is open this year will not be filled.
Debbie- basically it is fair to say, these are assumptions, if we continue to do these things it will come up as a saving. These are expenses we will not have if we don't impleemtn these tactics.
The third line is to identify another 1 million dollar staff reductions.
Mike - how have you determined that 1 million dollars?
There is no specific of where the positions that will be eliminated. Jay recoomended to at looking at all the positions that are open to attempt to identify.
Mike - plan is not in place today, but direct a plan to the new admisnitration.
Mike not opposed , the reality that has to be considered to move informed, I would like to be informed , and where thsoe are coming from to have a better udnerstanding of the impact and wjhere they are ocming from.
Eric, all of them were funded in the top funded number,
There was a discussion on positions and what was eliminated in this budget.
Directing the next admisnistration for the next administration
FY25 Proposed Fee Presentation and Discussion
The cost savings was all through attrition.
Eric, please add what the department are, so we can see what they are.
Jay discussed the proposed day fee increases. he taled about the different types of fee increases.
The financial aid would assist with this fee increase. WE would still remain the lowest fees in the system.
Mike - is the same fee reccommendation from last year,
Eric how have the studnets responded to the fee increases. They have not been informed.
What are the housing fee increases, set,
ERic going forward around predictabily, around planning, a little more awareness of what things will be. situational awareness.
Mike - agree with eric things needs to be done over a longer plan of time, having a least type of plan for increase.
Jay discussed the OPtional trainign studnet fee, as you recall this is being recomended to offset the tracking of internatioanl students, this was proposed to help with that workload. this fee has existed in our sister schools,
pat, recognice franca powerpoint, allow and admin to full time ot help offset the increase workload, and the data anticipates may see up to 380 interantial ed studnets.
There are risk on losign stdnet, and studnet dissatisfaction.
Most intitutions have an internailal sutdnet fee.
Mike - Jay and Pat - was this fee presented to us last year.
franca explained the work experience or sTEM work and all hours, requries for thsoe studnets to moditor and track for 3 years after they complete thier sutdnets with this, here it really targeted by the workload increase. If you look at one of the slides of workload increase, vs Fitchburg state and here.
Our sister schools have higher sutdnet fees.
This has changed from general fee increase to an OPT tracking issues.
Eric, this is going to be a traditional year, the point earlier that need to modiored and planned out.
The one piece solutions to think spectualtion,
There was a discussion.
Eric there tied specifically tied to the motion that could be implemented later on.
III. FY25 Budget Votes
FY25 Budget - VOTE (33-23/24)
It was reiterated that the Board would be involved in the process of where and how the personnel savings would obtained.
Roll Call | |
K. Spinelli |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
D. Tiernan |
E. Gregoire |
Day Undergrad Fee Increase - VOTE (34-23/24)
Roll Call | |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
E. Gregoire |
D. Tiernan |
K. Spinelli |
Optional Practical Training (OPT) Fee - VOTE (35-23/24)
Roll Call | |
K. Spinelli |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
E. Gregoire |
D. Tiernan |
Roll Forward of Funds - VOTE (36-23/24)
Roll Call | |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
E. Gregoire |
D. Tiernan |
K. Spinelli |
IV. Edify Financial Dashboards
Draft Financial Dashboard Screenshots
Jay discussed the edify financial dashborad,
He recognzie Carin, these woudl be life dashborad and see diffect things at a specific fime.
This would be to drill down to things to see all the data.
Eric is this tied to Banner, from Banner to edify warehouse .
V. Food Service Discussion
Required Commuter Meal Plan - VOTE (38-23/24)
Rich we wanted to revisit our Chartwells conversation from last year, a proposal for a revision from last year. There were some questiosn around who is carrying the bulk of the weight.
We were asked to formalize feedback.
Laura, The board asked for additional feedback students thoughts and feeligns about thoughts and feeelings of a mandatory commuter meal plan. With assistnace of a consultance firm, but we also got feed back from residents. She discussed a power point in detail. ( attached)
There were incentives to boost the survey.
There were themes across the modality, there was postivie feedback. and addresses a variety of ways such as freshness, consistency of food, and mobile ordering. This is the space they would like to be in.
18% of our undergraduates responded to the survey.
There was a very positive response overall in regards to the survey.
Eric, on the financial aid questions, was it asked eat in the financial aid and incerase there net price. Laura, that was not asked.
Eric, struggle continie with the proposal even if part of ifnancial aid and what does that mean.
Laura these would be covered like other mandaftory fees,
Eric, I don't know the data, that still have unmet need after mass grant plus, I worry about communter students, and not then what fianncial aid is designe id for cost.In these peice in particualty this is one mor ething. There are other needs that might be better served.
Mike - how many studnets acutally recived the survey.
2100 receibed and 18% responded.
Mike in terms of research possess, 18% is not a high number to indicated,
Laura, its in alignment with other responses, I don't think that these are invalid results especially with the feed back that we received last year.
last year feedback, las tyear.
There was a discussion on how the survey was processed last year.
Mike - the number studnets that particpates was a grrou of 39 and 13.
I revied the survey, if ask students if they would be willing to pay for this.
There was a discussion on how the questions were asked.
Miek - any where in the process about access to the space, do they need thier one card each time they use the space.
Karen, the concern, if we dont
do this what wil happen
Add chartwells investment slide.
Do you like the plan or not, will it have an impact moving . We can modernize, it.
The contract expires the 30 of June. If you want to go to a bidding process, they are only going to leave this opportunity for so long, we have a long standing vendor and
The fee is 120 per semester, and 240 a year, for a commuter.
Eric they have indicated that they would extend thier contract, for another year.
I think alot of a few reason, making a deciion with a major vendor with a transition, I worry about making that negoitioan of how this conversation, I get they might not want this proposal.
Rich - I am fairly confident that they would pull it out.
There is a one year lag, the end result if you feel its an important recruiting tool,
Eric, what I worry to ahve it as a requirement.
Rich several have updated their facultiies,
Eric it would be well know you are required, that is a diffeernt thing, I am really struggling with that. That proposition was an immediate recoil. I am not opposed to renovatign the dining commons, its the proposal.
Eric, the proposal could vote down the proposal. Jay said they might be able to come with renovations.
MIke in terms of investment, some type of renovation may still take place, the mandatory fee is not contigeunt upon a renovation.
Mike - is the 120 the same proposal that it was last year.
That was voted down by the full board, if the full board has to go back to full board, and a member that voted no would have to presnet it . You cant jsut bring it back
Mike you have to do this right.
Once the full board acts on it, the committee has no role in this.
There was a vigorous discussion.
There was not action on the Vote ???????
Chartwell's Contract Renewal- VOTE (37-24/24)
Roll Call | |
D. Tiernan |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
E. Gregoire |
K. Spinelli |
VI. Notifications
Financial Statement (N10-23/24)
The Financial Statements were submitted for informational purposes.
Jay discussed the Fy25 budget, there have been no substantial changes to it.
He discussed revenue, state budget, collective bargaining, performance funding, tuition and fees, out of state tuition, financial aid, grants, investment income, sales and services, reserves, scholarship accounts, and transfer from the Foundation.
Mike - on general appropriation, are you using governor budget or house budget,
Jay responded it's the same.
Eric, tuition fee day review, just based upon no increase. Jay this is current fee structure.