Fitchburg State University
Board of Trustees Finance & Administration Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday April 26, 2022 at 8:15 AM
This meeting will be held remotely.
The Fitchburg State University Board of Trustees Finance and Administration Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 26 at 8:15 a.m. This meeting will be held via teleconference as approved by Governor Baker.
For public viewing:
Live stream
Committee Members Present
D. Phillips (remote), K. Spinelli (remote), M. Fiorentino, Jr. (remote)
Committee Members Absent
D. Tiernan
Guests Present
C. Bullis (remote), C. Canney (remote), C. Estrella (remote), E. Gregoire (remote), F. Barricelli (remote), G. Doiron (remote), G. Doiron (remote), J. Bry (remote), J. Cautela III (remote), J. Murdoch (remote), J. Wolfman (remote), L. Barrieau (remote), L. Bayless (remote), M. McKenzie (remote), R. Lapidus (remote), R. Toomey (remote), S. Swartz (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes from November 9, 2021 Finance Committee - VOTE (16-21/22)
Roll Call | |
K. Spinelli |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
D. Phillips |
D. Tiernan |
II. FY2023 Budget Discussion
FY2023 Budget Narrative
J. Bry continued talking about the operating expenses. He talked about returning the 3% back to the departments.
He talked about salaries, fringe benefits and collective bargaining. He stated that by the end of FY23, we need to come to a decision on what to do with the excess housing space. We have adjusted our day enrollment to 2600 FTE and continue to work on longer-term strategies to address the decline in undergraduate enrollment and the associated revenue decline. Accelerated online programs continue to do well and the School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education is predicted to show growth.
There was a discussion on housing deficits.
There was a discussion on inflationary costs and how this budget plans for this within our contingency funds.
J. Bry discussed our cash flow and noted items within the spreadsheets. The federal money has given us time to right size the day operations to better align with a smaller enrollment target.
FY2023 BOT Budget Summary
The BOT Budget Summary was discussed in detail.
FY2023 BOT Fund Summary
The BOT Fund Summary was discussed in detail.
III. FY2023 Budget VOTES
FY2023 Budget - VOTE (17-21/22)
Roll Call | |
D. Phillips |
K. Spinelli |
D. Tiernan |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
Undergraduate University Fee Increase - VOTE (18-21/22)
J. Bry noted that the budget was inclusive of the proposed fee increase and reiterated that this fee had not seen an increase in five years. He talked about what our sister schools are doing with fee increases. The president noted that he anticipates an increase in Mass Grant Plus Funding. M. Fiorentino asked if there are any additional funds allocated to Financial Aid to help students in great financial need. The president responded yes. He noted an increase in Pell Grant funds, and in extreme situations the use of discretionary funds in the Foundation. M. Fiorentino expressed the concern that some families will struggle with even modest increases. The president expressed the same sentiments. The goal is to have students walk away after graduation in a manageable position regarding student debt.
Roll Call | |
D. Phillips |
D. Tiernan |
K. Spinelli |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
GCE Ed. Service Fee Increase - VOTE (19-21/22)
J. Bry discussed the graduate fee increases in detail.
Roll Call | |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
K. Spinelli |
D. Phillips |
D. Tiernan |
GCE Tuition Increase - VOTE (20-21/22)
Roll Call | |
D. Phillips |
K. Spinelli |
D. Tiernan |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
Accelerated Online Program Tuition and Fee Structure - VOTE (21-21/22)
Roll Call | |
D. Tiernan |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
K. Spinelli |
D. Phillips |
Roll Forward of Funds to FY2023 Budget - VOTE (22/21-22)
Roll Call | |
M. Fiorentino, Jr. |
K. Spinelli |
D. Tiernan |
D. Phillips |
IV. Notifications
Financial Statements (N09-21/22)
The financial were submitted for informational purposes.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- VOTE Finance Minutes November 9, 2021.pdf
- Budget Narrative FY2023 4.25.2022.pdf
- FY23 BOT Budget Summary.pdf
- FY23 BOT Fund Summary.pdf
- VOTE Budget FY2023.pdf
- VOTE - DAY Undergraduate University Fee Increase.pdf
- VOTE - GCE Ed Service Fee Increase.pdf
- VOTE - GCE Tuition Increase.pdf
- VOTE - Accelerated Online Program Tuition and Fee Structure.pdf
- VOTE Roll forward of funds to FY2023 budget.pdf
- FSU_MAR 31 2022-Financial Statement with Executive Summary.pdf
The president summarized the budget narrative. He next introduced Carin Bullis, Director of Budgeting.
The president stated that the university’s short-term goal was to stabilize undergraduate enrollment, but that it was too early in the recruitment cycle to know what fall enrollment would look like. He noted that the budget was based on an estimate of 2600 FTE’s. He will provide enrollment updates. Currently, the university undergraduate enrollment is on track compared to last year and it is anticipated that graduate programs will continue to have increased enrollment. He next reported on Residence Life and possible repurposing of some of the unoccupied housing space. On the expense side, he indicated that there is an increase in expenses around obligations to meet salaries. For a number of years, faculty and staff have
not received pay increases. The university needs to provide retro pay and to cover the increases promised for the coming year. He spoke about the need for increased retention efforts and continued efforts around operational efficiency.
The president asked the Board to consider a number of fee proposals and stated that we have not raised the University fee in years.
J. Bry discussed the budget summary sheet line by line in great detail. M. Fiorentino asked about the debt on the Recreation Center and what is our overall debt?
J. Bry stated that our total debt is $54 million. A discussion ensued. At a future board meeting, debt will be discussed as an agenda item.
There was a discussion regarding the residence halls and modifying more rooms into singles.