Athlos Jefferson Parish
AAJP Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday October 4, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Directors Present
H. Wier (remote), J. Holmes, J. Wright (remote), N. Berg (remote), T. Burns
Directors Absent
E. Ketchens, K. Chambers
Guests Present
B. Bressler (remote), C. Martin, Kathleen Wheeler, M. Galatas, Teresa Tate (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Holmes led the Pledge Allegiance with the Board Members.
Record Attendance
Director Wright joined the meeting around 5:40.
Board Member Resignation - Tiffany Nelson
Chair Holmes stated that Tiffany Nelson turned in her board resignation.
Call for Conflict of Interest
Athlos Mission & Vision
Chair Holmes recited the vision & the mission statements.
Board Chair's Message
Chair Holmes read a Board Chair Message that discussed the current state of the school and the urgency to improve in specified areas including academic results, teacher recruitment and building culture.
II. Consent Agenda
Approve Agenda
Roll Call | |
K. Chambers |
H. Wier |
E. Ketchens |
J. Wright |
N. Berg |
J. Holmes |
T. Burns |
Approve September 6, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Meeting Minutes
Roll Call | |
T. Burns |
J. Holmes |
H. Wier |
E. Ketchens |
K. Chambers |
N. Berg |
J. Wright |
New Hires & Stipends
The New Hires & Stipends were approved.
III. Public Comment
No comments at this time.
IV. Administrative Reports
Board Dashboard
Dr. Bressler shared the new board dashboard and reviewed the layout and content with Board members. For future dashboards, the team will add the monthly financials.
Executive Director's Report & Strategic Plan
The Executive Director's Report & Strategic Plan is attached.
Mrs. Martin's shared recent Business Bests:
- Sports teams’ progress in the Crescent Charter League
- New Athlos Academy Athletics Eligibility
- Instructional Leader Team progress
- Hispanic Heritage Festival & Community Health Fair
- City Park night
- Start Date for Afterschool Tutoring
- Student, Staff, and Family Satisfaction Survey delivered this month.
- Staff Spotlight
- Storyteller –Laconia Therrio
Mrs. Martin elaborated on each topic in her Report and shared that she believed they are moving in the right direction for culture and academics for Athlos Academy.
Mrs. Martin also shared the upcoming school events in October:
- National School Lunch week
- Recruitment Fair / Open House - Oct 18th
- High School Career Fair - Oct 19th
- Fire Prevention Week (Fire Truck Presentation) - last week in October
- School Supply Drive with Office Depot starts in October
Director Burns asked for clarification on the assigned oversight of the sports & events eligibility report.
Chair Holmes asked for clarification on the required credentials of tutoring teachers. She also asked the eligibility requirements to receive tutoring and expected participation rates.
Director Burns asked for clarification on how ESS and ELL students are supported for tutoring.
Chair Holmes asked for clarification on participation rates for the after-school program.
Director Burns asked for clarification on the process for tracking absenteeism.
Mrs. Martin then presented the draft School Improvement Plan for 23-24. The plan was a collaborative effort created by the Leadership & Instructional Team including feedback from the teachers. This was based on the plan from last year with additional strategies and targets added.
Ms. Wheeler shared improvement in student behaviors this year. She clarified the Leadership Team's focus on repeat offenders year over year. She also explained the addition of parent conferences that were being held after each suspension this year. In addition, Ms. Wheeler received formal training and is conducting student mediation meetings. Ms. Wheeler also explained the supervisory responsibilities and direct reports for the Assistant Principals this year. She also clarified their main tactics for oversight and support of their assigned staff.
V. Discussion Items
CD Investments
This discussion was tabled to the next meeting.
Salt Water Invasion Preparation
Ms. Tate shared the action plan for the recent Salt Water Wedge issue that has been discussed in the news. Ms. Thomas has ordered a supply of bottled drinking water to cover the school for the 2-month window that is anticipated to be an issue. Quotes have been collected for hand washing stations and generators and will be ordered if needed, but it doesn't appear to be needed at this time.
Teacher Recruitment
Ms. Tate discussed new recruitment strategies for the 24-25 school year. As budgets are limited, Ms. Tate asked board members to provide feedback on which strategies to prioritize.
Director Wier asked for clarification on the reasons we are being given for teachers leaving Athlos.
Chair Holmes shared recent retired teacher recruitment being done by Jefferson Parish School District. Additionally, that some schools are offering unique perks such as 4-day work weeks to attract teachers.
Board members that shared agreed on the following 2 recruitment strategies as the priority:
- Offer signing bonuses payable after XX days of employment to all positions; stay bonuses for returning staff.
- Focused recruitment on retired full or part-time teachers.
Board Retreat Agenda
Chair Holmes reminded all Board members about the AAJP School Board Retreat on October 7th, Saturday, from 8:00-12:00. The retreat agenda includes board training from LAPCS and a disussion on board goals for the year.
VI. Action Items (public comment must be had immediately before each action item vote)
Parent Involvement Policy
Dr. Bressler shared the draft edits to the Parent Involvement Policy for this year to get in compliance with recent regulations.
A motion to approve the revised Parent Involvement Policy was made by XX.
The motion was seconded by XX.
The motion was unanimously approved.
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Meeting adjourned at 7:19
Roll Call | |
H. Wier |
J. Wright |
T. Nelson |
E. Ketchens |
N. Berg |
J. Holmes |
K. Chambers |
T. Burns |
- Resignation_T Nelson 9.26.2023.pdf
- Board chair message_Oct 2023.pdf
- AAJP Dashboard - draft.pdf
- 10_4_2023_Athlos AAJP_Executive Director Report_Board Meeting.pptx
- AAJP 23-24 School Improvement Plan Draft.pdf
- Parent Involvement Policy AAJP.doc
Board Chair Dr. Holmes called this meeting to order at 6:04 p.m.